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_ft.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- area emote npc id: 243605 local TRIGGER_RADIUS = 50 local EMOTE_TIMER_RATE = 2000 local TRIGGER_MINIMUM = 3 local area_emotes = { { loc = { -280, -108, 6 }, color = 15, text = "Your footsteps break the silence in the caverns. Your activity has alarmed nearby scouts looking to please their master with information of an intruder. Perhaps it wasn't so wise of you to come here..." }, { loc = { 542, 109, 9 }, color = 15, text = "Something large and menacing claws at the rocks just ahead. The scrapes grind with the anticipation of the slaughter soon to come. Whatever beast lingers ahead knows that it is almost time for it to unleash its fury and serve the master that put it here." }, { loc = { 195, -4, 2 }, color = 15, text = "Something large and menacing claws at the rocks just ahead. The scrapes grind with the anticipation of the slaughter soon to come. Whatever beast lingers ahead knows that it is almost time for it to unleash its fury and serve the master that put it here." }, { loc = { 373, 330, 7 }, color = 15, text = "Something large and menacing claws at the rocks just ahead. The scrapes grind with the anticipation of the slaughter soon to come. Whatever beast lingers ahead knows that it is almost time for it to unleash its fury and serve the master that put it here." }, } function event_spawn(e) -- find our emote index for i=1,#area_emotes do local area = area_emotes[i] local dist = e.self:CalculateDistance(area.loc[1], area.loc[2], area.loc[3]) if dist < 10 then e.self:SetEntityVariable("emote_index", tostring(i)) eq.set_timer("area_emote", EMOTE_TIMER_RATE) break end end end function event_timer(e) if e.timer == "area_emote" then local index = tonumber(e.self:GetEntityVariable("emote_index")) or 0 if index > 0 and #e.self:GetClientsInProximity(TRIGGER_RADIUS) >= TRIGGER_MINIMUM then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, area_emotes[index].color, area_emotes[index].text) eq.depop() end end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022