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mob_utils.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#::: Author: Akkadius #::: This function will heal a mob whatever percent amount at the time of trigger #::: Usage: plugin::MobHealPercentage(Percent [1-100]); sub MobHealPercentage{ my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $HealPercent = $_[0]; my $curhp = $npc->GetHP(); my $maxhp = $npc->GetMaxHP(); $npc->SetHP($curhp + ($maxhp / 100 * $HealPercent)); } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: This function will damage a mob whatever percent amount at the time of trigger #::: Usage: plugin::MobDamagePercentage(Percent [1-100]); sub MobDamagePercentage{ my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $HealPercent = $_[0]; my $curhp = $npc->GetHP(); my $maxhp = $npc->GetMaxHP(); $npc->SetHP($curhp - ($maxhp / 100 * $HealPercent)); } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: This function will heal a mob whatever number of hit points specified #::: Usage: plugin::MobHealPoints(Number); sub MobHealPoints{ my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $HealPoints = $_[0]; my $curhp = $npc->GetHP(); my $maxhp = $npc->GetMaxHP(); $npc->SetHP($curhp + $HealPoints); } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: This function will damage a mob whatever number of hit points specified #::: Usage: plugin::MobDamagePoints(Number); sub MobDamagePoints{ my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $HealPoints = $_[0]; my $curhp = $npc->GetHP(); my $maxhp = $npc->GetMaxHP(); $npc->SetHP($curhp - $HealPoints); } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Description: The Second arguement for a plugin like this is for an instance where you have eggs spawn drakes and you don't want the eggs to depop #::: Usage: plugin::SpawnInPlace(NPCID To Spawn In Place, [1 = Don't depop what spawns in place]); sub SpawnInPlace{ my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $NPCID = $_[0]; my $DontDie = $_[1]; my $x = $NPCID->GetX(); my $y = $NPCID->GetY(); my $z = $NPCID->GetZ(); my $h = $NPCID->GetHeading(); if(!$DontDie){ $NPCID->Depop(); } quest::spawn2($NPCID, 0, 0, $x, $y, $z, $h); } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Description: This function will spawn an NPC in place, uses the entity ID for the first argument such as ($npc) #::: The Second arguement for a plugin like this is for an instance where you have eggs spawn drakes and you don't want the eggs to depop #::: Usage: plugin::SpawnInPlaceByEnt{(NPCID To Spawn In Place, [1 = Don't depop what spawns in place]); sub SpawnInPlaceByEnt{ my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $EntityID = $_[0]; my $DontDie = $_[1]; my $x = $EntityID->GetX(); my $y = $EntityID->GetY(); my $z = $EntityID->GetZ(); my $h = $EntityID->GetHeading(); my $NPCID = $EntityID->GetNPCTypeID(); if(!$DontDie){ $EntityID->Depop(0); } quest::spawn2($NPCID, 0, 0, $x, $y, $z, $h); } #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Description: This is used to spawn a chest in place, but it will use a random range to spit the chest out based on the NPC origin #::: Usage: plugin::SpawnChest{(NPCID To Spawn In Place, [1 = Don't depop what spawns in place]); sub SpawnChest{ my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my ($NPCID, $Range) = ($_[0], $_[1]); my $ChestRange = plugin::RandomRange(1, $Range); my ($x, $y, $z, $h) = (plugin::val('$x'), plugin::val('$y'), plugin::val('$z'), plugin::val('$h')); quest::spawn2($NPCID, 0, 0, $x + ($ChestRange), $y + ($ChestRange), $z, $h); } return 1;
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022