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#Event_Torture_Control.lua - Quest File
General Info
Quest File
-- 201450 -- #Event_Torture_Control -- -- -- The trial of hanging starts 20 seconds after spiging with the appropriate Tribunal -- -- There are 4 waves of 4 mobs. -- -- After the 1st mob from each wave (each 4 mobs to a wave are uniquely identified) the -- next wave timer will start; 90 seconds after the 1st mob in the wave is killed the -- second wave will spawn. -- -- If a Wave of Mobs is killed in less than 60 seconds then a Wraith of Agony will spawn. -- -- When the Wraith of Agony dies all of the NPCs within the trial will be fully healed. -- -- If a Wraith of Agon spawns and is not aggroed within 60 seconds the Trial fails. -- -- If the first wave of mobs is not aggroed within 5minutes of reaching its final waypoint -- the Trial fails. -- -- A full wave need not be completely killed before the following wave spawns. -- -- After all of the wave of mobs has been killed and all of the Wraith of Agony mobs are killed -- the final boss will spawn. -- local trial_wave = 0; -- Time from when the 1st mob in a wave is killed till -- the next wave spawns; ~90 seconds local wave_timer = 90000; local first_wave = 20000; local trial_mobs = { 201452, 201455, 201475, 201476, 201477, 201478, 201479, 201480, 201481, 201482, 201483, 201484, 201485, 201486, 201487, 201488, 201489, 201490, 201491, 201492}; local wave1 = { 201477, 201478, 201479, 201480 }; local wave2 = { 201481, 201482, 201483, 201484 }; local wave3 = { 201485, 201486, 201487, 201488 }; local wave4 = { 201489, 201490, 201491, 201492 }; local wave1_wraith = 1; local wave2_wraith = 1; local wave3_wraith = 1; local wave4_wraith = 1; local wave1_spawned = 0; local wave2_spawned = 0; local wave3_spawned = 0; local wave4_spawned = 0; local wave1_clear = 0; local wave2_clear = 0; local wave3_clear = 0; local wave4_clear = 0; function event_spawn(e) spawn_prisoners(); -- Mobs should spawn ~20sec after the Event starts eq.set_timer("wave1", first_wave); trial_wave = 0; wave1_clear = 0; wave2_clear = 0; wave3_clear = 0; wave4_clear = 0; wave1_wraith = 1; wave2_wraith = 1; wave3_wraith = 1; wave4_wraith = 1; wave1_spawned = 0; wave2_spawned = 0; wave3_spawned = 0; wave4_spawned = 0; end function event_signal(e) if (e.signal == 1) then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "Success!"); despawn_mobs(); eq.depop(); elseif (e.signal == 5) then -- 201480 an accursed tormentor - from the 1st wave of mobs has arrived at its final -- waypoint in the trial room; -- -- The final waypoint is set to expire after 360 seconds at this point the mobs will -- despawn and the trial will be unable to be completed. -- eq.set_timer("has_trial_started", 300000); elseif (e.signal == 7) then -- Wraith has died; stop the timer and CH all the NPCs and PCs(?) in the trial. eq.stop_timer("wraith_timer"); heal_trial(); elseif (e.signal == 8) then -- Wraith has entered combat; stop the timer. eq.stop_timer("wraith_timer"); elseif (e.signal == 901) then wave1_clear = 1; for k,v in pairs(wave1) do if ( eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(v) ) then wave1_clear = 0; end end if ( wave2_spawned ~= 1 ) then eq.set_timer("wave2", wave_timer); end if ( wave1_clear == 1 and wave1_wraith == 1 ) then spawn_wraith(); end elseif (e.signal == 902) then wave2_clear = 1; for k,v in pairs(wave2) do if ( eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(v) ) then wave2_clear = 0; end end if ( wave3_spawned ~= 1 ) then eq.set_timer("wave3", wave_timer); end if ( wave2_clear == 1 and wave2_wraith == 1 ) then spawn_wraith(); end elseif (e.signal == 903) then wave3_clear = 1; for k,v in pairs(wave3) do if ( eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(v) ) then wave3_clear = 0; end end if ( wave4_spawned ~= 1 ) then eq.set_timer("wave4", wave_timer); end if ( wave3_clear == 1 and wave3_wraith == 1 ) then spawn_wraith(); end elseif (e.signal == 904) then wave4_clear = 1; for k,v in pairs(wave4) do if ( eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(v) ) then wave4_clear = 0; end end if ( wave4_clear == 1 and wave4_wraith == 1 ) then spawn_wraith(); end end if (e.signal == 901 or e.signal == 902 or e.signal == 903 or e.signal == 904) then -- A mob has been killed; stop the "has_trial_started" timer. eq.stop_timer("has_trial_started"); -- If all the waves are clear ( which means all 16 of the 4x4 mobs are dead ). -- Set the Boss Timer to check every second; this is to ensure we don't spawn -- the Boss while there is a Wraith of Agony still up. if ( wave1_clear == 1 and wave2_clear == 1 and wave3_clear == 1 and wave4_clear == 1 ) then eq.set_timer("boss_timer", 1000); end end end function event_timer(e) if (e.timer == "wave1") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); spawn_mobs(1); elseif (e.timer == "wave2") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); spawn_mobs(2); elseif (e.timer == "wave3") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); spawn_mobs(3); elseif (e.timer == "wave4") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); spawn_mobs(4); elseif (e.timer == "boss_timer") then -- If all the Wraiths are dead; spawn the Boss if ( not eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(201452) ) then eq.stop_timer("boss_timer"); eq.spawn2(201455, 0, 0, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), e.self:GetHeading()); -- NPC: Punisher_Veshtaq end elseif (e.timer == "wraith_timer" or e.timer == "has_trial_started") then -- Event Failed eq.stop_timer(e.timer); eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "You have been found unworthy and have failed, you should be shamed and publicly flogged."); -- Tell the Tribunal we failed eq.signal(201438, 2); -- NPC: The_Tribunal Torture Trial despawn_prisoners(); eq.depop(); elseif (e.timer == "wave1_timer") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); wave1_wraith = 0; elseif (e.timer == "wave2_timer") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); wave2_wraith = 0; elseif (e.timer == "wave3_timer") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); wave3_wraith = 0; elseif (e.timer == "wave4_timer") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); wave4_wraith = 0; end end function spawn_wraith() local location = eq.ChooseRandom(1,2); if ( location == 1 ) then eq.spawn2(201452, 51, 0, 723, -1120, 88, 136); -- NPC: wraith_of_agony else eq.spawn2(201452, 0, 0, 915, -1120, 58, 388); -- NPC: wraith_of_agony end eq.set_timer("wraith_timer", 60000); end function spawn_mobs(wave) -- Wave 1 = 201477, 201478, 201479, 201480 -- Wave 2 = 201481, 201482, 201483, 201484 -- Wave 3 = 201485, 201486, 201487, 201488 -- Wave 4 = 201489, 201490, 201491, 201492 -- if the mob is killed in less than 90 seconds, spawn a Wraith of Agony eq.set_timer("wave" .. wave .. "_timer", 90000); local mob1 = 201473 + (4 * wave); -- South Spawns eq.spawn2(mob1 , 49,0,857,-1220,73,510 ); eq.spawn2((mob1+1), 49,0,882,-1220,73,510 ); -- North Spawns eq.spawn2((mob1+2), 50,0,857,-1015,73, 260 ); eq.spawn2((mob1+3), 50,0,882,-1015,73, 260 ); if (wave == 1) then wave1_spawned = 1; elseif (wave == 2) then wave2_spawned = 1; elseif (wave == 3) then wave3_spawned = 1; elseif (wave == 4) then wave4_spawned = 1; end end function spawn_prisoners() -- a tortured prisoner eq.spawn2(201476, 0, 0, 907, -1157, 58, 444); -- NPC: a tortured prisoner eq.spawn2(201476, 0, 0, 831, -1157, 58, 62); -- NPC: a tortured prisoner eq.spawn2(201476, 0, 0, 831, -1084, 58, 180); -- NPC: a tortured prisoner eq.spawn2(201476, 0, 0, 906, -1084, 58, 312); -- NPC: a tortured prisoner -- Pain and Suffering eq.spawn2(201475, 0,0, 912,-1161, 60, 444); -- NPC: Pain_and_Suffering eq.spawn2(201475, 0,0, 824,-1161, 60, 70); -- NPC: Pain_and_Suffering eq.spawn2(201475, 0,0, 824,-1078, 60, 180); -- NPC: Pain_and_Suffering eq.spawn2(201475, 0,0, 910,-1078, 60, 324); -- NPC: Pain_and_Suffering end function despawn_prisoners() local prisoners = { 201476, 201475 } for k,v in pairs(prisoners) do eq.depop_all(v); end end function despawn_mobs() for k,v in pairs(trial_mobs) do eq.depop_all(v); end end function heal_trial() local entity_list = eq.get_entity_list(); for k,v in pairs(trial_mobs) do -- If the NPC is not the Pain and Suffering Mob (no need to heal that one). if (v ~= 201475) then local npc = eq.get_entity_list():GetMobByNpcTypeID(v); if (npc.valid) then --(772, -1148, 76, 175) if ( npc:CalculateDistance(772, -1148, 76) < 175) then npc:SetHP(npc:GetMaxHP()); npc:Emote("shivers as their wounds fade."); end end end end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022