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Noxhil_V-Sek.pl - Quest File
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#Noxhil_V-Sek.pl #Fire Beetle Eyes/Mammoth Tusks (Kerran Fire Beetle Eyes) #There is alot of confusion about the fire beetle eyes/kerran fire beetle eyes. #It is my thought that people are mixing the two quests up, and imagining a #third quest, when really there are just two. It's not possible to turn #in 5 items to a quest giver at once, the person who said 4 beetle eyes #and 1 mammoth tusk was making it up. I don't know why. The turn ins #are a combined box of fire beetle eyes (either sort of beetle eye works) #for the first quest and 2 mammoth tusks (called bull elephant tusks in the #dialog, but a well known never fixed screw up on VI's part) for the second. #I did this quest on live numerous times, though it has been years. It was #excellent xp for a new character. -Kilelen # items: 17930, 13389, 13021, 13022, 10124, 15035, 15362, 15445, 28216 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i){ quest::say("Greetings, $name! We of the Dead are proud to have you among us. Your lineage is well known. Still, you must learn to claw your way to the upper echelon. There are many [menial tasks] to be performed before you can truly be inducted as a member."); } if($text=~/menial tasks/i){ quest::say("You cannot avoid the toil of peons. We have all spent our time in the lower ranks. There are duties such as [collecting beetle eyes]."); } if($text=~/collecting beetle eyes/i){ #faction must be Amiable or better if ($faction <= 4) { quest::say("Take this chest. It has been fitted with a mold designed to hold ten beetle eyes. We require them for further experiments. Do not return until you fill the chest."); quest::summonitem(17930);#Empty Box } else { quest::say("How dare you enter my presence?! In the name of the Dead I should strike you down!"); } } if($text=~/other components/i){ quest::say("The other components that are required are two Bull Elephant tusks. Mammoth tusks would do as well.");#text made up } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 13389 => 1)){#Box of Beetle Eyes quest::say("Fantastic work, my child! We shall store these for further experiments. Take this as extra payment for a fine job. You have done so well I believe you can assist in obtaining two [other components]."); quest::faction(239, 10); #The Dead quest::faction(303, 1); #Queen Cristanos Thex quest::faction(278,-1); #King Naythox Thex quest::faction(275,-1); #Keepers of Art quest::faction(245,-1); #Eldritch Collective quest::faction(1522,-20); #Primordial Malice quest::exp(6400);#reparsed for accuracy (Huffin) quest::givecash(0,16,0,0);#16 silver quest::summonitem(quest::ChooseRandom(13021, 13022));#Neriak Necter or Rotgrub Rye } if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 10124 => 2)){#Mammoth Tusks quest::say("These will do. Thank you, child.");#text made up quest::faction(239, 5); #The Dead quest::faction(303, 5); #Queen Cristanos Thex quest::faction(278,-10); #King Naythox Thex quest::faction(275,-10); #Keepers of Art quest::faction(245,-10); #Eldritch Collective quest::faction(1522,-10); #Primordial Malice quest::exp(17150);#5% level 8 experience, comments on alla's suggest the reward is this much. #Lesser summon corpse was not in the game when I played, and not one of the rewards. #However, it is a level 12 necro spell now, and I have no clue if it was added to the #list of rewards on live, so I'm adding it for completeness. -Kilelen quest::summonitem(quest::ChooseRandom(15035, 15362, 15445, 28216));#Random level 12 Necromancer spell (Bind Affinity, Convoke Shadow, Lifedraw, Lesser Summon Corpse } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); }#END of FILE Zone:neriakc ID:42042 -- Noxhil_V`Sek
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022