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paladin_epic.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- items: 69982 local event_starter; local event_started=false; local num_wave=0; local event_won=false; function Keelee_Spawn(e) event_started=false; num_wave=0; event_won=false; end function Keelee_Say(e) if(e.other:HasItem(69953)) then if(e.message:findi("hail") and event_started==false and event_won==false) then e.self:Say(e.other:GetName() .. "!! Watch out, there are aggressive orcs here! Be careful. . .Aiiiieeeeeeeeee"); event_starter=eq.get_entity_list():GetClientByID(e.other:GetID()); event_started=true; event_won=false num_wave=0; eq.spawn2(37162, 0, 0,1304.8,1478.7,4.6,452); --##Remal_the_Black (37162) UNTARGETABLE eq.set_timer("spawn_wave",1000); eq.set_timer("banish",3000); end if(e.message:findi("hail") and event_started==true and event_won==true and e.other:GetID()==event_starter:GetID()) then e.other:SummonItem(69982); -- Item: Keelee's Brooch e.self:Say(e.other:GetName() .. "! You are my savior. Thank you very much for saving me. Here is my Brooch, take it as a symbol of friendship from me to you. I need to depart. I still have some collecting to do."); local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.other); if(qglobals["pal_chest_keel"] == nil ) then eq.spawn2(893,0,0,e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); -- #a chest (Epic 2.0) eq.set_global("pal_chest_keel","1",5,"F"); end eq.depop_with_timer(); end end end function Keelee_Timer(e) if e.timer=="spawn_wave" then if num_wave < 4 then num_wave=num_wave+1 eq.spawn2(37160, 0, 0,1342.6,1507.6,4.6,298); --#an_orc (37160) eq.spawn2(37160, 0, 0,1347.6,1429.77,4.6,448); --#an_orc (37160) eq.spawn2(37160, 0, 0,1283.6,1416,4.6,64); --#an_orc (37160) eq.spawn2(37160, 0, 0,1287,1498.4,11,190); --#an_orc (37160) eq.set_timer("spawn_wave",120*1000); else --if no #an_orc, next phase if (eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(37160) == false) then eq.depop(37162); eq.zone_emote(15,"A mystical portal is formed. Keelee and Remal dissappear."); e.self:Shout("Help me, I'm at some orc camp, help please!"); e.self:GMMove(-690.6 ,-1825, 5.55, 48); eq.spawn2(37161,0,0,-704.5,-1835,6,52); --#Remal_the_Black (37161) eq.set_timer("depop",60*60*1000); eq.stop_timer("banish"); eq.stop_timer("spawn_wave"); else --lost, depop it all eq.set_timer("depop",1000); end end elseif e.timer=="banish" then local now_clients = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); for client in now_clients.entries do if (client.valid and e.self:CalculateDistance(client:GetX(), client:GetY(), client:GetZ()) <=300 and client:GetID()~=event_starter:GetID()) then client:MovePC(37, -956,725,50,120); -- Zone: oasis client:Message(15,"Foolish adventurer, do not interfere with this ritual!"); end end elseif e.timer=="depop" then eq.depop_all(37160); eq.depop_all(37161); eq.depop_all(37162); eq.depop_with_timer(); end end function Remal_Death(e) event_won=true; end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('paladin_epic', Event.say, 37152, Keelee_Say); --#Keelee_Rayin (37152) eq.register_npc_event('paladin_epic', Event.timer, 37152, Keelee_Timer); --#Keelee_Rayin (37152) eq.register_npc_event('paladin_epic', Event.spawn, 37152, Keelee_Spawn); --#Keelee_Rayin (37152 eq.register_npc_event('paladin_epic', Event.death, 37161, Remal_Death); --#Keelee_Rayin (37152) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022