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Doors_Manip.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
####################################################### #::: Author: Akkadius #::: Updated: 1-19-2014 #::: FILE: door_plugin.pl #::: DESCRIPTION: This plugin handles manipulation of doors/objects in realtime #::: Placed In: global_player.pl #::: EVENT Handlers: EVENT_SAY, EVENT_CLICKDOOR #::: Required Perl Modules: DBI (MySQL) connectivity #::: Required Plugins: plugin::LoadMysql() ###################################################### sub Doors_Manipulation_EVENT_SAY{ #::: Declare scope variables to be used... :::# my $text = plugin::val('$text'); my $door = plugin::val('$door'); my $client = plugin::val('$client'); my $entity_list = plugin::val('$entity_list'); my $zonesn = plugin::val('$zonesn'); if($client->GetEntityVariable("EditDoorClick") > 0){ $Door = $entity_list->GetDoorsByDoorID($client->GetEntityVariable("EditDoorClick")); } elsif($client->GetEntityVariable("CreateEditDoor") > 0){ $Door = $entity_list->GetDoorsByID($client->GetEntityVariable("CreateEditDoor")); } @arg = split(' ', $text); if($arg[0]=~/#door/i){ if(!$arg[1]){ $client->Message(15, "#door - OPTIONS"); $client->Message(15, "#door setincline
- sets selected door incline"); $client->Message(15, "#door opentype
- sets selected door opentype"); $client->Message(15, "#door model
- Changes door model for selected door"); $client->Message(15, "#door save - Creates database entry for highlighted door"); $client->Message(15, quest::saylink("#door list", 1) . " - lists doors in zone"); $client->Message(15, quest::saylink("#door edit", 1) . " - Brings up editing interface for selected door"); } if($arg[1] =~/save/i){ $Door->CreateDatabaseEntry(); $client->Message(15, "Door saved"); } if($arg[1] =~/movetome/i){ $Door->SetLocation($client->GetX(), $client->GetY(), $client->GetZ()); } if($arg[1] =~/create/i){ if($arg[2]){ if($arg[3]){ $size = $arg[3]; } else { $size = 100; } $ID = quest::createdoor(uc($arg[2]), $client->GetX(), $client->GetY(), $client->GetZ(), $client->GetHeading(), 58, $size); $client->SetEntityVariable("CreateEditDoor", $ID); $client->Message(15, "Created Door ID: " . $ID); } else { $client->Message(15, "Usage: #door create modelname [size=100]"); } } if($arg[1] =~/changemodelqueue/i){ $client->Message(15, "Type name of new model, current model is " . $Door->GetModelName()); $client->Message(15, "#door model
or select from " . quest::saylink("#door showmodelszone", 1, "Local Zone") . " " . quest::saylink("#door showmodelsglobal", 1, "Global")); } if($arg[1] =~/size/i){ $Door->SetSize($arg[2]); } if($arg[1] =~/showmodelsglobal/i){ $connect = plugin::LoadMysql(); $ModelsToSelectFrom = ""; $client->Message(15, "Loading files..."); $query_handle = $connect->prepare("SELECT file_from FROM `cust_obj_data` WHERE `object_name` LIKE '%IT%' AND zoneid = 0 AND object_name NOT LIKE '%OBJ%' GROUP by file_from;"); $query_handle->execute(); while(@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()){ if(length($ModelsToSelectFrom) > 4000){ $client->Message(15, $ModelsToSelectFrom); $ModelsToSelectFrom = quest::saylink("#door showmodelsfromfile " . $row[0], 1, $row[0]) . "-"; }else{ $ModelsToSelectFrom .= quest::saylink("#door showmodelsfromfile " . $row[0], 1, $row[0]) . "-"; } } $client->Message(15, $ModelsToSelectFrom); } if($arg[1] =~/showmodelsfromfile/i){ $connect = plugin::LoadMysql(); $ModelsToSelectFrom = ""; $client->Message(15, "Loading models from " . $arg[2]); $query_handle = $connect->prepare("SELECT `object_name` FROM `cust_obj_data` WHERE `file_from` = '". $arg[2] . "';"); $query_handle->execute(); while(@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()){ if(length($ModelsToSelectFrom) > 4000){ $client->Message(15, $ModelsToSelectFrom); $ModelsToSelectFrom = quest::saylink("#door model " . $row[0], 1, $row[0]) . "-"; }else{ $ModelsToSelectFrom .= quest::saylink("#door model " . $row[0], 1, $row[0]) . "-"; } } $client->Message(15, $ModelsToSelectFrom); } if($arg[1] =~/showmodelszone/i){ $connect = plugin::LoadMysql(); $ModelsToSelectFrom = ""; $client->Message(15, "Loading models from $zonesn"); $query_handle = $connect->prepare("SELECT `object_name` FROM `cust_obj_data` WHERE `zonesn` = '". $zonesn . "';"); $query_handle->execute(); while(@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()){ if(length($ModelsToSelectFrom) > 4000){ $client->Message(15, $ModelsToSelectFrom); $ModelsToSelectFrom = quest::saylink("#door model " . $row[0], 1, $row[0]) . "-"; }else{ $ModelsToSelectFrom .= quest::saylink("#door model " . $row[0], 1, $row[0]) . "-"; } } $client->Message(15, $ModelsToSelectFrom); } if($arg[1] =~/list/i){ @doors = $entity_list->GetDoorsList(); foreach $door (@doors){ $client->Message(15, "ID: " . $door->GetDoorID() . " " . quest::saylink("#gmgoto " . int($door->GetX()) . " " . int($door->GetY()) . " " . int($door->GetZ()) , 1, $door->GetModelName()) . " X: " . $door->GetX() . " Y: " . $door->GetY() . " Z: " . $door->GetZ() . " Size: " . $door->GetSize() . " Open Type: " . $door->GetOpenType()); } } if($arg[1] =~/model/i){ if($arg[2]){ $Door->SetModelName(uc($arg[2])); } } if($arg[1] =~/opentype/i){ if($arg[2]){ $Door->SetOpenType($arg[2]); } } if($arg[1] eq "setincline"){ if($arg[2]){ $Door->SetIncline($arg[2]); } return; } if($arg[1] eq "setinclineinc"){ if($arg[2]){ $Door->SetIncline($Door->GetIncline() + $arg[2]); } #::: Incline Options #::: if(!$arg[2]){ $InclineOptions = ""; %IncOptions = ( 1 => [.01, "Upright"], 2 => [130, "+ 90 Degrees"], 3 => [255, "+ 180 Degrees"], 4 => [385, "+ 270 Degrees"], 5 => [512.5, "+ 360 Degrees"], ); $n = 1; while($IncOptions{$n}[0]){ $InclineOptions .= quest::saylink("#door setincline " . $IncOptions{$n}[0], 1, $IncOptions{$n}[1]) . " | "; $n++; } $InclineOptionsP = ""; $InclineOptionsM = ""; for($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i+=10){ if($i == 0){ $Num = 1; }else{ $Num = $i } $InclineOptionsP .= quest::saylink("#door setinclineinc " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } for($i = -100; $i <= 0; $i+=10){ if($i == 0){ $Num = -1; }else{ $Num = $i } $InclineOptionsM .= quest::saylink("#door setinclineinc " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } $client->Message(15, "Incline: [" . $InclineOptions . "]"); $client->Message(15, "Incline Increments: [" . $InclineOptionsM . " - | + " . $InclineOptionsP . "]"); } } if($arg[1] =~/invertstate/i){ $connect = plugin::LoadMysql(); $query = "UPDATE `doors` SET `invert_state` = " . $arg[2] . " WHERE `id` = " . $Door->GetDoorDBID(); $query_handle = $connect->prepare($query); $query_handle->execute(); $client->Message(15, $query); $client->Message(15, "Reload Doors? " . quest::saylink("#reloadstatic", 0, "#reloadstatic")); } if($arg[1] =~/edit/i){ if($client->GetEntityVariable("EditDoorClick") > 0){ $Door = $entity_list->GetDoorsByDoorID($client->GetEntityVariable("EditDoorClick")); } elsif($client->GetEntityVariable("CreateEditDoor") > 0){ $Door = $entity_list->GetDoorsByID($client->GetEntityVariable("CreateEditDoor")); } else { $client->Message(15, "You don't have a door selected to edit!"); return; } if($Door->GetDoorID() > 0 && $Door->GetDoorID() < 255){ $InvertState = " Invertstate [" . quest::saylink("#door invertstate 0", 1, "0") . " - " . quest::saylink("#door invertstate 1", 1, "1") . "]"; } else{ $InvertState = ""; } if(!$arg[2] && !$arg[3]){ $client->Message(15 ,"Door Selected: ID:" . $Door->GetDoorID() . " NAME: " . $Door->GetModelName() . " Opentype: " . $Door->GetOpenType() . $InvertState); } @MoveOptions = ("MoveX", "MoveY", "MoveZ", "MoveH", "SetSize"); if($arg[1] && !$arg[2]){ $OptionsXP = ""; $OptionsXM = ""; $OptionsYP = ""; $OptionsYM = ""; $OptionsZP = ""; $OptionsZM = ""; $OptionsHP = ""; $OptionsHM = ""; $OptionsSP = ""; $OptionsSM = ""; foreach $val (@MoveOptions){ if($val eq "MoveX"){ $OptionsXP .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveX .25", 1, " .25"); for($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i+=5){ if($i == 0){ $Num = 1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsXP .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveX " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } for($i = -15; $i <= 0; $i+=5){ if($i == 0){ $Num = -1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsXM .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveX " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } $OptionsXM .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveX -.25", 1, " .25"); } if($val eq "MoveY"){ $OptionsYP .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveY .25", 1, " .25"); for($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i+=5){ if($i == 0){ $Num = 1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsYP .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveY " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } for($i = -15; $i <= 0; $i+=5){ if($i == 0){ $Num = -1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsYM .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveY " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } $OptionsYM .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveY -.25", 1, " .25"); } if($val eq "MoveZ"){ $OptionsZP .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveZ .25", 1, " .25"); for($i = 0; $i <= 15; $i+=5){ if($i == 0){ $Num = 1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsZP .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveZ " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } for($i = -15; $i <= 0; $i+=5){ if($i == 0){ $Num = -1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsZM .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveZ " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } $OptionsZM .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveZ -.25", 1, " .25"); } if($val eq "MoveH"){ for($i = 0; $i <= 50; $i+=5){ if($i == 0){ $Num = 1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsHP .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveH " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } for($i = -50; $i <= 0; $i+=5){ if($i == 0){ $Num = -1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsHM .= quest::saylink("#door edit MoveH " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } } if($val eq "SetSize"){ for($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i+=10){ if($i == 0){ $Num = 1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsSP .= quest::saylink("#door edit SetSize " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } for($i = 0; $i >= -100; $i-=10){ if($i == 0){ $Num = -1; }else{ $Num = $i } $OptionsSM .= quest::saylink("#door edit SetSize " . $Num, 1, " ". abs($Num)); } } } $client->Message(15, "NAME: [" . $Door->GetModelName() . "] [" . quest::saylink("#door save", 1, "SAVE") . "] [" . quest::saylink("#door changemodelqueue", 1, "Change Model") . "]" . " [" . quest::saylink("#door setinclineinc", 1, "Incline") . "]"); $client->Message(15, "[". $OptionsXM . " - [X] +" . $OptionsXP . "]"); $client->Message(15, "[". $OptionsYM . " - [Y] + " . $OptionsYP . "]"); $client->Message(15, "[". $OptionsZM . " - [Z] + " . $OptionsZP . "]"); $client->Message(15, "[". $OptionsHM . " - [H] + " . $OptionsHP . "]"); $client->Message(15, "[". $OptionsSM . " - [SIZE] + " . $OptionsSP . "]"); } if($arg[3]){ $XM = 0; $YM = 0; $ZM = 0; $HM = 0; $Size = 0; if($arg[2] eq "MoveX"){ $XM = $arg[3]; } if($arg[2] eq "MoveY"){ $YM = $arg[3]; } if($arg[2] eq "MoveZ"){ $ZM = $arg[3]; } if($arg[2] eq "MoveH"){ $HM = $arg[3]; } if($arg[2] eq "SetSize"){ $Size = $arg[3]; } #quest::say("DEBUG $XM - $YM - $ZM - $HM"); $Door->SetLocation($Door->GetX() + $XM, $Door->GetY() + $YM, $Door->GetZ()+ $ZM); $Door->SetHeading($Door->GetHeading() + $HM); $Door->SetSize($Door->GetSize() + $Size); } #::: Coordinate Helpers # REPLACE INTO `npc_types` (`id`, `name`, `lastname`, `level`, `race`, `class`, `bodytype`, `hp`, `mana`, `gender`, `texture`, `helmtexture`, `size`, `hp_regen_rate`, `mana_regen_rate`, `loottable_id`, `merchant_id`, `alt_currency_id`, `npc_spells_id`, `npc_faction_id`, `adventure_template_id`, `trap_template`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `attack_count`, `npcspecialattks`, `aggroradius`, `face`, `luclin_hairstyle`, `luclin_haircolor`, `luclin_eyecolor`, `luclin_eyecolor2`, `luclin_beardcolor`, `luclin_beard`, `drakkin_heritage`, `drakkin_tattoo`, `drakkin_details`, `armortint_id`, `armortint_red`, `armortint_green`, `armortint_blue`, `d_meele_texture1`, `d_meele_texture2`, `prim_melee_type`, `sec_melee_type`, `runspeed`, `MR`, `CR`, `DR`, `FR`, `PR`, `Corrup`, `see_invis`, `see_invis_undead`, `qglobal`, `AC`, `npc_aggro`, `spawn_limit`, `attack_speed`, `findable`, `STR`, `STA`, `DEX`, `AGI`, `_INT`, `WIS`, `CHA`, `see_hide`, `see_improved_hide`, `trackable`, `isbot`, `exclude`, `ATK`, `Accuracy`, `slow_mitigation`, `version`, `maxlevel`, `scalerate`, `private_corpse`, `unique_spawn_by_name`, `underwater`, `isquest`, `emoteid`) VALUES (51, '-X', NULL, 1, 127, 1, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 'ZiGH', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 28, 1.25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75, 75, 75, 75, 80, 75, 75, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # REPLACE INTO `npc_types` (`id`, `name`, `lastname`, `level`, `race`, `class`, `bodytype`, `hp`, `mana`, `gender`, `texture`, `helmtexture`, `size`, `hp_regen_rate`, `mana_regen_rate`, `loottable_id`, `merchant_id`, `alt_currency_id`, `npc_spells_id`, `npc_faction_id`, `adventure_template_id`, `trap_template`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `attack_count`, `npcspecialattks`, `aggroradius`, `face`, `luclin_hairstyle`, `luclin_haircolor`, `luclin_eyecolor`, `luclin_eyecolor2`, `luclin_beardcolor`, `luclin_beard`, `drakkin_heritage`, `drakkin_tattoo`, `drakkin_details`, `armortint_id`, `armortint_red`, `armortint_green`, `armortint_blue`, `d_meele_texture1`, `d_meele_texture2`, `prim_melee_type`, `sec_melee_type`, `runspeed`, `MR`, `CR`, `DR`, `FR`, `PR`, `Corrup`, `see_invis`, `see_invis_undead`, `qglobal`, `AC`, `npc_aggro`, `spawn_limit`, `attack_speed`, `findable`, `STR`, `STA`, `DEX`, `AGI`, `_INT`, `WIS`, `CHA`, `see_hide`, `see_improved_hide`, `trackable`, `isbot`, `exclude`, `ATK`, `Accuracy`, `slow_mitigation`, `version`, `maxlevel`, `scalerate`, `private_corpse`, `unique_spawn_by_name`, `underwater`, `isquest`, `emoteid`) VALUES (52, '+X', NULL, 1, 127, 1, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 'ZiGH', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 28, 1.25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75, 75, 75, 75, 80, 75, 75, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # REPLACE INTO `npc_types` (`id`, `name`, `lastname`, `level`, `race`, `class`, `bodytype`, `hp`, `mana`, `gender`, `texture`, `helmtexture`, `size`, `hp_regen_rate`, `mana_regen_rate`, `loottable_id`, `merchant_id`, `alt_currency_id`, `npc_spells_id`, `npc_faction_id`, `adventure_template_id`, `trap_template`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `attack_count`, `npcspecialattks`, `aggroradius`, `face`, `luclin_hairstyle`, `luclin_haircolor`, `luclin_eyecolor`, `luclin_eyecolor2`, `luclin_beardcolor`, `luclin_beard`, `drakkin_heritage`, `drakkin_tattoo`, `drakkin_details`, `armortint_id`, `armortint_red`, `armortint_green`, `armortint_blue`, `d_meele_texture1`, `d_meele_texture2`, `prim_melee_type`, `sec_melee_type`, `runspeed`, `MR`, `CR`, `DR`, `FR`, `PR`, `Corrup`, `see_invis`, `see_invis_undead`, `qglobal`, `AC`, `npc_aggro`, `spawn_limit`, `attack_speed`, `findable`, `STR`, `STA`, `DEX`, `AGI`, `_INT`, `WIS`, `CHA`, `see_hide`, `see_improved_hide`, `trackable`, `isbot`, `exclude`, `ATK`, `Accuracy`, `slow_mitigation`, `version`, `maxlevel`, `scalerate`, `private_corpse`, `unique_spawn_by_name`, `underwater`, `isquest`, `emoteid`) VALUES (53, '-Y', NULL, 1, 127, 1, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 'ZiGH', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 28, 1.25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75, 75, 75, 75, 80, 75, 75, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # REPLACE INTO `npc_types` (`id`, `name`, `lastname`, `level`, `race`, `class`, `bodytype`, `hp`, `mana`, `gender`, `texture`, `helmtexture`, `size`, `hp_regen_rate`, `mana_regen_rate`, `loottable_id`, `merchant_id`, `alt_currency_id`, `npc_spells_id`, `npc_faction_id`, `adventure_template_id`, `trap_template`, `mindmg`, `maxdmg`, `attack_count`, `npcspecialattks`, `aggroradius`, `face`, `luclin_hairstyle`, `luclin_haircolor`, `luclin_eyecolor`, `luclin_eyecolor2`, `luclin_beardcolor`, `luclin_beard`, `drakkin_heritage`, `drakkin_tattoo`, `drakkin_details`, `armortint_id`, `armortint_red`, `armortint_green`, `armortint_blue`, `d_meele_texture1`, `d_meele_texture2`, `prim_melee_type`, `sec_melee_type`, `runspeed`, `MR`, `CR`, `DR`, `FR`, `PR`, `Corrup`, `see_invis`, `see_invis_undead`, `qglobal`, `AC`, `npc_aggro`, `spawn_limit`, `attack_speed`, `findable`, `STR`, `STA`, `DEX`, `AGI`, `_INT`, `WIS`, `CHA`, `see_hide`, `see_improved_hide`, `trackable`, `isbot`, `exclude`, `ATK`, `Accuracy`, `slow_mitigation`, `version`, `maxlevel`, `scalerate`, `private_corpse`, `unique_spawn_by_name`, `underwater`, `isquest`, `emoteid`) VALUES (54, '+Y', NULL, 1, 127, 1, 11, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 'ZiGH', 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 28, 28, 1.25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 75, 75, 75, 75, 80, 75, 75, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(!$entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(51)){ quest::spawn2(51, 0, 0, ($Door->GetX() + $XM - 15), $Door->GetY() + $YM, $Door->GetZ()+ $ZM, 0); }else{ my $ent = $entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(51); $ent->GMMove(($Door->GetX() + $XM - 15), $Door->GetY() + $YM, $Door->GetZ() + $ZM + 5, 0); } if(!$entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(52)){ quest::spawn2(52, 0, 0, ($Door->GetX() + $XM + 15), $Door->GetY() + $YM, $Door->GetZ()+ $ZM, 0); }else{ my $ent = $entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(52); $ent->GMMove(($Door->GetX() + $XM + 15), $Door->GetY() + $YM, $Door->GetZ() + $ZM + 5, 0); } if(!$entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(53)){ quest::spawn2(53, 0, 0, $Door->GetX() + $XM, ($Door->GetY() + $YM - 15), $Door->GetZ()+ $ZM, 0); }else{ my $ent = $entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(53); $ent->GMMove($Door->GetX() + $XM, ($Door->GetY() + $YM - 15), $Door->GetZ() + $ZM + 5, 0); } if(!$entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(54)){ quest::spawn2(54, 0, 0, $Door->GetX() + $XM, ($Door->GetY() + $YM + 15), $Door->GetZ()+ $ZM, 0); }else{ my $ent = $entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID(54); $ent->GMMove($Door->GetX() + $XM, ($Door->GetY() + $YM + 15), $Door->GetZ() + $ZM + 5, 0); } } } } sub Doors_Manipulation_EVENT_CLICKDOOR{ my $doorid = plugin::val('$doorid'); my $client = plugin::val('$client'); $client->Message(15, "Door $doorid [" . quest::saylink("Close Door $doorid", 1, "Close Door") . "][" . quest::saylink("Open Door $doorid", 1, "Open Door") . "] [" . quest::saylink("#door edit", 1, "Edit Door") . "]"); $client->SetEntityVariable("EditDoorClick", $doorid); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022