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player.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
function event_loot(e) -- bard 1.5 Drac chest if e.self:GetClass() == 8 and e.item:GetID() == 77613 then local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.self) if qglobals["bard15"] ~= nil and qglobals["bard15"] >= "3" and qglobals["bard15_dracchest"] == nil then eq.spawn2(283157, 0, 0, e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ(), e.self:GetHeading()) eq.set_global("bard15_dracchest", "1", 5, "F") end end end function event_enter_zone(e) -- bard 1.5 flagged spawns -- #Hsagra`s_Shade (123172) Vesthon event 1 -- #Vesthon_Marijakin (123173) Vesthon event 2 -- #Hsagra`s_Relics (123174) Vesthon event 2 if e.self:GetClass() == 8 then local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.self) if qglobals["hsagra_cooldown"] == nil and qglobals["bard15"] == "2" then eq.unique_spawn(123172, 0, 0, -2716, -293, 12, 82) end -- we want to let them respawn the event if they deleted the orb so they can do 2.0 -- Should probably add a 2.0 check here eventually if qglobals["drac_cooldown"] == nil and qglobals["bard15"] ~= nil and qglobals["bard15"] >= "3" and not e.self:HasItem(77613) and not e.self:HasItem(77640) then local entity_list = eq.get_entity_list() -- we can probably get away with just doing unique_spawn but lets just be safe if entity_list:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(123173) == false and entity_list:IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(123174) == false then eq.unique_spawn(123173, 0, 0, -1050, 1388, 13, 510) -- he will spawn the rest end end end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022