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player.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#BeginFile: northkarana\player.pl #Quest file for Luclin Spires #Quest file for North Karana: Paladin message during Necromancer Epic 1.5 (Soulwhisper) sub EVENT_ENTERZONE { quest::settimer("spires",10); $qglobals{nexus} = undef; $qglobals{spire_nk} = undef; $qglobals{message_nk} = undef; if ($class eq "Bard" || $class eq "Rogue") { if (plugin::check_hasitem($client, 52355) && !plugin::check_hasitem($client, 52359)) { #Shakey's Dilapidated Noggin, Radiant Azure Lightstone quest::unique_spawn(13123, 109, 0, 0, 0, -8); #Flighty_Azure_Wisp $client->Message(15, "Out of the corner of your eye, you catch a glimpse of a brightly colored wisp as it darts by. It's moving at an incredible speed."); } } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if (defined $qglobals{nexus} && defined $qglobals{spire_nk} && $qglobals{spire_nk} == 1 && plugin::check_hasitem($client, 19720)) { quest::selfcast(2433); #self only to avoid AE quest::setglobal(spire_nk,0,1,"F"); quest::delglobal(message_nk); $client->NukeItem(19720); #removes stone from inventory. $qglobals{nexus} = undef; $qglobals{spire_nk} = undef; $qglobals{message_nk} = undef; } elsif (defined $qglobals{nexus} && defined $qglobals{spire_nk} && $qglobals{spire_nk} == 1 && !defined $qglobals{message_nk} && !plugin::check_hasitem($client, 19720)) { $client->Message(15,"You don't have the correct component to travel to Luclin."); quest::setglobal(message_nk,1,1,"M20"); #prevent component mssage from being spammed. $qglobals{nexus} = undef; $qglobals{spire_nk} = undef; $qglobals{message_nk} = undef; } elsif (defined $qglobals{nexus_nk} && defined $qglobals{spire_nk} && $qglobals{spire_nk} == 1 && defined $qglobals{message_nk} && !plugin::check_hasitem($client, 19720)) { $qglobals{nexus} = undef; $qglobals{spire_nk} = undef; $qglobals{message_nk} = undef; } } sub EVENT_LOOT { if(($looted_id == 14344) && plugin::check_hasitem($client, 26896) && plugin::check_hasitem($client, 11430) && plugin::check_hasitem($client, 22892)) { #All 4 Paladin Heads $client->Message(15,"With his last breath, the paladin says, 'You are too late. The last paladin has fled to Natimbi with the staff and is on his way to destroy it!'"); } if ($class eq "Ranger" && $looted_id == 62604) { if (defined $qglobals{ranger_epic15_pre} && $qglobals{ranger_epic15_pre} ne "8") { return 1; }else{ return 0; } } } #EndFile: northkarana\player.pl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022