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Quest_Credit.pl - Quest File
General Info
Quest File
###Usage: plugin::QCreditCheck("Creditname", 0=Player 1=Account 2=Guild); ###This will return the amount of credit in the account specified for "Account-based" credits in a single integer sub QCreditCheck { my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $AP = $_[1]; my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $uguild_id = plugin::val('$uguild_id'); my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $space = "_"; if(!$AP){ $Ident = $name; } elsif($AP == 1){ #Account $Ident = $client->AccountID(); $space = "_"; } elsif($AP == 2){ #Guild $Ident = $uguild_id; $space = "_"; } my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$Ident"}; return $CreditAmnt; $space = undef; $Ident = undef; } ###Usage: plugin::QCreditWithdraw("Creditname", Amount, 0=Player 1=Account 2=Guild, [1 = Give to Player], [0=Nothing 1=Show Window 2=Show Text 3=Show Both Window/Text]); sub QCreditWithdraw { my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $AddTo = $_[1]; my $AP = $_[2]; my $Window = $_[3]; my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $zonesn = plugin::val('$zonesn'); my $ulevel = plugin::val('$ulevel'); my $class = plugin::val('$class'); my $uguild_id = plugin::val('$uguild_id'); ##################################################### my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $space = "_"; if(!$AP){ $Ident = $name; $accountname = "in your personal credit"; } elsif($AP == 1){ #Account $Ident = $client->AccountID(); $accountname = "in Account "; $accountname .= $client->AccountName(); } elsif($AP == 2){ #Guild $Ident = $uguild_id; $accountname = "in the Guild Account"; } my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$Ident"}; $CreditAmnt += $AddTo; my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt); $client->SetGlobal("$CreditName$space$Ident", "$CreditAmnt", 7, 'F'); $timestamp = localtime(time); my $npc_name = $npc->GetCleanName(); my $accountname1 = $client->AccountName(); QCredit::write("CreditLogs/$name.txt","[$timestamp] : [$name] has given $Cost from account with [$npc_name], this player now has [$CreditAmnt2] in [$accountname]"); $space = undef; $Ident = undef; plugin::QCreditStatus("BankCredit", $AP, $Window); } ###Usage: plugin::QCreditDeposit("Creditname", Cost, 0=Player 1=Account 2=Guild, [1 = Give to Player], [0=Nothing 1=Show Window 2=Show Text 3=Show Both Window/Text]); ###This will take credit from the QGlobal account, if you enable Give to Player with the 4th arguement, it will give Platinum to the player instead of just pulling credit away sub QCreditDeposit { my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $Cost = $_[1]; my $AP = $_[2]; my $GiveToPlayer = $_[3]; my $Window = $_[4]; my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $zonesn = plugin::val('$zonesn'); my $ulevel = plugin::val('$ulevel'); my $uguild_id = plugin::val('$uguild_id'); my $accountname = $client->AccountName(); ##################################################### my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $space = "_"; if(!$AP){ $Ident = $name; $accountname = "in your personal credit"; } elsif($AP == 1){ #Account $Ident = $client->AccountID(); $accountname = "in Account "; $accountname .= $client->AccountName(); } elsif($AP == 2){ #Guild $Ident = $uguild_id; $accountname = "in the Guild Account"; } my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$Ident"}; if ($CreditAmnt < $Cost){ $client->Message(315,"Insuffient funds... You need " . ($Cost - $CreditAmnt) . " more credit(s)."); } else { if($GiveToPlayer == 1){ QCredit::givecash(0, 0, 0, $Cost); } $CreditAmnt -= $Cost; $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt); $client->SetGlobal("$CreditName$space$Ident", "$CreditAmnt", 7, 'F'); $timestamp = localtime(time); my $npc_name = $npc->GetCleanName(); QCredit::write("CreditLogs/$name.txt","[$timestamp] : [$name] has taken $Cost from account with [$npc_name], this player now has [$CreditAmnt2] in [$accountname]"); plugin::QCreditStatus("BankCredit", $AP, $Window); } $space = undef; $Ident = undef; $accountname = undef; } ###Usage: plugin::QCreditStatus("Creditname", 0=Player 1=Account 2=Guild, [0=Nothing 1=Show Window 2=Show Text 3=Show Both Window/Text]); sub QCreditStatus{ my $CreditName = $_[0]; my $AP = $_[1]; my $UseWindow = $_[2]; #Set to 0 or off for no window option my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); my $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $space = "_"; # Import the reference to qglobals - Must use $qglobals->{name} to access them (Thanks Trevius) my $ClientCheck = plugin::ClientCheck(); my $Center = plugin::PWAutoCenter(27, 2); my $Break = plugin::PWBreak(); my $Indent = plugin::PWIndent(); if(!$AP){ $Ident = $name; $accountname = "$name\'s Account"; } elsif($AP == 1){ #Account $Ident = $client->AccountID(); $accountname = $client->AccountName(); $accountname .= " - Player Account"; } elsif($AP == 2){ #Guild $Ident = $uguild_id; $accountname = "Guild Account"; } my $qglobals = plugin::var('qglobals'); my $CreditAmnt = $qglobals->{"$CreditName$space$Ident"}; my $CreditAmnt2 = plugin::commify($CreditAmnt); if($UseWindow == 1 || $UseWindow == 3){ QCredit::popup("Account Balance", "
Credit Source:
Current Balance:
"); } if($UseWindow == 2 || $UseWindow == 3){ $client->Message(315, "You now have $CreditAmnt2 credit in $accountname"); } } return 1;
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022