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Quest File
#There's a gate in the Neriak Commons that is actually three separate doors, but the gates should all lift together as one. This CLICKDOOR script accomplishes that. sub EVENT_CLICKDOOR { if($doorid == 1) { quest::forcedooropen(2); quest::forcedooropen(49); } if($doorid == 2) { quest::forcedooropen(1); quest::forcedooropen(49); } if($doorid == 49) { quest::forcedooropen(1); quest::forcedooropen(2); } } sub EVENT_ENTERZONE { if(($ulevel >= 15) && (!defined($qglobals{Wayfarer})) && ($client->GetStartZone()==$zoneid)) { $client->Message(15, "A mysterious voice whispers to you, 'Kwilrz Vn`Ycxa has just joined the Wayfarers Brotherhood and has some information about them, and how you can start doing odd jobs for them. You looked like the heroic sort, so I wanted to contact you . . . discreetly.'"); } } #Submitted by Jim Mills
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022