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a_Luggald_High_Priest.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#BeginFile: nadox\a_Luggald_High_Priest.pl #Script for Crypt of Nadox - a Luggald High Priest #Spawns Innoruk if all apprentices are killed before the end of the ceremony my $counter; #Counter for dead apprentices my $begin; #Shows that event has started sub EVENT_SPAWN { $counter = 0; $begin = 0; } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if (($signal == 1) && ($begin == 0)) { quest::shout("Innoruuk protect us from the invaders in our land."); quest::settimer("ceremony",600); #10 minute ceremony quest::signal(227082,0); #Signal apprentices to chant $begin = 1; } if ($signal == 2) { $counter += 1; #apprentice death if ($counter == 1) { quest::shout("As long as we have our numbers, Innoruuk will provide us with strength."); } if ($counter == 2) { quest::shout("Innoruuk protect us from the invaders in our land."); } if ($counter == 3) { quest::shout("As long as we have our numbers, Innoruuk will provide us with strength."); } if ($counter == 4) { quest::shout("Innoruuk protect us from the invaders in our land."); } if ($counter == 5) { quest::shout("'Master Innoruuk, the invaders have intruded into your sacred place of worship! We are in need of your wisdom and power!"); quest::stoptimer("ceremony"); quest::spawn2(227331,0,0,1714,669,-87,360); #Innoruk (Nadox) quest::depop_withtimer(); } } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if ($timer eq "ceremony") { #Ceremony failed, reset quest::stoptimer("ceremony"); quest::shout("The ceremony is complete!!"); $counter = 0; $begin = 0; } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { quest::stoptimer("ceremony"); } #EndFile nadox\a_Luggald_High_Priest.pl (227073)
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022