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iip.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--iip rewrite by Huffin --colussus of war will still activate after poison script executes, confirmed on live. You can avoid killing the controllers to avoid this local aneuk_emote = 0; local poison = 0; local box = require("aa_box"); local room_box = box(); room_box:add(-275, 389); room_box:add(-289, 729); room_box:add(-588, 727); room_box:add(-599, 395); function Ixvet_Spawn(e) eq.set_timer("popevent", 6 * 1000); poison = 0; end function Ixvet_Timer(e) if(e.timer=="popevent") then eq.stop_timer("popevent"); eq.depop_all(283046); --Construct_of_War (283046) eq.depop_all(283153); --Talwin`s_remains (283153) untargettable eq.depop_all(283049); --#Colossus_of_War (283049) eq.depop_all(283047); --Aneuk_Controller (283047) eq.spawn2(283046,0,0,-457,672,-97,312); --Construct_of_War (283046) eq.spawn2(283046,0,0,-471,602,-97,449); --Construct_of_War (283046) eq.spawn2(283046,0,0,-533,631,-97,256); --Construct_of_War (283046) eq.spawn2(283046,0,0,-523,500,-97,0); --Construct_of_War (283046) eq.spawn2(283046,0,0,-490,500,-97,0); --Construct_of_War (283046) eq.spawn2(283046,0,0,-469,563,-97,384); --Construct_of_War (283046) eq.spawn2(283153,0,0,-574,568,-97,336); --Talwin`s_remains (283153) untargettable eq.spawn2(283049,0,0,-584,586,-89,130); --#Colossus_of_War (283049) eq.spawn2(283047,0,0,-530,533,-97,254); --Aneuk_Controller (283047) eq.spawn2(283047,0,0,-488,633,-97,436); --Aneuk_Controller (283047) elseif(e.timer=="flavor1") then eq.stop_timer("flavor1"); eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 100,"Aneuk Controller says 'Bring that tray here, girl! I'm famished."); eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 100,"Aneuk Controller says 'Don't keep that all to yourself. Bring some of that fruit over here too!"); eq.set_timer("flavor2", 6 * 1000); elseif(e.timer=="flavor2") then eq.stop_timer("flavor2"); eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 100,"The Aneuk Controllers quickly gorge themselves on the fruit. After a few moments, they both double over and cry out in pain."); eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 100,"Ikaav Ixvet Pox says 'What have you done, slave! Try to poison me? You will pay for your insolence!"); poison = poison + 1; -- aneuk controllers will not call the construct of wars to battle if poisoned --eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCByNPCTypeID(283081):AddToHateList(e.self, 1); -- on live abena was 'struck down' but didnt die right away eq.signal(283081,1); -- signal abena to lie down end end function Ixvet_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.stop_timer("popevent"); else eq.set_timer("popevent", 3 * 1000); end end function Ixvet_Death(e) eq.depop(283153); --Talwin`s_remains (283153) untargettable eq.spawn2(283048,0,0,-574,568,-98,336); -- NPC: #Talwin`s_remains loot eq.zone_emote(15,"As the dying cries of Ikaav Ixvet Pox echo off the city walls, the ranks of the Muramites are thrown into chaos. Seizing the opportunity, the many slaves of Barindu rise up and fight for their freedom."); end --killing ixvet should signal the Nihil to aggro nearby mobs, which Nihil still needs to be parsed: It seems to be random each time function Ixvet_Signal(e) if (e.signal==1) then --signal from #Abena_Taifa e.self:Say("Be gone. I've no interest in your fruits today."); eq.set_timer("flavor1", 6 * 1000); end end function Construct_Signal(e) if (e.signal==1) then --signal to remove immunity e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 0); --turn off immunity e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 0); --turn off anti aggro elseif (e.signal==2) then --signal to remove immunity e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 1); --turn on immunity e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 1); --turn on anti aggro e.self:WipeHateList(); end end function Construct_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("oobcheck", 3 * 1000); else eq.stop_timer("oobcheck"); end end function Construct_Timer(e) if not room_box:contains(e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY()) then e.self:GotoBind() e.self:SetHP(e.self:GetMaxHP()) e.self:CastSpell(3791, e.self:GetID()) e.self:WipeHateList() end end function Colossus_Signal(e) if (e.signal==1) then --signal to remove immunity e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 0); --turn off immunity e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 0); --turn off anti aggro end end function Controller_Combat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("aggrolink", 6 * 1000); eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCByNPCTypeID(283047):AddToHateList(e.other, 1); eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCByNPCTypeID(283050):AddToHateList(e.other, 1); if (poison == 0) then eq.signal(283046,1); -- NPC: Construct of War wake up end else eq.stop_timer("aggrolink"); aneuk_emote = 0; end end function Controller_Death(e) eq.signal(283049,1); -- NPC: Colossus of War wake up end function Controller_Timer(e) if (poison == 0) then if (e.timer == "aggrolink") then local npc_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCList(); for npc in npc_list.entries do if (npc.valid and not npc:IsEngaged() and (npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 283046 or npc:GetNPCTypeID() == 283049)) then npc:AddToHateList(e.self:GetHateRandom(),1); -- add Construct of War (283046) and Colossus of War 283049 to aggro list if alive end end end else eq.signal(283046,2); -- NPC: Construct of War go to sleep in case aggro happened before script finalizes if (poison == 1 and aneuk_emote == 0) then e.self:Emote("raises its scepter and calls out, 'Constructs, protect us from these intruders!"); e.self:Emote("doubles over in pain, losing its concentration as the poison burns through its body."); aneuk_emote = 1; --reduce emote spam end end end function Talwin_Spawn(e) eq.set_timer("liedown", 500); end function Talwin_Timer(e) if (e.timer == "liedown") then e.self:SetAppearance(3); eq.stop_timer("liedown"); end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.spawn, 283153, Talwin_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.timer, 283153, Talwin_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.spawn, 283048, Talwin_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.timer, 283048, Talwin_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.combat, 283047, Controller_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.timer, 283047, Controller_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.signal, 283047, Controller_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.death_complete, 283047, Controller_Death); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.signal, 283049, Colossus_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.signal, 283046, Construct_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.combat, 283046, Construct_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.timer, 283046, Construct_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.signal, 283050, Ixvet_Signal); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.spawn, 283050, Ixvet_Spawn); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.combat, 283050, Ixvet_Combat); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.timer, 283050, Ixvet_Timer); eq.register_npc_event('iip', Event.death_complete, 283050, Ixvet_Death); end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022