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vesthon.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--[[ bard 1.5 -- second vesthon fight -- #Vesthon_Marijakin (123173) -- #Hsagra`s_Relics (123174) -- #Xeegarn`s_lich (123175) -- #Malikor_Vikthule (123176) -- #Puella_Opalis`_lich (123177) -- #Jalor_Silin (123178) -- #Locis_V`Sek`s_lich (123179) -- #Ilishu_Julque (123180) -- #Amilia_Verisue`s_lich (123181) -- Xeegarn`s_minion (123182) -- Malikor`s_minion (123183) -- Puella`s_minion (123184) -- Jalor`s_minion (123185) -- Locis`_minion (123186) -- Ilishu`s_minion (123187) -- Amilia`s_minion (123188) -- #The_Dracoliche_of_Hsagra (123189) -- -- An inactive Vesthon spawns -- An inactive/FD'd Hsagra spawns -- The liches/humans spawn and don't attack -- Each luch/human has 2 minions associated with them -- The minions respawn when killed -- The minions are leashed to about 100 units away -- each time they are leashed, their damage doubles -- Once the master dies, the minions depop -- Each lich/human is inactive (but attackable) until 80% -- Once all the liches/humans are down Vesthon activates -- Once Vesthon dies Hsagra`s Relics will despawn and -- The Dracoliche of Hsagra will spawn once dead, the event is over --]] local box = require("aa_box") local leash_box = box(1408, 1108, -1248, -848) local minion_db = 58 local minion_di = 20 local lich_count = 0 local event_active = false -- map master to minion local minions = {} minions[123175] = 123182 minions[123176] = 123183 minions[123177] = 123184 minions[123178] = 123185 minions[123179] = 123186 minions[123180] = 123187 minions[123181] = 123188 function VesthSpawn(e) minion_db = 58 minion_di = 20 lich_count = 0 -- just in case GM repops eq.spawn2(123174, 0, 0, -1048, 1285, 2, 510):SetAppearance(3) -- needs_heading_validation -- necros eq.spawn2(123175, 0, 0, -1005, 1314, 2, 346) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123176, 0, 0, -1009, 1288, 2, 382) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123177, 0, 0, -1013, 1254, 2, 442) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123178, 0, 0, -1044, 1214, 2, 506) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123179, 0, 0, -1084, 1230, 2, 116) eq.spawn2(123180, 0, 0, -1107, 1269, 2, 224) eq.spawn2(123181, 0, 0, -1096, 1317, 2, 332) -- minions eq.spawn2(123182, 0, 0, -992, 1325, 2, 341) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123182, 0, 0, -987, 1316, 2, 350) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123183, 0, 0, -989, 1296, 2, 376) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123183, 0, 0, -989, 1282, 2, 386) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123184, 0, 0, -991, 1256, 2, 396) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123184, 0, 0, -996, 1230, 2, 423) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123185, 0, 0, -1034, 1195, 2, 505) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123185, 0, 0, -1047, 1192, 2, 503) -- needs_heading_validation eq.spawn2(123186, 0, 0, -1102, 1194, 2, 78) eq.spawn2(123186, 0, 0, -1101, 1204, 2, 112) eq.spawn2(123187, 0, 0, -1125, 1257, 2, 222) eq.spawn2(123187, 0, 0, -1128, 1268, 2, 226) eq.spawn2(123188, 0, 0, -1127, 1310, 2, 288) eq.spawn2(123188, 0, 0, -1120, 1333, 2, 318) eq.set_timer("despawn", 7200000) -- 2 hours end function VesthDeath(e) if event_active then eq.depop_all(123174) eq.spawn2(123189, 0, 0, -1048, 1285, 2, 510) -- needs_heading_validation end end function VesthTimer(e) eq.depop_all(123175) eq.depop_all(123176) eq.depop_all(123177) eq.depop_all(123178) eq.depop_all(123179) eq.depop_all(123180) eq.depop_all(123181) eq.depop_all(123182) eq.depop_all(123183) eq.depop_all(123184) eq.depop_all(123185) eq.depop_all(123186) eq.depop_all(123187) eq.depop_all(123188) eq.depop() end function RelicsSpawn(e) event_active = true eq.set_timer("despawn", 600000) -- 10 mins end function RelicsTimer(e) event_active = false eq.depop() end function LichSpawn(e) eq.set_next_hp_event(80) lich_count = lich_count + 1 end function LichHp(e) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 0) end function LichDeath(e) eq.depop_all(minions[e.self:GetNPCTypeID()]) lich_count = lich_count - 1 if lich_count == 0 then local vesthon = eq.get_entity_list():GetMobByNpcTypeID(123173) if vesthon.valid then vesthon:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 0) vesthon:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.no_harm_from_client, 0) end end end function MinionSpawn(e) eq.modify_npc_stat("min_hit", tostring(minion_db + minion_di * 1)) eq.modify_npc_stat("max_hit", tostring(minion_db + minion_di * 20)) eq.set_timer("leash", 6000) -- 6 secs end function MinionDeath(e) eq.spawn2(e.self:GetNPCTypeID(), 0, 0, e.self:GetSpawnPointX(), e.self:GetSpawnPointY(), e.self:GetSpawnPointZ(), e.self:GetSpawnPointH()) end function MinionTimer(e) if not leash_box:contains(e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY()) then e.self:Emote(" moans loudly as it is recalled to its master.") e.self:GotoBind() minion_di = minion_di * 2 eq.signal(123182, 1) eq.signal(123183, 1) eq.signal(123184, 1) eq.signal(123185, 1) eq.signal(123186, 1) eq.signal(123187, 1) eq.signal(123188, 1) end end function MinionSignal(e) eq.modify_npc_stat("min_hit", tostring(minion_db + minion_di * 1)) eq.modify_npc_stat("max_hit", tostring(minion_db + minion_di * 20)) end function DracDeath(e) eq.set_global("drac_cooldown", "1", 0, "m20") -- unsure end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123173, VesthSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123173, VesthDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123173, VesthTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123174, RelicsSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123174, RelicsTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123175, LichSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123176, LichSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123177, LichSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123178, LichSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123179, LichSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123180, LichSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123181, LichSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123175, LichDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123176, LichDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123177, LichDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123178, LichDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123179, LichDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123180, LichDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123181, LichDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.hp, 123175, LichHp) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.hp, 123176, LichHp) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.hp, 123177, LichHp) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.hp, 123178, LichHp) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.hp, 123179, LichHp) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.hp, 123180, LichHp) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.hp, 123181, LichHp) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123182, MinionSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123183, MinionSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123184, MinionSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123185, MinionSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123186, MinionSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123187, MinionSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.spawn, 123188, MinionSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123182, MinionDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123183, MinionDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123184, MinionDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123185, MinionDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123186, MinionDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123187, MinionDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123188, MinionDeath) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123182, MinionTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123183, MinionTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123184, MinionTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123185, MinionTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123186, MinionTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123187, MinionTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.timer, 123188, MinionTimer) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.signal, 123182, MinionSignal) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.signal, 123183, MinionSignal) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.signal, 123184, MinionSignal) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.signal, 123185, MinionSignal) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.signal, 123186, MinionSignal) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.signal, 123187, MinionSignal) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.signal, 123188, MinionSignal) eq.register_npc_event("vesthon", Event.death_complete, 123189, DracDeath) end function event_encounter_unload(e) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022