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ranger_1_5.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--301065 marshall --301066 Grinbik_the_Fertile --301067 an_enslaved_earthmover --301068 an_eager_student -- items: 62622 function Marshall_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("adds",10*1000); local entity_list = eq.get_entity_list(); local npc_list = entity_list:GetNPCList(); for npc in npc_list.entries do if (npc.valid and (npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 301066 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 301067 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 301068)) then npc:AddToHateList(e.self:GetHateRandom(),1); end end end end function Grinbik_Say(e) local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.other); if(qglobals["ranger_epic"] == "2" and e.other:HasItem(62844) == true) then if(e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Emote("shouts Aaaah! A deep rumbling voice flows along the ground. I thank you, "..e.other:GetName()..". You have freed me from such torture! Imagine me, Grinbik the Fertile, forced to kill and destroy! I was created to nurture and protect! I must go back to my own home and begin again to be what I was ment to be. I am honored and grateful to you for saving me. I see that you carry a powerful seed, nearly a seedling with its desire to grow! As my first act upon regaining myself I must aid you. If you wish that seed to flourish, you must find the land here that remains fertile. It is a rare thing but I have seen it. Take with you my blessing. This is a portion of my own power and it will aid you and that seed. I also know that my cousin Senvial is a slave here somewhere. You will need his aid as well to achieve your goal. Deliver that seedling and our blessings into the fertile ground and it will grow very quickly indeed! Thank you again "..e.other:GetName().."! All present should praise you for your kind heart and warrior soul."); e.other:SummonItem(62622); -- Item: Grinbik's Blessing if(qglobals["ranger_bloodfield_chest"] == nil) then eq.spawn2(283157,0,0,e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); -- #a chest (Epic 1.5) eq.set_global("ranger_bloodfield_chest","1",5,"F"); end eq.set_timer("depop",8*1000); end end end function Grinbik_Spawn(e) eq.set_next_hp_event(10); end function Grinbik_Timer(e) if(e.timer=="depop") then eq.depop(); elseif(e.timer=="checkstatus") then if(eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(301065) == false) then e.self:Emote("roots himself in the earth and struggles to retain control of his own mind."); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(19, 1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(20, 1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(25, 1); e.self:WipeHateList(); eq.stop_timer("checkstatus"); end end end function Grinbik_HP(e) if (e.hp_event == 10) then eq.set_timer("checkstatus",7*1000); end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.combat, 301065, Marshall_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.say, 301066, Grinbik_Say); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.spawn, 301066, Grinbik_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.hp, 301066, Grinbik_HP); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.timer, 301066, Grinbik_Timer); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022