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#Event_Hanging_Control.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- 201448 #Event Hanging Control -- -- There are 4 waves of 4 mobs: -- - 2 Mobs from (201456, 201457, 201458, 201459) -- and -- Any Mobs not killed before both spirits are killed will remain up. -- After the 8th spirit has been killed; spawn Gallows Master Teion -- -- The event starts with 3 prisoners (201471, 201472, 201473) on the three platforms. -- -- Wave #1 -- After 20 seconds; a spirit of suffocation (201460) will spawn with 2 random mobs from (201456, 201457, 201458, 201459) -- After 40 seconds; a second a spirit of suffocation (201460) will spawn. -- -- Wave #2 will start 30 seconds after the second a spirit of suffocation dies -- Same as Wave #1 -- -- Wave #3 will start 30 seconds after the fourth a spirit of suffocation dies -- Same as Wave #1 -- -- Wave #4 will start 30 seconds after the sixth a spirit of suffocation dies -- Same as Wave #1 -- -- Wave #5 -- After the eigth a spirit of suffocation dies Gallows Master Teion (201461) will spawn -- -- Notes: -- Any random mob (201456, 201457, 201458, 201459) not killed with its a spirit of suffocation will remain up until killed. -- Each a spirit of suffocation will pick a prisoner to suffocate. -- - From the time a prisoner is picked: -- -- Immediately Emote (emote 1) -- -- After 25 seconds the Prisoner will Feign Death (emote 3) -- -- After 60 seconds the Prisoner will Die and the Trail will be Failed (emote 4) -- -- Timer is Ended when the a spirit of suffocation dies (prisoner gets a reprieve - emote 2) -- -- Prisoner Emotes: -- 1) The prisoner begins to choke as an invisible noose tightens around his neck. -- 2) The Prisoner gasps, taking in large breaths and coughing as the invisible noose disappears. -- 3) The Prisoner clutches at [her/her] throat, trying to desperately to breathe. -- 4) The prisoner gives one final twitch and suddenly becomes still, its limbs no longer flailing. You have failed. -- local prisoners_list = { 201471, 201472, 201473 }; local spirits_killed = 0; local last_steps = 0; local spirits_to_prisoners = { }; function event_spawn(e) spawn_prisoners(); -- Mobs should spawn ~20 seoncds after Event Starts eq.set_timer("next_wave", 20000); spirits_killed = 0; spirits_to_prisoners = { }; end function event_signal(e) if (e.signal == 7) then depop_prisoners(); eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "Success!"); -- Signal the Tribunal that the Group was Successful eq.signal(201436, 1); -- NPC: The_Tribunal Hanging Trial -- Depop the Controller eq.depop(); elseif (e.signal == 201460 or e.signal == 201474 ) then -- Signal received that one of the a spirit of suffocation's died. -- Look up the Prisoner that it was choking so we can reset its animations. local prisoner = spirits_to_prisoners[ e.signal ]; table.remove( spirits_to_prisoners, e.signal ); eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "The Prisoner grasps, taking in large breaths and coughing as the invisible noose disappears."); -- Can kill off the fail and feign death timers assocated with the -- prisoner. eq.stop_timer("failtimer_" .. prisoner); eq.stop_timer("fdtimer_" .. prisoner); -- Stand the Prisoner Backup eq.get_entity_list():GetMobByNpcTypeID(prisoner):SetAppearance(0); -- Keep track of the number of Spirits we've killed. -- Once we've killed 8 spirits; spawn the boss. -- Every 2 spirits; Spawn the next wave of mobs. spirits_killed = spirits_killed + 1; if ( spirits_killed >= 8 ) then spawn_boss(); elseif ( spirits_killed % 2 == 0 ) then eq.set_timer("next_wave", 30000); end end end function event_timer(e) if (e.timer == "next_wave") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); spawn_mobs(); spawn_spirit(201460); eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "The prisoner begins to choke as an invisible noose tightens around his neck."); -- Spawn the 2nd Spirit 40 seconds after the Wave begins eq.set_timer("next_spirit", 40000); elseif (e.timer == "next_spirit" ) then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); spawn_spirit(201474); eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "The prisoner begins to choke as an invisible noose tightens around his neck."); elseif (e.timer == "fdtimer_201471" or e.timer == "fdtimer_201472" or e.timer == "fdtimer_201473") then eq.stop_timer(e.timer); -- Extract the mob_id from the timer name; as that is the mob we need to feign death local timer_name_not_used, npc_to_feign = string.match(e.timer, "([^_]+)_([^_]+)"); -- FD the prisoner who's timer went off eq.get_entity_list():GetMobByNpcTypeID(tonumber(npc_to_feign)):SetAppearance(3); --eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "The Prisoner clutches at [her/her] throat, trying to desperately to breathe."); eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "The Prisoner clutches at their throat, trying to desperately to breathe."); elseif (e.timer == "failtimer_201471" or e.timer == "failtimer_201472" or e.timer == "failtimer_201473") then -- If the Event has failed; then Kill all the Potential Fail Timers. eq.stop_timer("failtimer_201471"); eq.stop_timer("failtimer_201472"); eq.stop_timer("failtimer_201473"); eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, false, 120, 3, "The prisoner gives one final twitch and suddenly becomes still, its limbs no longer flailing. You have failed."); -- Signal the Tribunal that the Group has failed eq.signal(201436, 2); -- NPC: The_Tribunal Hanging Trial depop_prisoners(); depop_list(); eq.depop(); end end function spawn_spirit(spirit_id) -- Randomize which of the 3 steps the spirit spawns at. local spirit_x = { -50, 0, 50 }; -- Choose Steps/Prisoner local steps = eq.ChooseRandom( 1, 2, 3 ); -- But don't spawn the Spirit in front of the same Prisoner twice. while ( steps == last_steps ) do steps = eq.ChooseRandom( 1, 2, 3 ); end -- Changing the Heading of the prisoner --eq.get_entity_list():GetMobByNpcTypeID(prisoners_list[steps]):SetHeading(125); eq.get_entity_list():GetMobByNpcTypeID(prisoners_list[steps]):SetAppearance(4); -- Keep track of the steps we spawned so we don't do it twice. last_steps = steps; -- If a spirit lives for more than 60 seconds; the event fails. eq.set_timer("failtimer_" .. prisoners_list[steps], 60000); -- if a spirit lives for more than 25 seconds; FD its prisoner. eq.set_timer("fdtimer_" .. prisoners_list[steps], 25000); -- Spawn the Mob eq.spawn2( spirit_id, 0, 0, (490 + spirit_x[steps]), -1139, 73, 250); spirits_to_prisoners[ spirit_id ] = prisoners_list[ steps ]; end function spawn_mobs() -- Spawn 2 of the 4 mobs randomly at the two spawn points. add rare chance to 1 spawn eq.spawn2( eq.ChooseRandom( 201456, 201457, 201458, 201459, 201503), 0, 0, 440, -1093, 73, 248 ); eq.spawn2( eq.ChooseRandom( 201456, 201457, 201458, 201459), 0, 0, 536, -1093, 73, 248 ); end function spawn_boss() -- Spawn the Gallows Master Teion eq.spawn2( 201461, 0, 0, 488, -1068, 73, 250); -- NPC: Gallows_Master_Teion -- Signal the Agenent of the Tribunal (can't leave once the boss spawns) eq.signal( 201075, 3 ); -- NPC: Agent_of_The_Tribunal end function spawn_prisoners() -- Spawn the 3 prisoners by the hangmen's noose eq.spawn2( 201471, 0, 0, 440, -1175, 80, 510); -- NPC: a_sentenced_prisoner eq.spawn2( 201472, 0, 0, 490, -1175, 80, 510); -- NPC: a_sentenced_prisoner eq.spawn2( 201473, 0, 0, 540, -1175, 80, 510); -- NPC: a_sentenced_prisoner end function depop_list() local npc_list = { 201448, 201460, 201461, 201463, 201456, 201457, 201458, 201459, 201471, 201472, 201473, 201474 }; for k,v in pairs(npc_list) do eq.depop_all(v); end end function depop_prisoners() for k,v in pairs(prisoners_list) do eq.depop_all(v); end end function MoveGroup(trial_group, src_x, src_y, src_z, distance, tgt_x, tgt_y, tgt_z, tgt_h) if ( trial_group ~= nil) then local trial_count = trial_group:GroupCount(); for i = 0, trial_count - 1, 1 do local mob_v = trial_group:GetMember(i); if (mob_v ~= nil and mob_v.valid and mob_v:IsClient()) then local client_v = mob_v:CastToClient(); if (client_v.valid) then -- check the distance and port them up if close enough if (client_v:CalculateDistance(src_x, src_y, src_z) <= distance) then -- port the player up client_v:MovePC(201, tgt_x, tgt_y, tgt_z, tgt_h); -- Zone: pojustice end end end end end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022