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rejection.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#!/usr/bin/perl sub reject_say { my $random = int(rand(4)); if ($random == 0) { quest::say("I didn't know Slime could speak common. Go back to the sewer before I lose my temper."); } elsif ($random == 1) { quest::say("Is that your BREATH, or did something die in here? Now go away!"); } elsif ($random == 2) { quest::say("I wonder how much I could get for the tongue of a blithering fool? Leave before I decide to find out for myself."); } elsif ($random == 3) { quest::say("Oh look, a talking lump of refuse. How novel!"); } } sub attack_insult { my $race = plugin::val('$race'); my $random = int(rand(3)); my $raceplural = $race . "s"; if ($random == 0) { quest::say("It's $raceplural like you that have ruined your own lands. You'll not ruin mine!"); } elsif ($random == 1) { quest::say("$raceplural like you are better dead than alive."); } elsif ($random == 2) { quest::say("$raceplural like you must die!"); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022