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globals.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub nullzero { my $value = shift; return (defined($value)) ? $value : 0; } sub nulltrim { my $value = shift; if (!defined($value)) { return ''; } else { $value =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; return $value; } } sub random { return $_[int(rand(0+@_))]; } # var - Access a quest-related game variable from within any context # Parameter: varName sub var { my $varName = shift; # Strip leading $, @, or % symbol from variable name $varName =~ s/^(\$|@|%)//g; if ($varName eq 'mob') { # Shortcut: Requesting $mob steps into EntityList to get $mob reference for the current NPC. my $entity_list = plugin::val('entity_list'); return $entity_list->GetMobID(plugin::val('mobid')); } else { my(@context, $level, $fullname); # Step back through the call stack until we get access to the main (non-plugin) variables for ($level = 1; $level < 10; $level++) { @context = caller($level); last if (($fullname = substr($context[3], 0, index($context[3], ':') + 2)) ne 'plugin::'); } # Sanity check. If something goes horribly wrong and we can't step out of the plugin:: namespace, just return an empty string. return '' if ($level >= 10); $fullname .= $varName; if ($varName eq 'itemcount' || $varName eq 'qglobals') { # Hash reference return \%$fullname; } elsif (0) #($varName eq 'ArrayVariable') { # Array reference return \@$fullname; } else { # Scalar reference return \$$fullname; } } } # val - Shortcut that returns the read-only -value- of a quest-related game variable instead of a reference to it # Parameter: varName sub val { return ${plugin::var($_[0])}; } # setVal - Shortcut that sets a scalar quest-related game variable from within any context... works well with val() # Parameters: varName, newValue sub setval { ${plugin::var($_[0])} = $_[1] if (@_ > 1); } # Returns 1 if the NPC has been given a particular item or set of items. Otherwise, returns 0. # Parameters: Hash consisting of ItemID => RequiredCount pairs # NOTE: \%itemcount parameter from older "check_handin" function is NOT necessary and should not be passed! sub givenItems { my $itemcount = plugin::var('itemcount'); my %required = @_; foreach my $req (keys %required) { if ((!defined($itemcount->{$req})) || ($itemcount->{$req} < $required{$req})) { return 0; } } return 1; } # Like givenItems(), only removes the items from the %itemcount collection for an appropriate returnUnusedItems() call later # This works just like the old check_handin() function, only again, don't pass \%itemcount. sub takeItems { my $itemcount = plugin::var('itemcount'); my %required = @_; foreach my $req (keys %required) { if ((!defined($itemcount->{$req})) || ($itemcount->{$req} < $required{$req})) { return 0; } } foreach my $req (keys %required) { if ($required{$req} < $itemcount->{$req}) { $itemcount->{$req} -= $required{$req}; } else { delete $itemcount->{$req}; } } return 1; } # Checks to see whether the player gave the NPC a requested amount of currency, regardless of actual denominations given. sub givenCoin { my($c1, $s1, $g1, $p1) = @_; my($c2, $s2, $g2, $p2) = (plugin::val('$copper'), plugin::val('$silver'), plugin::val('$gold'), plugin::val('$platinum')); $c1 = 0 if (!defined($c1)); $s1 = 0 if (!defined($s1)); $g1 = 0 if (!defined($g1)); $p1 = 0 if (!defined($p1)); my $coin1 = $c1 + (10 * $s1) + (100 * $g1) + (1000 * $p1); my $coin2 = $c2 + (10 * $s2) + (100 * $g2) + (1000 * $p2); return ($coin1 <= $coin2); } # Like givenCoin(), only takes the required coins if given enough by the player, also leaving change to be returned with returnUnusedItems(). sub takeCoin { my($c1, $s1, $g1, $p1) = @_; my($c2, $s2, $g2, $p2) = (plugin::val('$copper'), plugin::val('$silver'), plugin::val('$gold'), plugin::val('$platinum')); $c1 = 0 if (!defined($c1)); $s1 = 0 if (!defined($s1)); $g1 = 0 if (!defined($g1)); $p1 = 0 if (!defined($p1)); my $coin1 = $c1 + (10 * $s1) + (100 * $g1) + (1000 * $p1); my $coin2 = $c2 + (10 * $s2) + (100 * $g2) + (1000 * $p2); if ($coin1 <= $coin2) { $coin2 -= $coin1; $c2 = ($coin2 % 10); $s2 = (int($coin2 / 10) % 10); $g2 = (int($coin2 / 100) % 10); $p2 = int($coin2 / 1000); plugin::setval('$copper' , $c2); plugin::setval('$silver' , $s2); plugin::setval('$gold' , $g2); plugin::setval('$platinum', $p2); return 1; # 1 = Successfully took coins } return 0; # 0 = Insufficient funds } # Checks for both coin and items in one call. # Returns 1 if enough items and coin were given to satisfy the provided requirements, otherwise 0. sub givenItemsCoin { if (@_ < 6) { return 0; } my ($c, $s, $g, $p) = (shift, shift, shift, shift); if (plugin::givenCoin($c, $s, $g, $p)) { return plugin::givenItems(@_); } return 0; } # Like givenItemsCoin, only removes the items if successful, allowing for approprate returnUnusedItems() call later sub takeItemsCoin { if (@_ < 6) { return 0; } my ($c, $s, $g, $p) = (shift, shift, shift, shift); if (plugin::givenCoin($c, $s, $g, $p)) { if (plugin::takeItems(@_)) { plugin::takeCoin($c, $s, $g, $p); return 1; } } return 0; } # Checks to see whether the player gave the NPC a requested number of platinum sub givenPlatinum { my $p = shift; return plugin::givenCoin(0, 0, 0, defined($p) ? $p : 0); } # Takes provided coins given by the player sub takePlatinum { my $p = shift; return plugin::takeCoin(0, 0, 0, defined($p) ? $p : 0); } # Checks to see whether the player gave the NPC a requested number of gold sub givenGold { my $g = shift; return plugin::givenCoin(0, 0, defined($g) ? $g : 0, 0); } # Takes provided coins given by the player sub takeGold { my $g = shift; return plugin::takeCoin(0, 0, defined($g) ? $g : 0, 0); } # Checks to see whether the player gave the NPC a requested number of silver sub givenSilver { my $s = shift; return plugin::givenCoin(0, defined($s) ? $s : 0, 0, 0); } # Takes provided coins given by the player sub takeSilver { my $s = shift; return plugin::takeCoin(0, defined($s) ? $s : 0, 0, 0); } # Checks to see whether the player gave the NPC a requested number of copper sub givenCopper { my $c = shift; return plugin::givenCoin(defined($c) ? $c : 0, 0, 0, 0); } # Takes provided coins given by the player sub takeCopper { my $c = shift; return plugin::takeCoin(defined($c) ? $c : 0, 0, 0, 0); } # Returns any unwanted items and coins to the user with an appropriate message. sub returnUnusedItems { my $name = plugin::assocName(); my $itemcount = plugin::var('$itemcount'); my $items = 0; foreach my $k (keys(%$itemcount)) { next if($k == 0); my $r; for($r = 0; $r < $itemcount->{$k}; $r++) { $items++; quest::summonitem($k); } delete $itemcount->{$k}; } if ($items > 0) { if (plugin::humanoid()) { my $itemtext1 = ($items == 1) ? 'this item' : 'these items'; my $itemtext2 = ($items == 1) ? 'it' : 'them'; quest::say("I have no need for $itemtext1, $name. You can have $itemtext2 back."); quest::doanim(64); # Point } else { my $itemtext1 = ($items == 1) ? 'item' : 'items'; quest::me("This creature has no need for the $itemtext1 you are offering."); } } my($platinum, $gold, $silver, $copper) = (plugin::val('$platinum'), plugin::val('$gold'), plugin::val('$silver'), plugin::val('$copper')); if ($platinum || $gold || $silver || $copper) { if ($items == 0) # NOTE: If $items > 0, already giving back items with message, just tack coin onto it { if ((plugin::val('$item1') == 0) && (plugin::val('$item2') == 0) && (plugin::val('$item3') == 0) && (plugin::val('$item4') == 0)) { # No items, just money if (plugin::humanoid()) { quest::say("I appreciate the offer, but I can't take this money, $name."); } else { quest::me('This creature has no need for your money.'); } } else { # Items given and accepted if (plugin::humanoid()) { quest::say("Here is your change, $name."); } } quest::doanim(64); # Point } quest::givecash($copper, $silver, $gold, $platinum); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022