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DiaWind.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#::: Author: Akkadius #::: This plugin can work as an extensive drop in replacement for quest::say #::: This plugin also offers extensive options for easily formatting windows. #::: Usage: plugin::DiaWind("Window text"); #::: For explanation of use, see: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin&frm=Perl_Plugins_Master_Reference sub DiaWind { my $Text = $_[0]; my $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); $client = plugin::val('$client'); $name = plugin::val('$name'); my $Opt = 0; if(!$PopId){ $PopId = 999; } $Text=~ s/~/<\/c>/g; $Text=~ s/\{y\}/
/g; $Text=~ s/\{lb\}/
/g; $Text=~ s/\{r}/
/g; $Text=~ s/\{g}/
/g; $Text=~ s/\{gold}/
/g; $Text=~ s/\{orange}/
/g; $Text=~ s/\{gray}/
/g; $Text=~ s/\{tan}/
/g; $Text=~ s/\{bullet}/•/g; $Text=~ s/\$name/$name/g; $Text=~ s/\{linebreak}/--------------------------------------------------------------------/g; $Text=~ s/\{rowpad}/
{tdpad}<\/td><\/tr>/g; $Text=~ s/\{tdpad}/----------------------/g; $Text=~ s/\{in}/ /g; my ($mvoice) = $Text =~ s/mysterious//g; my ($achievement) = $Text =~ s/achievement//g; my ($noquotes) = $Text =~ s/noquotes//g; if($noquotes){ $quo = ""; } else{ $quo = "'"; } my ($nobracket) = $Text =~ s/nobracket//g; my ($nosound) = $Text =~ s/nosound//g; my ($cname) = $Text =~ /{(.*)\>/; $Text =~ s/{$cname\>//g; if(!$nobracket){ ($bracket) = $Text =~ /\[([^\]]+)\].*/; ($bracket2) = $Text =~ /\[(.*)\>/; } my ($anim) = $Text =~ /\+(.*)\+/; $Text=~ s/\+$anim\+//g; my ($Timer) = $Text =~ /\=(.*)\=/; $Text=~ s/\=$Timer\=//g; my $response = ""; my $ClickQueue = ""; my $Options = ""; my @popupid = $Text =~ /popupid\:(\d+)/g; if($popupid[0]){ $PopId = $popupid[0]; my $string = "popupid:" . $popupid[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; } my @wintype = $Text =~ /wintype\:(\d+)/g; if($wintype[0]){ if($wintype[0] == 1){ $Opt = 1; }; my $string = "wintype:" . $wintype[0]; $Text=~ s/$string//g; } if(!$nobracket){ if($bracket){ $response = $bracket; } if($bracket2){ $response = $bracket2; } @data = ($Text =~ m/\[([^\]]+)\]/g); foreach $val (@data){ $Options .= "" . quest::saylink($val, 1) . " - ";} if($data[1]){ $client->Message(15, " --- Select Response from Options --- "); $client->Message(0, "[" . substr ($Options, 0, -3) . "]"); } } if($anim){ if($anim > 0){ quest::doanim($anim); } else{ plugin::DoAnim($anim);} } my $string = quotemeta("[" . $bracket2 . ">"); $Text=~ s/$string//g; if($Timer > 0){ $ClickQueue = "
This message will disappear in " . $Timer . " second(s)...
"; } elsif($response ne ""){ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", $response); if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "
Click 'Yes' to continue'...
"; } else{ $ClickQueue = "
Click 'OK' to respond with '" . $response . "'...
"; } }else{ $client->SetEntityVariable("npcresponse", ""); if($Opt == 1){ $ClickQueue = "
Click 'Yes' to continue'...
";} else{ $ClickQueue = "
Click 'OK' to continue...
"; } } if($achievement){} elsif($cname){ $Speaking = $cname . " says"; } elsif($mvoice){ $Speaking = "A Mysterious Voice says"; } else{ if($npc){ $Speaking = $npc->GetCleanName() . ' says'; } } if($achievement){ $Title = "New Achievment!"; } else{ $Title = "Dialogue: " . $Speaking; } if($achievement){ $Timer = 5; quest::popup($Title, $Text . "" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); } else{ quest::popup($Title, "
" . $Speaking . "
" . $quo . "" . $Text . "" . $quo . "" . "
" . $ClickQueue . "", $PopId, $Opt, $Timer); } $PopId = undef; $achievement = undef; } #::: Used for include of EVENT_POPUPRESPONSE #::: http://wiki.eqemulator.org/p?The_DiaWind_Plugin#to-activate-this-plugin sub DiaWind_Process_Response{ my $popupid = plugin::val('$popupid'); my $client = plugin::val('$client'); if($popupid == 999){ my $nresponse = $client->GetEntityVariable("npcresponse"); if($Debug){ $client->Message(15, "Debug Silent Message: '" . $nresponse . "'"); } if($nresponse ne ""){ $client->SilentMessage($nresponse); } return; } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022