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Lerin_Sardor.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 5982, 5983, 5984 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Ahh. hello there $name. I am a trader from Sanctus Seru trying to make my way to Shadowhaven for some dealings. I have come this far with the aid of guards from Sanctus Seru, but they have turned back and left me to go on my own. I hear there are many terrible [creatures] here lurking in the shadows. Leave it to the guards of the Hand to leave me unprotected."); } if($text=~/creatures/i) { quest::say("What I was told is that this pass is filled with small horrible creatures with no eyes. Perhaps you could [help by providing safe passage] to the other side?"); } if($text=~/help by providing safe passage/i) { #quest::say("Great! If I can get safely to the other side I will give you a small trinket that I was going to sell. Getting safe passage for the rest of my goods is worth more than the item in itself. Surely you know a good deal when you hear one. Take this note. If you agree to the conditions that I get across safely before you get payment return it to me and we will be on our way."); #quest::summonitem(5982); quest::say("I am not ready yet. Maybe later."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 5982 => 1)) { quest::say("Let us go then. Please be alert throughout the cavern. Once we get to the other side safely give me the signed agreement and you will have your payment."); quest::summonitem(5983); # Item: Signed Agreement } if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 5983 => 1)) { quest::say("Thank you so much for your help! As I promised here is a small token of my appreciation."); quest::summonitem(5984); # Item: Jasper Kundan Earring } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:netherbian ID:Not_Found -- Lerin_Sardor
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022