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201435.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- 201435 Trial of Lashing -- Trial of Lashing -- -- items: 31599 local lashing_flag = 0; local trial_group_id = 0; local client_id = 0; -- character ID, not entity ID local trial_x = 1373; local trial_y = -1125; local trial_z = 1; local trial_h = 60; local trial_mobs = { 201463, 201464, 201465, 201466, 201467, 201468, 201469 }; local cooldown_timer = 1800000; local eject_timer = 900000; local fail_timer = 360000; function event_say(e) local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.self,e.other); if (qglobals["pop_poj_mavuin"] ~= nil) then if (e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Emote(" fixes you with a dark, peircing gaze. 'What do you want, mortal? Are you [" .. eq.say_link( "prepared", false, "prepared") .. "]?"); elseif (e.message:findi("prepared")) then e.self:Say("Very well. When you are ready, you may [" .. eq.say_link("ready to begin the trial of lashing", false, "begin the trial of lashing") .. "]. You must protect the victims from their tormentors. Be wary of the scourge of honor - you cannot fight it directly. You must find and destroy its life force to defeat it. We shall judge the mark of your success."); elseif (e.message:findi("ready to begin the trial of lashing")) then if ( lashing_flag == 0 ) then e.self:Say("Then begin."); -- Move the Player and their Group tot he trial room. local trial_group = e.other:GetGroup(); if (trial_group ~= nil and trial_group.valid) then MoveGroup( trial_group, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), 75, trial_x, trial_y, trial_z, trial_h); trial_group_id = trial_group:GetID(); else client_id = e.other:CharacterID(); e.other:MovePC(201, trial_x, trial_y, trial_z, trial_h); -- Zone: pojustice end -- Spawn the Controller eq.spawn2(201449, 0, 0, trial_x, trial_y, trial_z, trial_h); -- NPC: #Event_Lashing_Control -- Set the Proximity Check Timer; if everyone has left the trial (wipe); then reset things eq.set_timer("proximitycheck", 60000); -- Set a variable to indicate the Trial is unavailable. lashing_flag = 1; else e.self:Say("I'm sorry, the Trial of Lashing is currently unavilable to you."); end elseif (e.message:findi("what evidence of mavuin") ) then if ( e.other:HasItem(31960) ) then eq.set_global("pop_poj_tribunal", "1", 5, "F"); eq.set_global("pop_poj_lashing", "1", 5, "F"); e.other:Message(4, "You receive a character flag!"); end elseif (e.message:findi("i seek knowledge") ) then local marks = { 31796, 31842, 31844, 31845, 31846 , 31960 } local has_six = 1; for k,v in pairs(marks) do if (not e.other:HasItem(v)) then has_six = 0; end end if (has_six == 1) then if (not e.other:HasItem(31599)) then -- give 31599 to e.other e.other:SummonItem(31599); -- Item: The Mark of Justice end elseif (has_six == 0) then e.self:Say("You have done well, mortal, but there are more trials yet for you to complete."); end end end end function event_timer(e) if (e.timer == "ejecttimer") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); despawn_trial_mobs() local trial_group = eq.get_entity_list():GetGroupByID(trial_group_id); if (trial_group ~= nil and trial_group.valid) then MoveGroup( trial_group, trial_x, trial_y, trial_z, 250, 456, 825, 9, 180, "A mysterious force translocates you."); else local client_e = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientByCharID(client_id); if (client_e ~= nil and client_e.valid) then client_e.other:MovePC( 201, 456, 825, 9, 360 ); -- Zone: pojustice client_e.other:Message( 3, "A mysterious force translocates you."); end end HandleCorpses(trial_x, trial_y, trial_z, 200); eq.stop_timer("proximitycheck"); elseif (e.timer == "cooldown") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); lashing_flag = 0; client_id = 0; trial_group_id = 0; despawn_trial_mobs(); eq.stop_timer("proximitycheck"); e.self:Shout("The Trial of Lashing is now Available."); elseif (e.timer == "proximitycheck") then -- The proximitycheck timer is primarily for when a trial has failed -- This check will allow the trial to be re-attempted as soon as -- everyone has left the trial room (or they are kicked out after -- 15minutes by the ejecttimer). -- Check to see if all the PCs have left the Trial area; if so -- Clean Corpses up and release thoe hold and stop the timer. if ( ProximityCheck(trial_x, trial_y, trial_z, 250) == false) then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); eq.stop_timer("cooldown"); eq.stop_timer("ejecttimer"); eq.set_timer("ejecttimer", 100); eq.set_timer("cooldown", 200); end end end function event_signal(e) if (e.signal == 0) then elseif (e.signal == 1) then -- Trial was successful -- 30min till next Trial can start -- 15min Eject Timer to kick any PC out of the Trial Room eq.set_timer("ejecttimer", eject_timer); eq.set_timer("cooldown" , cooldown_timer); eq.stop_timer("proximitycheck"); elseif (e.signal == 2) then -- Trial Failed eq.set_timer("ejecttimer", fail_timer); eq.set_timer("cooldown" , fail_timer); eq.stop_timer("proximitycheck"); eq.set_timer("proximitycheck", 10000); end end function MoveGroup(trial_group, src_x, src_y, src_z, distance, tgt_x, tgt_y, tgt_z, tgt_h, msg) if ( trial_group ~= nil) then local trial_count = trial_group:GroupCount(); for i = 0, trial_count - 1, 1 do local mob_v = trial_group:GetMember(i); if (mob_v ~= nil and mob_v.valid and mob_v:IsClient()) then local client_v = mob_v:CastToClient(); if (client_v.valid) then -- check the distance and port them up if close enough if (client_v:CalculateDistance(src_x, src_y, src_z) <= distance) then -- port the player up client_v:MovePC(201, tgt_x, tgt_y, tgt_z, tgt_h); -- Zone: pojustice if (msg) then client_v:Message(3, msg); end end end end end end end function HandleCorpses(src_x, src_y, src_z, dist) -- Move Player Corpses from the Trial Area to the Grave Yard local clist = eq.get_entity_list():GetCorpseList(); if ( clist ~= nil ) then for corpse in clist.entries do if ( corpse:IsPlayerCorpse() ) then if (corpse:CalculateDistance(src_x, src_y, src_z) < dist) then corpse:GMMove(58, -47, 2); end elseif ( corpse:IsNPCCorpse() ) then if (corpse:CalculateDistance(src_x, src_y, src_z) < dist) then corpse:Delete(); end end end end end function ProximityCheck(chk_x, chk_y, chk_z, dist) local players_in_prox = false; local clist = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); if ( clist ~= nil ) then for client in clist.entries do if (client:CalculateDistance(chk_x, chk_y, chk_z) < dist) then players_in_prox = true; end end end return players_in_prox; end function despawn_trial_mobs() for k,v in pairs(trial_mobs) do eq.depop_all(v); end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022