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rathunt.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; sub GetRatLocation { $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql(); my $currentrat = $_[0]; my $query = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT value from quest_globals where name = '$currentrat'"); $query->execute( ); my $currentlocation = 0; while ( my @row2 = $query->fetchrow_array( ) ) { $currentlocation = $row2[0]; } return $currentlocation; } sub GetRandomFreeLocation { my $restrict = $_[0]; my $maxvalue = $_[1]; if($restrict == 0){ $all_values = "(0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),(13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24),(25),(26),(27),(28),(29),(30),(31),(32),(33),(34),(35),(36),(37),(38),(39),(40)"; } if($restrict == 1){ $all_values = "(0),(3),(4),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(12),(13),(16),(17),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24),(25),(27),(29),(30),(31),(32),(33),(34),(36),(37),(38),(40)"; } $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql(); my $data1 = "REPLACE into temp_globals VALUES $all_values"; my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($data1); $sth1->execute(); my $data2 = "DELETE from temp_globals where value in (SELECT value from quest_globals where name like 'halloween_ratter_%') or value in (SELECT value from quest_globals where name like 'halloween_lock_%') or value > $maxvalue"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($data2); $sth2->execute(); my $data3 = "SELECT * from temp_globals order by CAST(`value` AS SIGNED)"; my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare($data3); $sth3->execute(); if ($sth3->rows() > 0) { while($value = $sth3->fetchrow_array) { push @free_values, $value; } } my $data4 = "DELETE from temp_globals"; my $sth4 = $dbh->prepare($data4); $sth4->execute(); $sth1->finish(); $sth2->finish(); $sth3->finish(); $sth4->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); # choose random number from @free_values my $random_value = $free_values[rand @free_values]; return $random_value; } sub GetRandomIndoorLocation { my $restrict = $_[0]; my $maxvalue = $_[1]; $all_values = "(0),(3),(4),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(12),(13),(16),(17),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24),(25),(27),(29),(30),(31),(32),(33),(34),(36),(37),(38),(40)"; $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql(); my $data1 = "REPLACE into temp_globals_indoor VALUES $all_values"; my $sth1 = $dbh->prepare($data1); $sth1->execute(); my $data2 = "DELETE from temp_globals_indoor where value in (SELECT value from quest_globals where name like 'halloween_ratter_%') or value in (SELECT value from quest_globals where name like 'halloween_lock_%') or value > $maxvalue"; my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare($data2); $sth2->execute(); my $data3 = "SELECT * from temp_globals_indoor order by CAST(`value` AS SIGNED)"; my $sth3 = $dbh->prepare($data3); $sth3->execute(); if ($sth3->rows() > 0) { while(($value) = $sth3->fetchrow_array) { push @free_values, $value; } } my $data4 = "DELETE from temp_globals_indoor"; my $sth4 = $dbh->prepare($data4); $sth4->execute(); $sth1->finish(); $sth2->finish(); $sth3->finish(); $sth4->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); # choose random number from @free_values my $random_value = $free_values[rand @free_values]; return $random_value; } sub GetItemName { $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql(); my $itemid = $_[0]; my $query = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT name from items where id = $itemid"); $query->execute( ); my $itemname = ''; while ( my @row2 = $query->fetchrow_array( ) ) { $itemname = $row2[0]; } return $itemname; } sub GetRandomApperance { $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql(); my $currentzone = $_[0]; my $query = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT npc_types.race FROM (spawnentry INNER JOIN spawn2 ON spawn2.spawngroupID = spawnentry.spawngroupID) INNER JOIN npc_types ON npc_types.id = spawnentry.npcID WHERE spawn2.zone = '$currentzone' AND npc_types.bodytype NOT IN (11, 33, 66, 67) AND npc_types.race NOT IN (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,36,44,55,67,71,72,73,77,78,81,90,92,93,94,106,112,114,127,128,130,139,141,183,236,237,238,239,254,266,330,378,379,380,381,382,383,404,415,522) ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); $query->execute( ); my $newrace = 0; while ( my @row2 = $query->fetchrow_array( ) ) { $newrace = $row2[0]; } if($newrace eq ''){ $newrace = 75; } return $newrace; } sub FindBestGender { $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql(); my $currentrace = $_[0]; my $query = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT gender from npc_types where race = $currentrace ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); $query->execute( ); my $newgender= 0; while ( my @row2 = $query->fetchrow_array( ) ) { $newgender = $row2[0]; } return $newgender; } sub FindBestSize { $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql(); my $currentrace = $_[0]; my $query = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT avg(size) from npc_types where race = $currentrace ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); $query->execute( ); my $newsize= 0; while ( my @row2 = $query->fetchrow_array( ) ) { $newsize = $row2[0]; } return $newsize; } sub GetCurrentTrigger { $dbh = plugin::LoadMysql(); my $currentzone = $_[0]; my $query = $dbh->prepare( "SELECT npc_types.id FROM (spawnentry INNER JOIN spawn2 ON spawn2.spawngroupID = spawnentry.spawngroupID) INNER JOIN npc_types ON npc_types.id = spawnentry.npcID WHERE spawn2.zone = '$currentzone' AND npc_types.id > 998999 and npc_types.id < 999999 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); $query->execute( ); my $npcid= 0; while ( my @row2 = $query->fetchrow_array( ) ) { $npcid = $row2[0]; } return $npcid; } sub Get_rat_x_loc { my $location = $_[0]; @all_locs = (-6227,616,-8,2766,512,-813,-995,-942,219,-247,302,679,120,1131,1699,-400,820,1272,-317,445,3667,-557,1792,383,-220,-1330,102,333,422,-1205,-1379,-1394,265,-492,2126,-623,-3,-804,-533,-279,-1682); my $x_loc = $all_locs[$location]; return $x_loc; } sub Get_rat_y_loc { my $location = $_[0]; @all_locs = (2739,1623,468,-6432,-1643,-439,43,-1223,407,1852,72,-697,272,1130,-372,-1371,1427,-147,-85,-119,-2277,576,282,987,-150,1134,-47,1351,1023,-534,1121,15,399,-391,1012,441,874,-585,344,-164,-447); my $y_loc = $all_locs[$location]; return $y_loc; } sub Get_rat_z_loc { my $location = $_[0]; @all_locs = (-56.6,-52,-3.8,-191,92,69.3,-536.2,18.2,-7.4,-452.8,706.5,2.2,-1.1,-206.4,-161.8,-1.9,-45.6,-427.9,3.1,23.1,7.2,3.1,206.6,-169,-123.1,18.9,-4.9,-142.4,-607.8,-27.5,122.6,-16.2,-193.2,1.2,419.9,1.7,6.9,6.2,2.2,-555.6,93.2); my $z_loc = $all_locs[$location]; return $z_loc; } sub Get_rat_heading { my $location = $_[0]; @all_locs = (220,230,130,180,180,17,12,180,150,190,70,190,190,255,70,65,65,200,65,182,180,130,190,165,255,10,10,50,0,160,104,60,30,20,125,60,240,130,120,90,70); my $heading = $all_locs[$location]; return $heading; } sub Get_rat_zonesn { my $location = $_[0]; @all_locs = ("everfrost","poinnovation","abysmal","greatdivide","dawnshroud","crescent","overthere","gunthak","arena","postorms","natimbi","sleeper","umbral","burningwood","nadox","soldungb","podisease","yxtta","thurgadina","netherbian","fieldofbone","dulak","kithicor","pofire","barindu","growthplane","ssratemple","firiona","hatesfury","jaggedpine","ponightmare","qinimi","wakening","katta","dreadlands","torgiran","nektulos","potimea","riwwi","crystal","mischiefplane"); my $zonesn = $all_locs[$location]; return $zonesn; } sub Get_Zone_Trigger { my $location = $_[0]; @all_locs = (999100,999101,999102,999103,999104,999105,999106,999107,999108,999109,999110,999111,999112,999113,999114,999115,999116,999117,999118,999119,999120,999121,999122,999123,999124,999125,999126,999127,999128,999129,999130,999131,999132,999133,999134,999135,999136,999137,999138,999139,999140); my $trigger = $all_locs[$location]; return $trigger; } sub Get_Location_By_Zone { my $zone = $_[0]; my $location = 0; if($zone eq "everfrost"){$location = 0;} if($zone eq "poinnovation"){$location = 1;} if($zone eq "abysmal"){$location = 2;} if($zone eq "greatdivide"){$location = 3;} if($zone eq "dawnshroud"){$location = 4;} if($zone eq "crescent"){$location = 5;} if($zone eq "overthere"){$location = 6;} if($zone eq "gunthak"){$location = 7;} if($zone eq "arena"){$location = 8;} if($zone eq "postorms"){$location = 9;} if($zone eq "natimbi"){$location = 10;} if($zone eq "sleeper"){$location = 11;} if($zone eq "umbral"){$location = 12;} if($zone eq "burningwood"){$location = 13;} if($zone eq "nadox"){$location = 14;} if($zone eq "soldungb"){$location = 15;} if($zone eq "podisease"){$location = 16;} if($zone eq "yxtta"){$location = 17;} if($zone eq "thurgadina"){$location = 18;} if($zone eq "netherbian"){$location = 19;} if($zone eq "fieldofbone"){$location = 20;} if($zone eq "dulak"){$location = 21;} if($zone eq "kithicor"){$location = 22;} if($zone eq "pofire"){$location = 23;} if($zone eq "barindu"){$location = 24;} if($zone eq "growthplane"){$location = 25;} if($zone eq "ssratemple"){$location = 26;} if($zone eq "firiona"){$location = 27;} if($zone eq "hatesfury"){$location = 28;} if($zone eq "jaggedpine"){$location = 29;} if($zone eq "ponightmare"){$location = 30;} if($zone eq "qinimi"){$location = 31;} if($zone eq "wakening"){$location = 32;} if($zone eq "katta"){$location = 33;} if($zone eq "dreadlands"){$location = 34;} if($zone eq "torgiran"){$location = 35;} if($zone eq "nektulos"){$location = 36;} if($zone eq "potimea"){$location = 37;} if($zone eq "riwwi"){$location = 38;} if($zone eq "crystal"){$location = 39;} if($zone eq "mischiefplane"){$location = 40;} return $location; } return 1;
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022