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random_message.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
###Usage: plugin::RandomSay(chance(1-100), "message1","message2", etc..); #::: Author: Trevius #::: Description: Used for random quest::say messages #::: Usage: plugin::RandomSay(chance(1-100), "message1","message2", etc..); sub RandomSay { my $chance = $_[0]; my $DoMessage = 0; # First roll to see if a message will be sent or not depending on chance if ($chance > 0 && $chance <= 100) { my $RandomNum = plugin::RandomRange(1, 100); if ($RandomNum <= $chance) { $DoMessage = 1; } } # Choose the random message to send and send it if ($DoMessage) { my $count = 1; while ($_[$count]) { $count++; } my $RandMessage = plugin::RandomRange(1, $count); quest::say($_[$RandMessage]); } } #::: Author: Trevius #::: Description: Used for random quest::emote messages #::: Usage: plugin::RandomEmote(chance(1-100), "message1","message2", etc..); sub RandomEmote { my $chance = $_[0]; my $DoMessage = 0; # First roll to see if a message will be sent or not depending on chance if ($chance > 0 && $chance <= 100) { my $RandomNum = plugin::RandomRange(1, 100); if ($RandomNum <= $chance) { $DoMessage = 1; } } # Choose the random message to send and send it if ($DoMessage) { my $count = 1; while ($_[$count]) { $count++; } my $RandMessage = plugin::RandomRange(1, $count); quest::emote($_[$RandMessage]); } } #::: Author: Trevius #::: Description: Used for random emote messages to group #::: Usage: plugin::RandomGroupEmote(chance(1-100), "message1","message2", etc..); sub RandomGroupEmote { my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $chance = $_[0]; my $TextColor = 7; # Set the Text Color for the Message (this one is WHITE) my $DoMessage = 0; # First roll to see if a message will be sent or not depending on chance if ($chance > 0 && $chance <= 100) { my $RandomNum = plugin::RandomRange(1, 100); if ($RandomNum <= $chance) { $DoMessage = 1; } } # Choose the random message to send and send it if ($DoMessage) { my $count = 1; while ($_[$count]) { $count++; } my $RandMessage = plugin::RandomRange(1, $count); my $MyMessage = $_[$RandMessage]; if($client) # Verify we got a client { my $NPCName = $npc->GetCleanName(); # Get the clean name of the NPC sending the message my $ClientGroup = $client->GetGroup(); # Check if the client is in a group if ($ClientGroup) { my $GroupID = $ClientGroup->GetID(); # Get the Group ID for this client my @clientlist = $entity_list->GetClientList(); foreach $ent (@clientlist) { $EntGroup = $ent->GetGroup(); # Check all clients for groups if ($EntGroup) { $EntGroupID = $EntGroup->GetID(); #Check the group ID if ($EntGroupID == $GroupID) # Compare group ID to the original client's group ID { $ent->Message($TextColor, "$NPCName $MyMessage"); # Message all members of the group } } } } else # No Group, so just emote to this client only { $client->Message($TextColor, "$NPCName $MyMessage"); } } } } ###Usage: plugin::RandomCloseEmote(chance(1-100), "message1","message2", etc..); # The idea for this plugin is to make it so you can send a message that can appear differently to the person # who triggered the message and to nearby players. Example: # PlayerA attacks a snake and sees "a snake attacks you!" # PlayerB is nearby and sees "a snake attacks PlayerA!" return 1;
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022