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Scribe_Gurru.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- Scribe_Gurru NPCID:283052 local function convert_temp_flag(client, flag_name, flag_msg) -- Note: characters on live that received a temporary flag will forever receive -- "temporary" messages when repeating expeditions even after made permanent. -- Just a quirk in their priority flag checks (they probably use a separate flag) client:Message(MT.NPCQuestSay, string.format("Gurru tells you, 'I see that you have helped your friends accomplish things in %s. I will tell the High Priest of your deeds. You should seek an audience with him and see if there is anything else that you can help us with.'", flag_msg)) eq.set_data(string.format("%s-%s", client:CharacterID(), flag_name), "1") client:Message(15, "Your temporary character flag has been converted into a permanent flag!") eq.debug(string.format("Converted character [%s] temporary flag [%s] to permanent", client:GetName(), flag_name)) end local function update_sewers_flag(char_id, minimum_flag) local sewer_flag_key = string.format("%s-god_sewers", char_id) local sewers_flag = tonumber(eq.get_data(sewer_flag_key)) or 0 if sewers_flag < minimum_flag then eq.set_data(sewer_flag_key, tostring(minimum_flag)) end end function event_say(e) if e.message:findi("hail") then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, MT.SayEcho, "Scribe Gurru says, 'Please do not bother the High Priest with petty issues, he has enough on his mind. If you have other [" .. eq.say_link("issues") .. "] to discuss let me know.'") elseif e.message:findi("issues") then -- converts temporary flags into permanent flags if at right point in progression -- temporary flags are from completing expeditions with others outside progression local qglobals = eq.get_qglobals(e.other) local has_vxed_access = (qglobals.god_vxed_access and qglobals.god_vxed_access == "1") -- sewers or rondo complete local has_tipt_access = (qglobals.god_tipt_access and qglobals.god_tipt_access == "1") -- has_permanent_vxed local char_id = e.other:CharacterID() local snplant = eq.get_data(("%s-god_snplant"):format(char_id)) local sncrematory = eq.get_data(("%s-god_sncrematory"):format(char_id)) local snlair = eq.get_data(("%s-god_snlair"):format(char_id)) local snpool = eq.get_data(("%s-god_snpool"):format(char_id)) local vxed = eq.get_data(("%s-god_vxed"):format(char_id)) local tipt = eq.get_data(("%s-god_tipt"):format(char_id)) -- permanent flag for previous sewer indicates character is on that step -- update main sewers flag for accurate dialogue (high priest hails not required) if snplant == "T" then convert_temp_flag(e.other, "god_snplant", "the Purifying Plant") update_sewers_flag(char_id, 1) elseif sncrematory == "T" and snplant == "1" then convert_temp_flag(e.other, "god_sncrematory", "the Crematory") update_sewers_flag(char_id, 2) elseif snlair == "T" and sncrematory == "1" then convert_temp_flag(e.other, "god_snlair", "the Lair of Trapped Ones") update_sewers_flag(char_id, 3) elseif snpool == "T" and snlair == "1" then convert_temp_flag(e.other, "god_snpool", "the Pool of Sludge") update_sewers_flag(char_id, 4) elseif vxed == "T" and (snpool == "1" or has_vxed_access) then -- finished sewers or has rondo skip convert_temp_flag(e.other, "god_vxed", "Vxed") eq.set_global("god_tipt_access", "1", 5, "F") elseif tipt == "T" and has_tipt_access then -- must have completed permanent vxed convert_temp_flag(e.other, "god_tipt", "Tipt") eq.set_global("god_kodtaz_access", "1", 5, "F") else e.other:Message(MT.NPCQuestSay, "Gurru tells you, 'I see that you have completed some deeds for our people and we appreciate it. Before I can tell the High Priest of your work though, you will need to talk to him and finish some other tasks.'") end end end function event_trade(e) local item_lib = require("items") item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022