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popup_window_utils.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#::: Author: Akkadius #::: Description: If the second arguement is 2, the first arguement has to declare how many characters there are in the line you are presenting. And then it will push the #::: Usage: plugin::PWAutoCenter("Text to be centered in popup window", ([Send Character length to window? = 1] [Use AutoCenter based on given character length = 2])); sub PWAutoCenter{ $Cent = $_[0]; $SendCharLength = $_[1]; if($SendCharLength != 2){ $CentLength = length($Cent); $IC = (53 - ($CentLength * .80) - 4); } else{ $IC = $Cent; } my $n = 0; my $Result = ""; while ($n < $IC){ $Result .= " "; $n++; } if(!$SendCharLength){ return "$Result $Cent"; my $CentLength = 0; } elsif($SendCharLength == 2){ return "$Result"; } else{ return "There are $IC characters in this phrase, use this arguement for Option 2 in Arguement 2"; } my $SendCharLenghth = undef; my $CentLenght = undef; } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Description: Used to send a break int a popup window #::: Usage: plugin::PWBreak() sub PWBreak{ return " _________________________________
"; } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Description: Used to send an indent #::: Usage: plugin::PWIndent() sub PWIndent{ return " "; } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Description: Create a hyperlink #::: Usage: plugin::PWHyperLink("http://www.google.com", "Google Search it!"); sub PWHyperLink{ my $HyperLink = $_[0]; my $HyperLinkMessage = $_[1]; return "
"; } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Description: Create a hyperlink #::: You have to declare this as a 'my' object before you put it inside the popup window text #::: If no color is defined, thi s script will output this link in the popup window: #::: This contains the list that corresponds to the popup colors plugin::PWColor(); http://www.computerhope.com/htmcolor.htm #::: Usage: plugin::PWColor("Color Name"); sub PWColor{ my $ColorText = $_[0]; %PWColor = ( "Red" => "#FF0000", "Turquoise" => "#00FFFF", "Light Blue" => "#0000FF", "Dark Blue" => "#0000A0", "Light Purple" => "#FF0080", "Dark Purple" => "#800080", "Yellow" => "#FFFF00", "Pastel Green" => "#00FF00", "Pink" => "#FF00FF", "Black" => "#000000", "White" => "#FFFFFF", "Light Grey" => "#C0C0C0", "Dark Grey" => "#808080", "Black" => "#000000", "Orange" => "#FF8040", "Brown" => "#804000", "Burgundy" => "#800000", "Forest Green" => "#808000", "Grass Green" => "#408080", "Gray0" => "#150517", "Gray18" => "#250517", "Gray21" => "#2B1B17", "Gray23" => "#302217", "Gray24" => "#302226", "Gray25" => "#342826", "Gray26" => "#34282C", "Gray27" => "#382D2C", "Gray28" => "#3b3131", "Gray29" => "#3E3535", "Gray30" => "#413839", "Gray31" => "#41383C", "Gray32" => "#463E3F", "Gray34" => "#4A4344", "Gray35" => "#4C4646", "Gray36" => "#4E4848", "Gray37" => "#504A4B", "Gray38" => "#544E4F", "Gray39" => "#565051", "Gray40" => "#595454", "Gray41" => "#5C5858", "Gray42" => "#5F5A59", "Gray43" => "#625D5D", "Gray44" => "#646060", "Gray45" => "#666362", "Gray46" => "#696565", "Gray47" => "#6D6968", "Gray48" => "#6E6A6B", "Gray49" => "#726E6D", "Gray50" => "#747170", "Gray" => "#736F6E", "Slate Gray4" => "#616D7E", "Slate Gray" => "#657383", "Light Steel Blue4" => "#646D7E", "Light Slate Gray" => "#6D7B8D", "Cadet Blue4" => "#4C787E", "Dark Slate Gray4" => "#4C7D7E", "Thistle4" => "#806D7E", "Medium Slate Blue" => "#5E5A80", "Medium Purple4" => "#4E387E", "Midnight Blue" => "#151B54", "Dark Slate Blue" => "#2B3856", "Dark Slate Gray" => "#25383C", "Dim Gray" => "#463E41", "Cornflower Blue" => "#151B8D", "Royal Blue4" => "#15317E", "Slate Blue4" => "#342D7E", "Royal Blue" => "#2B60DE", "Royal Blue1" => "#306EFF", "Royal Blue2" => "#2B65EC", "Royal Blue3" => "#2554C7", "Deep Sky Blue" => "#3BB9FF", "Deep Sky Blue2" => "#38ACEC", "Slate Blue" => "#357EC7", "Deep Sky Blue3" => "#3090C7", "Deep Sky Blue4" => "#25587E", "Dodger Blue" => "#1589FF", "Dodger Blue2" => "#157DEC", "Dodger Blue3" => "#1569C7", "Dodger Blue4" => "#153E7E", "Steel Blue4" => "#2B547E", "Steel Blue" => "#4863A0", "Slate Blue2" => "#6960EC", "Violet" => "#8D38C9", "Medium Purple3" => "#7A5DC7", "Medium Purple" => "#8467D7", "Medium Purple2" => "#9172EC", "Medium Purple1" => "#9E7BFF", "Light Steel Blue" => "#728FCE", "Steel Blue3" => "#488AC7", "Steel Blue2" => "#56A5EC", "Steel Blue1" => "#5CB3FF", "Sky Blue3" => "#659EC7", "Sky Blue4" => "#41627E", "Slate Blue" => "#737CA1", "Slate Blue" => "#737CA1", "Slate Gray3" => "#98AFC7", "Violet Red" => "#F6358A", "Violet Red1" => "#F6358A", "Violet Red2" => "#E4317F", "Deep Pink" => "#F52887", "Deep Pink2" => "#E4287C", "Deep Pink3" => "#C12267", "Deep Pink4" => "#7D053F", "Medium Violet Red" => "#CA226B", "Violet Red3" => "#C12869", "Firebrick" => "#800517", "Violet Red4" => "#7D0541", "Maroon4" => "#7D0552", "Maroon" => "#810541", "Maroon3" => "#C12283", "Maroon2" => "#E3319D", "Maroon1" => "#F535AA", "Magenta" => "#FF00FF", "Magenta1" => "#F433FF", "Magenta2" => "#E238EC", "Magenta3" => "#C031C7", "Medium Orchid" => "#B048B5", "Medium Orchid1" => "#D462FF", "Medium Orchid2" => "#C45AEC", "Medium Orchid3" => "#A74AC7", "Medium Orchid4" => "#6A287E", "Purple" => "#8E35EF", "Purple1" => "#893BFF", "Purple2" => "#7F38EC", "Purple3" => "#6C2DC7", "Purple4" => "#461B7E", "Dark Orchid4" => "#571B7e", "Dark Orchid" => "#7D1B7E", "Dark Violet" => "#842DCE", "Dark Orchid3" => "#8B31C7", "Dark Orchid2" => "#A23BEC", "Dark Orchid1" => "#B041FF", "Plum4" => "#7E587E", "Pale Violet Red" => "#D16587", "Pale Violet Red1" => "#F778A1", "Pale Violet Red2" => "#E56E94", "Pale Violet Red3" => "#C25A7C", "Pale Violet Red4" => "#7E354D", "Plum" => "#B93B8F", "Plum1" => "#F9B7FF", "Plum2" => "#E6A9EC", "Plum3" => "#C38EC7", "Thistle" => "#D2B9D3", "Thistle3" => "#C6AEC7", "Lavender Blush2" => "#EBDDE2", "Lavender Blush3" => "#C8BBBE", "Thistle2" => "#E9CFEC", "Thistle1" => "#FCDFFF", "Lavender" => "#E3E4FA", "Lavender Blush" => "#FDEEF4", "Light Steel Blue1" => "#C6DEFF", "Light Blue" => "#ADDFFF", "Light Blue1" => "#BDEDFF", "Light Cyan" => "#E0FFFF", "Slate Gray1" => "#C2DFFF", "Slate Gray2" => "#B4CFEC", "Light Steel Blue2" => "#B7CEEC", "Turquoise1" => "#52F3FF", "Cyan" => "#00FFFF", "Cyan1" => "#57FEFF", "Cyan2" => "#50EBEC", "Turquoise2" => "#4EE2EC", "Medium Turquoise" => "#48CCCD", "Turquoise" => "#43C6DB", "Dark Slate Gray1" => "#9AFEFF", "Dark Slate Gray2" => "#8EEBEC", "Dark Slate Gray3" => "#78c7c7", "Cyan3" => "#46C7C7", "Turquoise3" => "#43BFC7", "Cadet Blue3" => "#77BFC7", "Pale Turquoise3" => "#92C7C7", "Light Blue2" => "#AFDCEC", "Dark Turquoise" => "#3B9C9C", "Cyan4" => "#307D7E", "Light Sea Green" => "#3EA99F", "Light Sky Blue" => "#82CAFA", "Light Sky Blue2" => "#A0CFEC", "Light Sky Blue3" => "#87AFC7", "Sky Blue" => "#82CAFF", "Sky Blue2" => "#79BAEC", "Light Sky Blue4" => "#566D7E", "Sky Blue" => "#6698FF", "Light Slate Blue" => "#736AFF", "Light Cyan2" => "#CFECEC", "Light Cyan3" => "#AFC7C7", "Light Cyan4" => "#717D7D", "Light Blue3" => "#95B9C7", "Light Blue4" => "#5E767E", "Pale Turquoise4" => "#5E7D7E", "Dark Sea Green4" => "#617C58", "Medium Aquamarine" => "#348781", "Medium Sea Green" => "#306754", "Sea Green" => "#4E8975", "Dark Green" => "#254117", "Sea Green4" => "#387C44", "Forest Green" => "#4E9258", "Medium Forest Green" => "#347235", "Spring Green4" => "#347C2C", "Dark Olive Green4" => "#667C26", "Chartreuse4" => "#437C17", "Green4" => "#347C17", "Medium Spring Green" => "#348017", "Spring Green" => "#4AA02C", "Lime Green" => "#41A317", "Spring Green" => "#4AA02C", "Dark Sea Green" => "#8BB381", "Dark Sea Green3" => "#99C68E", "Green3" => "#4CC417", "Chartreuse3" => "#6CC417", "Yellow Green" => "#52D017", "Spring Green3" => "#4CC552", "Sea Green3" => "#54C571", "Spring Green2" => "#57E964", "Spring Green1" => "#5EFB6E", "Sea Green2" => "#64E986", "Sea Green1" => "#6AFB92", "Dark Sea Green2" => "#B5EAAA", "Dark Sea Green1" => "#C3FDB8", "Green" => "#00FF00", "Lawn Green" => "#87F717", "Green1" => "#5FFB17", "Green2" => "#59E817", "Chartreuse2" => "#7FE817", "Chartreuse" => "#8AFB17", "Green Yellow" => "#B1FB17", "Dark Olive Green1" => "#CCFB5D", "Dark Olive Green2" => "#BCE954", "Dark Olive Green3" => "#A0C544", "Yellow" => "#FFFF00", "Yellow1" => "#FFFC17", "Khaki1" => "#FFF380", "Khaki2" => "#EDE275", "Goldenrod" => "#EDDA74", "Gold2" => "#EAC117", "Gold1" => "#FDD017", "Goldenrod1" => "#FBB917", "Goldenrod2" => "#E9AB17", "Gold" => "#D4A017", "Gold3" => "#C7A317", "Goldenrod3" => "#C68E17", "Dark Goldenrod" => "#AF7817", "Khaki" => "#ADA96E", "Khaki3" => "#C9BE62", "Khaki4" => "#827839", "Dark Goldenrod1" => "#FBB117", "Dark Goldenrod2" => "#E8A317", "Dark Goldenrod3" => "#C58917", "Sienna1" => "#F87431", "Sienna2" => "#E66C2C", "Dark Orange" => "#F88017", "Dark Orange1" => "#F87217", "Dark Orange2" => "#E56717", "Dark Orange3" => "#C35617", "Sienna3" => "#C35817", "Sienna" => "#8A4117", "Sienna4" => "#7E3517", "Indian Red4" => "#7E2217", "Dark Orange3" => "#7E3117", "Salmon4" => "#7E3817", "Dark Goldenrod4" => "#7F5217", "Gold4" => "#806517", "Goldenrod4" => "#805817", "Light Salmon4" => "#7F462C", "Chocolate" => "#C85A17", "Coral3" => "#C34A2C", "Coral2" => "#E55B3C", "Coral" => "#F76541", "Dark Salmon" => "#E18B6B", "Salmon1" => "#F88158", "Salmon2" => "#E67451", "Salmon3" => "#C36241", "Light Salmon3" => "#C47451", "Light Salmon2" => "#E78A61", "Light Salmon" => "#F9966B", "Sandy Brown" => "#EE9A4D", "Hot Pink" => "#F660AB", "Hot Pink1" => "#F665AB", "Hot Pink2" => "#E45E9D", "Hot Pink3" => "#C25283", "Hot Pink4" => "#7D2252", "Light Coral" => "#E77471", "Indian Red1" => "#F75D59", "Indian Red2" => "#E55451", "Indian Red3" => "#C24641", "Red" => "#FF0000", "Red1" => "#F62217", "Red2" => "#E41B17", "Firebrick1" => "#F62817", "Firebrick2" => "#E42217", "Firebrick3" => "#C11B17", "Pink" => "#FAAFBE", "Rosy Brown1" => "#FBBBB9", "Rosy Brown2" => "#E8ADAA", "Pink2" => "#E7A1B0", "Light Pink" => "#FAAFBA", "Light Pink1" => "#F9A7B0", "Light Pink2" => "#E799A3", "Pink3" => "#C48793", "Rosy Brown3" => "#C5908E", "Rosy Brown" => "#B38481", "Light Pink3" => "#C48189", "Rosy Brown4" => "#7F5A58", "Light Pink4" => "#7F4E52", "Pink4" => "#7F525D", "Lavender Blush4" => "#817679", "Light Goldenrod4" => "#817339", "Lemon Chiffon4" => "#827B60", "Lemon Chiffon3" => "#C9C299", "Light Goldenrod3" => "#C8B560", "Light Golden2" => "#ECD672", "Light Goldenrod" => "#ECD872", "Light Goldenrod1" => "#FFE87C", "Lemon Chiffon2" => "#ECE5B6", "Lemon Chiffon" => "#FFF8C6", "Light Goldenrod Yellow" => "#FAF8CC", ); if($ColorText eq ""){ return "
You have not inserted a color name, you can find them at this link
"; } else{ return "
"; } } return 1;
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022