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a_lesser_spirit.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#This will start Shaman Epic 1.0 # items: 1665 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i){ #Part of Shaman Epic 1.0 quest::say("Did you take this person's life, shaman?"); } elsif($text=~/yes/i){ #Part of Shaman Epic 1.0 quest::say("Why have you taken this person's life, $name? Did he threaten your life? Did you dislike him? Or was his death a profit to you in some way?"); } elsif($text=~/threatened my life/i){ #Part of Shaman Epic 1.0 quest::say("I see. It brings me sadness to see another die, but his heart was black and a great nothingness. His body will become the grass now. Thank you for what you have done, shaman."); } elsif($text=~/what are you/i){ #Part of Shaman Epic 1.0 quest::say("What, or who, I am isn't as important as what, or who, WE are. Do you wish to know more, shaman?"); } elsif($text=~/know more/i){ #Part of Shaman Epic 1.0 quest::say("That is good, $name. Take this gem. It is a part of us like the clouds to the sky and is a wonderful gift from the grandfather. Take this gem to where the humans gather to spoil the land and water. Some call it a port. There you will find one of us, a shaman like yourself. Give him the gem and perhaps he will tell you more of the spirits."); quest::summonitem(1665); # Item: Tiny Gem quest::depop(); } } #Submitted by: Jim Mills
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022