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npc_tools.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# # plugins\npc_tools.pl # # NPC-related Helper Functions # # 1 = Humanoid %raceFlags = ( 1=>1, 2=>1, 3=>1, 4=>1, 5=>1, 6=>1, 7=>1, 8=>1, 9=>1, 10=>1, 11=>1, 12=>1, 15=>1, 16=>1, 18=>1, 23=>1, 25=>1, 26=>1, 44=>1, 55=>1, 56=>1, 62=>1, 64=>1, 67=>1, 71=>1, 77=>1, 78=>1, 79=>1, 81=>1, 88=>1, 90=>1, 92=>1, 93=>1, 94=>1, 101=>1, 106=>1, 110=>1, 112=>1, 128=>1, 130=>1, 131=>1, 139=>1, 140=>1, 150=>1, 151=>1, 153=>1, 188=>1, 189=>1, 236=>1, 238=>1, 239=>1, 242=>1, 243=>1, 244=>1, 251=>1, 278=>1, 296=>1, 299=>1, 330=>1, 331=>1, 332=>1, 333=>1, 334=>1, 335=>1, 336=>1, 337=>1, 338=>1, 339=>1, 340=>1, 341=>1, 342=>1, 343=>1, 344=>1, 345=>1, 346=>1, 347=>1, 385=>1, 386=>1, 403=>1, 406=>1, 407=>1, 408=>1, 411=>1, 417=>1, 433=>1, 453=>1, 454=>1, 455=>1, 457=>1, 458=>1, 461=>1, 464=>1, 466=>1, 467=>1, 473=>1, 475=>1, 476=>1, 478=>1, 487=>1, 488=>1, 489=>1, 490=>1, 495=>1, 496=>1, 497=>1, 498=>1, 499=>1, 520=>1, 521=>1, 522=>1, 523=>1, 524=>1, 527=>1, 529=>1, 532=>1, 562=>1, 563=>1, 564=>1, 565=>1, 566=>1, 568=>1, 575=>1, 576=>1, 579=>1 ); # Change names like 'a_skeleton005' into 'a skeleton' sub fixNPCName { $_ = shift; if (!defined($_)) { $_ = plugin::val('$mname'); } s/\d+$//; # Strip trailing numeric digits s/\_/ /g; # Change underscores to spaces return $_; } # Returns 1 if the mob's race is humanoid, 0 if not. Race number argument optional, will use current NPC if omitted. # So far mainly used to identify races that can be expected to speak to the player. sub humanoid { my $race = shift; if (!defined($race)) { my $mob = plugin::var('$mob'); $race = $mob->GetRace(); } return (plugin::nullzero($raceFlags{$race}) & 1) ? 1 : 0; } # Associative name an NPC can use when talking to the player (friend, stranger, Dark Elf, etc.) sub assocName { my $faction = plugin::val('$faction'); return (plugin::val('$status') > 20) ? 'boss' : ($faction < 3) ? plugin::val('$name') : ($faction < 5) ? 'friend' : ($faction < 7) ? 'stranger' : plugin::val('$race'); } #::: Author: Kayen #::: Usage: plugin::CountNPCTYPE($NPC_TYPE_ID); #::: Description: Will return the number of NPC's in the zone from NPC ID sub CountNPCTYPE { my $npc = plugin::val('npc'); my $entity_list = plugin::val('$entity_list'); my $NPC_TYPE_ID = $_[0]; @npclist = $entity_list->GetNPCList(); $Count_NPC_TYPE = 0; foreach $cur (@npclist) { my $NPC_TYPEid = $cur->GetNPCTypeID(); if ($NPC_TYPEid == $NPC_TYPE_ID) { $Count_NPC_TYPE++; } } return $Count_NPC_TYPE; } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Usage: plugin::SetProx(X/Y Axis Range, Z Axis Range); #::: Description: This will set the proximity of an NPC, with simply two arguments, 30 (x-y axis) and 30 (z axis) sub SetProx{ my $Range = $_[0]; my $Z = $_[1]; my $NPCBorder = $_[2]; if(!$NPCBorder){ $NPCBorder = 0; } my $x = plugin::val('$x'); my $y = plugin::val('$y'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $z = $npc->GetZ(); if($NPCBorder == 1){ quest::spawn2(614, 0, 0, $x + $Range, $y + $Range, $z, 0); # NPC: skel_pet_1_ quest::spawn2(614, 0, 0, $x - $Range, $y + $Range, $z, 0); # NPC: skel_pet_1_ quest::spawn2(614, 0, 0, $x + $Range, $y - $Range, $z, 0); # NPC: skel_pet_1_ quest::spawn2(614, 0, 0, $x - $Range, $y - $Range, $z, 0); # NPC: skel_pet_1_ } quest::set_proximity($x - $Range, $x + $Range, $y - $Range, $y + $Range, $z - $Z, $z + $Z); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022