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player.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
sub EVENT_ENTERZONE { quest::settimer(1,30); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if (defined($qglobals{antonica_port}) && defined($qglobals{nexus_ant})) { quest::selfcast(2708); #antonica quest::setglobal("nexus_ant",0,1,"S60"); $nexus_ant = undef; $antonica_port = undef; } elsif (defined($qglobals{faydwer_port}) && defined($qglobals{nexus_fay})) { quest::selfcast(2706); #faydwer quest::setglobal("nexus_fay",0,1,"S60"); $nexus_fay = undef; $qglobals{faydwer_port} = undef; } elsif (defined($qglobals{odus_port}) && !defined($qglobals{velious_port}) && defined($qglobals{nexus_vos})) { quest::selfcast(2707); #odus quest::setglobal("nexus_vos",0,1,"S60"); $qglobals{nexus_vos} = undef; $qglobals{odus_port} = undef; } elsif (defined($qglobals{velious_port}) && !defined($qglobals{odus_port}) && defined($qglobals{nexus_vos})) { quest::selfcast(2062); #velious quest::setglobal("nexus_vos",0,1,"S60"); $qglobals{nexus_vos} = undef; $qglobals{velious_port} = undef; } elsif (defined($qglobals{kunark_port}) && defined($qglobals{nexus_kun})) { quest::selfcast(2709); #kunark quest::setglobal("nexus_kun",0,1,"S60"); $qglobals{nexus_kun} = undef; $qglobals{kunark_port} = undef; } elsif (defined($qglobals{velious_port}) && defined($qglobals{odus_port}) && defined($qglobals{nexus_vos})) { $client->Message(15,"The Odus and Velious port is very volatile, and often misplaces people. Feel lucky you ended up back here! You should be ported properly next cycle. We're sorry for the inconvenience!"); quest::selfcast(2433); #unlikely but could happen. send to nexus. quest::setglobal("nexus_vos",0,1,"S60"); $qglobals{nexus_vos} = undef; $qglobals{velious_port} = undef; $qglobals{odus_port} = undef; } $qglobals{nexus_ant} = undef; $qglobals{antonica_port} = undef; $qglobals{nexus_fay} = undef; $qglobals{faydwer_port} = undef; $qglobals{nexus_vos} = undef; $qglobals{odus_port} = undef; $qglobals{velious_port} = undef; $qglobals{nexus_kun} = undef; $qglobals{kunark_port} = undef; }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022