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constants.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# plugin::Class($class_id) - Returns Class Name sub Class { my $class_id = shift; return quest::getclassname($class_id); } # plugin::Deity($deity_id) - Returns Deity Name sub Deity { my $deity_id = shift; return quest::getdeityname($deity_id); } # plugin::IP($ip) - Returns human readable IP from $client->GetIP() value. sub IP { my $ip = shift; my @array = unpack('C4', pack("N", $ip)); my @array_two = @array; $array[0] = $array_two[3]; $array[1] = $array_two[2]; $array[2] = $array_two[1]; $array[3] = $array_two[0]; return join(".", @array); } # plugin::Race($race_id) - Returns Race Name sub Race { my $race_id = shift; return quest::getracename($race_id); } # plugin::Skill($skill_id) - Returns Skill Name sub Skill { my $skill_id = shift; return quest::getskillname($skill_id); } # plugin::SlotName($slot_id) - Returns Slot Name sub SlotName { my $slot_id = shift; return quest::getinventoryslotname($slot_id); } # plugin::Zone($name_type, $zone_data); # $name_type types: ## LN - Zone Long Name ## SN - Zone Short Name ## ID - Zone ID # $zone_data can be Zone ID or Zone Short Name ## $zone_data can be converted to Zone ID, Zone Long Name, or Zone Short Name sub Zone { use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); my $name_type = shift; my $zone_data = shift; if (looks_like_number($zone_data)) { if ($name_type eq "SN") { return quest::GetZoneShortName($zone_data); } elsif ($name_type eq "LN") { return quest::GetZoneLongNameByID($zone_data); } } else { if ($name_type eq "ID") { return quest::GetZoneID($zone_data); } elsif ($name_type eq "LN") { return quest::GetZoneLongName($zone_data); } } return $zone_data; }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022