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utility.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub Dist { my $a = shift; my $b = shift; my $x_dist = $a->GetX() - $b->GetX(); $x_dist = $x_dist * $x_dist; my $y_dist = $a->GetY() - $b->GetY(); $y_dist = $y_dist * $y_dist; my $z_dist = $a->GetZ() - $b->GetZ(); $z_dist = $z_dist * $z_dist; my $total_dist = $x_dist + $y_dist + $z_dist; return sqrt($total_dist); } sub DistNoZ { my $a = shift; my $b = shift; my $x_dist = $a->GetX() - $b->GetX(); $x_dist = $x_dist * $x_dist; my $y_dist = $a->GetY() - $b->GetY(); $y_dist = $y_dist * $y_dist; my $total_dist = $x_dist + $y_dist; return sqrt($total_dist); } sub DistNoRoot { my $a = shift; my $b = shift; my $x_dist = $a->GetX() - $b->GetX(); $x_dist = $x_dist * $x_dist; my $y_dist = $a->GetY() - $b->GetY(); $y_dist = $y_dist * $y_dist; my $z_dist = $a->GetZ() - $b->GetZ(); $z_dist = $z_dist * $z_dist; my $total_dist = $x_dist + $y_dist + $z_dist; return $total_dist; } sub DistNoRootNoZ { my $a = shift; my $b = shift; my $x_dist = $a->GetX() - $b->GetX(); $x_dist = $x_dist * $x_dist; my $y_dist = $a->GetY() - $b->GetY(); $y_dist = $y_dist * $y_dist; my $total_dist = $x_dist + $y_dist; return $total_dist; } sub DistToCoords { my $a = shift; my $xd = shift; my $yd = shift; my $zd = shift; my $x_dist = $a->GetX() - $xd; $x_dist = $x_dist * $x_dist; my $y_dist = $a->GetY() - $yd; $y_dist = $y_dist * $y_dist; my $z_dist = $a->GetZ() - $zd; $z_dist = $z_dist * $z_dist; my $total_dist = $x_dist + $y_dist + $z_dist; return sqrt($total_dist); } sub DistNoZToCoords { my $a = shift; my $xd = shift; my $yd = shift; my $x_dist = $a->GetX() - $xd; $x_dist = $x_dist * $x_dist; my $y_dist = $a->GetY() - $yd; $y_dist = $y_dist * $y_dist; my $total_dist = $x_dist + $y_dist; return sqrt($total_dist); } sub DistNoRootToCoords { my $a = shift; my $xd = shift; my $yd = shift; my $zd = shift; my $x_dist = $a->GetX() - $xd; $x_dist = $x_dist * $x_dist; my $y_dist = $a->GetY() - $yd; $y_dist = $y_dist * $y_dist; my $z_dist = $a->GetZ() - $zd; $z_dist = $z_dist * $z_dist; my $total_dist = $x_dist + $y_dist + $z_dist; return $total_dist; } sub DistNoRootNoZToCoords { my $a = shift; my $xd = shift; my $yd = shift; my $x_dist = $a->GetX() - $b->GetX(); $x_dist = $x_dist * $x_dist; my $y_dist = $a->GetY() - $b->GetY(); $y_dist = $y_dist * $y_dist; my $total_dist = $x_dist + $y_dist; return $total_dist; } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: This is a shorthand way of setting an entity variable #::: Usage plugin::SEV(entity, variable_name, variable_value); #::: Wiki: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference#pluginseventity-variable-name-variable-value sub SEV{ $ent = $_[0]; $var_n = $_[1]; $var_v = $_[2]; $ent->SetEntityVariable($var_n, $var_v); } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: This is a shorthand way of reading an entity variable, it will return a value #::: Usage plugin::REV(entity, variable_name); #::: Wiki: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference#pluginreventity-variable-name sub REV{ $ent = $_[0]; $var_n = $_[1]; # quest::say("Reading " . $var_n . " value is " . $ent->GetEntityVariable($var_n)); return $ent->GetEntityVariable($var_n); } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: A simple way to return the distance between the NPC initiating this plugin and the player, useful for all kinds of situations. Will return true if within distance, false if not. #::: Usage plugin::CheckDist(entity1, distance); #::: Wiki: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference#pluginreventity-variable-name sub CheckDist{ $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); $ent = $_[0]; $dist = $_[1]; if((abs($ent->GetX() - $npc->GetX()) <= $dist) && (abs($ent->GetY() - $npc->GetY()) <= $dist)){ return 1; } else{ return; } } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: A simple way to return the distance between two select entities, useful for all kinds of situations. Will return true if within distance, false if not. #::: Usage plugin::CheckDistBetween2Ents(entity1, entity2, distance); #::: Wiki: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference#plugincheckdistbetween2entsentity1-entity2-distance sub CheckDistBetween2Ents{ $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); $ent = $_[0]; $ent2 = $_[1]; $dist = $_[2]; if((abs($ent->GetX() - $ent2->GetX()) <= $dist) && (abs($ent->GetY() - $ent2->GetY()) <= $dist)){ return 1; } else{ return; } } #::: Author: Hunter (RIP Hunter) #::: AddLoot(amount, chance, @itemarray) -- array can be 1 item or more! #::: Wiki: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference#pluginaddlootamount-chance-itemarray sub AddLoot { my $amount = shift; my $chance = shift; my @itemdrop = @_; #Set to 2 for double lootz! my $Double_Loot = 1; # 1 = Normal 1x loot, 2 = Double Loot, etc for($n = 1; $n <= $amount; $n++) { for($i = 1; $i <= $Double_Loot; $i++) { my $random_number = int(rand($chance)+1); if($random_number == 1){ # 1/chance to drop my $itemz = $itemdrop[ rand @itemdrop ]; quest::addloot($itemz, 1); # 1 charge } } } } 1;
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022