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ArcheryAttack.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Usage: plugin::ArcheryAttack(MeanDamage, Variance, TargNumber); # MeanDamage - average damage of the attack # Variance - +- % of mean as a range. # TargNumber - 1: Current target, 2: All Targets on Hatelist, 3: Random Target from Hatelist # Requires most current globals.pl and randomrange.pl plugins. sub ArcheryAttack { ## Variables, set these to customize how the script works $ACDiv = 75; # 35% shielding (max default) at 2625 AC with ACDiv of 75 $PCTMiss = 5; # Percent chance to miss outright $PCTCrit = 5; # Percent chance to critically hit $MaxShield = 35; # Max Shielding percent $ThroatDamage = 1.25; # Following variables edit the damage $HeadDamage = 1.1; # Based on where the arrow is striking $ChestDamage = 1.0; # Feel free to edit these to $ArmDamage = 0.9; # Suit your needs. $LegDamage = 0.9; $HandDamage = 0.75; $FootDamage = 0.75; ## End Variables $PCTMiss = 100-$PCTMiss+1; $npc = plugin::val('$npc'); $entity_list = plugin::val('entity_list'); my $MeanDamage = $_[0]; my $Variance = $_[1]; my $TargNumber = $_[2]; my $MobName = $npc->GetCleanName(); my $MinDamage = int ( $MeanDamage * (1-($Variance/100)) ); my $MaxDamage = int ( $MeanDamage * (1+($Variance/100)) ); $HitDmg = plugin::RandomRange($MinDamage, $MaxDamage); if ($TargNumber == 1) { $targ = $npc->GetHateTop(); $hitname = $targ->GetName(); $targid = $targ->GetID(); $targid = $entity_list->GetClientByID($targid); LocDmg(); quest::emote("sights and releases an arrow at his most infuriating enemy, $hitname."); quest::doanim(9); ApplyDamage(); } if ($TargNumber == 2) { quest::emote("begins to a fire off a furious barrage of arrows, aiming at everyone around him!"); quest::doanim(9); LocDmg(); HitAllClients(); } if ($TargNumber == 3) { $target = $npc->GetHateRandom(); $targid = $target->GetID(); $targid = $entity_list->GetClientByID($targid); $hitname = $target->GetName(); LocDmg(); quest::emote("looses an arrow at $hitname at random."); quest::doanim(9); ApplyDamage(); } } sub LocDmg { $HitLoc = quest::ChooseRandom("head","head","leg","arm","chest","chest","throat","throat","hand","foot"); CritOrMiss(); if ($HitLoc eq "head") { $HitDmg = int($HitDmg*$HeadDamage); } if ($HitLoc eq "leg") { $HitDmg = int($HitDmg*$LegDamage); } if ($HitLoc eq "arm") { $HitDmg = int($HitDmg*$ArmDamage); } if ($HitLoc eq "throat") { $HitDmg = int($HitDmg*$ThroatDamage); } if ($HitLoc eq "hand" ) { $HitDmg = int($HitDmg*$HandDamage); } if ($HitLoc eq "foot") { $HitDmg = int($HitDmg*$FootDamage); } if ($HitLoc eq "chest") { $HitDmg = int($HitDmg*$ChestDamage); } } sub HitAllClients { my @hatelist = $npc->GetHateList(); foreach $ent (@hatelist) { if($ent) { my $h_ent = $ent->GetEnt(); if($h_ent) { $targid = $h_ent->GetID(); $targid = $entity_list->GetClientByID($targid); ApplyDamage(); } } } } sub ApplyDamage { if ($HitDmg != 0) { $pac = $targid->CastToMob()->GetAC(); $shielding = $pac/$ACDiv; if ($shielding > $MaxShield) { $shielding = $MaxShield; } $shielding = $shielding/100; $HitDmg = int ($HitDmg * (1-$shielding)); $targid->Damage($npc,$HitDmg,0,4); if ($DidCrit eq "crit") { $targid->Message(13,"You have been CRITICALLY STRUCK by an arrow in the $HitLoc for $HitDmg points of non-melee damage!"); } else { $targid->Message(13,"You have been struck by an arrow in the $HitLoc for $HitDmg points of non-melee damage!"); } } else { $targid->Message(13,"You breathe a sigh of relief as the arrow narrowly misses you!"); } } sub CritOrMiss { $didmiss = int(rand(100)); if ($didmiss > $PCTMiss) { $HitDmg = 0; } if ($didmiss <= $PCTCrit) { $DidCrit = "crit"; $HitDmg = $HitDmg*2; } else { $DidCrit = "no"; } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022