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ranger_1_5.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--280085 earth --280086 fire --280087 water --280088 air --280089 sen of mist -- items: 62621 function Trenz_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("wave",14*1000); eq.set_timer("adds",10*1000); eq.set_timer("senvial",math.random(75,120)*1000); --eq.set_timer("senvial",5*1000); test end end function Trenz_Timer(e) if(e.timer=="wave") then eq.stop_timer("wave"); eq.set_timer("wave",20*1000); e.self:CastSpell(5812, e.self:GetHateTop():GetID()); -- Wave of Flame elseif (e.timer=="senvial") then eq.spawn2(280089,0,0,e.self:GetX()+15,e.self:GetY()+15,e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); -- NPC: Senvial_of_the_Mist eq.stop_timer("senvial"); elseif (e.timer=="adds") then eq.spawn2(eq.ChooseRandom(280085,280086,280087,280088),0,0,e.self:GetX()-15,e.self:GetY()-15,e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); -- NPC(s): a_bound_earth_spirit (280085), a_bound_fire_spirit (280086), a_bound_water_spirit (280087), a_bound_air_spirit (280088) local entity_list = eq.get_entity_list(); local npc_list = entity_list:GetNPCList(); for npc in npc_list.entries do if (npc.valid and (npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 280085 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 280086 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 280087 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 280088)) then npc:AddToHateList(e.self:GetHateRandom(),1); end end end end function Senvial_Say(e) local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.other); if(qglobals["ranger_epic"] == "2" and e.other:HasItem(62844) == true) then if(e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Say("Thank you for freeing me, "..e.other:GetName()..". I am not sure how it is that you broke the power that commanded me, but for that I am very grateful. The water spirit looks at you carefully before speaking again. I sense that you will need my aid in the future. To repay my debt to you I give you my blessing. This is no mean thing, it carries with it a portion of my own power. Mine is the cool rain and soft mist. I am the essence of morning dew and the lazy fog. I have no doubt that you will use it wisely. There are more of my kin enslaved by these beasts and others like them. You appear to have the power to rescue them as you have me. I am not a being of foresight or far-seeing, mine is the realm of small, gentle things, but even I can see that you are a being of portent. I am honored to have met you. I must return to my realm. I shall never forget this place and what it has made me do, nor shall I forget the one thing that freed me."); e.other:SummonItem(62621); -- Item: Senvial's Blessing if(qglobals["ranger_natimbi_chest"] == nil) then eq.spawn2(283157,0,0,e.self:GetX(),e.self:GetY(),e.self:GetZ(),e.self:GetHeading()); -- #a chest (Epic 1.5) eq.set_global("ranger_natimbi_chest","1",5,"F"); end eq.set_timer("depop",8*1000); end end end function Senvial_Spawn(e) eq.set_next_hp_event(10); end function Senvial_Timer(e) if(e.timer=="depop") then eq.depop(); elseif(e.timer=="checkstatus") then if(eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(280084) == false) then e.self:Emote("stops moving and, with obvious effort, becomes more like mist than water. The elemental spirit remains in this position as it struggles to maintain control of its own will."); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(19, 1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(20, 1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 1); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(25, 1); e.self:WipeHateList(); eq.stop_timer("checkstatus"); end end end function Senvial_HP(e) if (e.hp_event == 10) then eq.set_timer("checkstatus",7*1000); end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.timer, 280084, Trenz_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.combat, 280084, Trenz_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.say, 280089, Senvial_Say); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.spawn, 280089, Senvial_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.hp, 280089, Senvial_HP); eq.register_npc_event('ranger_1_5', Event.timer, 280089, Senvial_Timer); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022