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quest_handin.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
###Akkadius from Blood of the Akkadian#### ###Usage: plugin::QuestHandIn(ItemRewardID, RewardMessageofNPC, NPCAnimation, Case(How many separate items you want handed in) ItemID1, HowManyItem1, [ItemID2, HowManyItem2, ItemID3, HowManyItem3, ItemID4, HowManyItem4]); ###This plugin requires my DoAnim plugin to function properly with the animation function sub QuestHandIn{ my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $itemcount = plugin::var('itemcount'); my $ulevel = plugin::val('$ulevel'); my $npc_name = $npc->GetCleanName(); my $Item1 = 0; my $Item2 = 0; my $Item3 = 0; my $Item4 = 0; my $RewardID = $_[0]; my $NPCMESSAGE = $_[1]; my $NPCANIMATION = $_[2]; my $CaseItems = $_[3]; $Item1 = $_[4]; my $ItemCount1 = $_[5]; $Item2 = $_[6]; my $ItemCount2 = $_[7]; $Item3 = $_[8]; my $ItemCount3 = $_[9]; $Item4 = $_[10]; my $ItemCount4 = $_[11]; my $Reward = quest::varlink($RewardID); if ($CaseItems == 4){ ###If there are four separate item cases ###quest::say("Fallen in case 1 $itemcount"); if (plugin::check_handin($itemcount, $Item1 => $ItemCount1, $Item2 => $ItemCount2, $Item3 => $ItemCount3, $Item4 => $ItemCount4)) { plugin::ClientSay("$NPCMESSAGE"); $client->Message(15, "You have obtained [$Reward]!"); plugin::DoAnim("$NPCANIMATION"); quest::summonitem($RewardID); quest::write("HandIn/$npc_name$zonesn.txt","[$timestamp] : $name the $ulevel has handed in $Item1, $Item2, $Item3, $item4 into $npc_name, and gotten $RewardID."); my $Npc_Name = $npc->GetCleanName(); quest::we(13, "$Npc_Name shouts, 'Congratulations $name on their [$Reward!]"); } } if ($CaseItems == 3){ ###If there are 3 separate item cases ### quest::say("Fallen in case 2"); if (plugin::check_handin($itemcount, $Item1 => $ItemCount1, $Item2 => $ItemCount2, $Item3 => $ItemCount3)) { plugin::ClientSay("$NPCMESSAGE"); $client->Message(15, "You have obtained [$Reward]!"); plugin::DoAnim("$NPCANIMATION"); quest::summonitem($RewardID); quest::write("HandIn/$npc_name$zonesn.txt","[$timestamp] : $name the $ulevel has handed in $Item1, $Item2, $Item3, $item4 into $npc_name, and gotten $RewardID."); my $Npc_Name = $npc->GetCleanName(); quest::we(13, "$Npc_Name shouts, 'Congratulations $name on their [$Reward!]"); } } if ($CaseItems == 2){ ###If there are 2 separate item cases ### quest::say("Fallen in case 3"); if (plugin::check_handin($itemcount, $Item1 => $ItemCount1, $Item2 => $ItemCount2)) { plugin::ClientSay("$NPCMESSAGE"); $client->Message(15, "You have obtained [$Reward]!"); plugin::DoAnim("$NPCANIMATION"); quest::summonitem($RewardID); quest::write("HandIn/$npc_name$zonesn.txt","[$timestamp] : $name the $ulevel has handed in $Item1, $Item2, $Item3, $item4 into $npc_name, and gotten $RewardID."); my $Npc_Name = $npc->GetCleanName(); quest::we(13, "$Npc_Name shouts, 'Congratulations $name on their [$Reward!]"); } } if ($CaseItems == 1){ ###If there is one single item case ###quest::say("Fallen in case 4"); if (plugin::check_handin($itemcount, $Item1 => $ItemCount1)) { plugin::ClientSay("$NPCMESSAGE"); $client->Message(15, "You have obtained [$Reward]!"); plugin::DoAnim("$NPCANIMATION"); quest::summonitem($RewardID); quest::write("HandIn/$npc_name$zonesn.txt","[$timestamp] : $name the $ulevel has handed in $Item1, $Item2, $Item3, $item4 into $npc_name, and gotten $RewardID."); my $Npc_Name = $npc->GetCleanName(); quest::we(13, "$Npc_Name shouts, 'Congratulations $name on their [$Reward!]"); } } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022