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sharalla.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- the animals randomly deaggro and return to their spot near sharalla's corpse -- when deaggro, they become immune to aggro/combat until their next process tick (5s) -- a "bite" occurs if any animals are within 30 range of corpse during corpse's check (5s) -- at 10 bites the event fails -- notable live behavior/possible bugs: -- 1) the polar bear moves to the corpse, then immediately starts to path (walking) -- away in dungeon. it sometimes runs back and then starts pathing or warps away. -- this looks more like a bug with finding its destination by the corpse and not intent -- 2) one of the ravenous snow cougars doesn't attack corpse (but still counts for bites) local event_started = false local total_bites = 0 local animals_dead = 0 -- locations the animals move to when they spawn/deaggro to start biting corpse local animals = { [237793] = { -88, -930.875, 54.75, 295.25 }, -- a_starving_polar_bear [237794] = { -81, -941.875, 54.75, 390 }, -- #a_ravenous_snow_cougar [237795] = { -105, -948.0, 54.75, 99.575}, -- #a_ravenous_snow_cougar [237796] = { -111, -936.875, 54.75, 154.0 } -- a_famished_leopard } local function make_attackable(mob, attackable) mob:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, attackable and 0 or 1) mob:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro_on, attackable and 0 or 1) end local function depop_event() eq.depop(237773) -- Sharalla`s_corpse eq.depop(237772) -- Sharalla`s_warder for animal_id,_ in pairs(animals) do eq.depop(animal_id) end end function warder_say(e) if e.message:findi("hail") and not event_started then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, 15, "It is odd that Sharalla's warder remains here after her demise. It seems to be defending its master's remains. The warder turns toward you as it notices your presence. The moment it is distracted, several wild animals that had been hiding nearby lunge forth.") eq.spawn2(237793, 0, 0, -137, -868, 54, 216) -- a_starving_polar_bear eq.spawn2(237794, 0, 0, -6, -879, 52, 383) -- #a_ravenous_snow_cougar eq.spawn2(237795, 0, 0, 7, -872, 51, 350) -- #a_ravenous_snow_cougar eq.spawn2(237796, 0, 0, -59, -792, 49, 281) -- a_famished_leopard eq.signal(237773, 1) -- Sharalla`s_corpse (start proximity timer) event_started = true end end function corpse_signal(e) eq.set_timer("check_proximity", 5000) end function corpse_timer(e) -- check for any of the animals within 30 range every 5s and increment bites local npc_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetNPCList() for npc in npc_list.entries do if npc.valid and animals[npc:GetNPCTypeID()] then local dist = npc:CalculateDistance(e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()) if dist <= 20 then eq.get_entity_list():MessageClose(e.self, true, 100, 15, "One of the feral animals gnaws the remains of Sharalla, tearing at her clothes and skin. Her warder utters a pitiful whine.") total_bites = total_bites + 1 break end end end if total_bites >= 10 then eq.zone_emote(15, "Sharalla's remains have been irreversibly defiled by the wild animals. You have failed to protect her.") eq.signal(237743, 5) -- Durgin_Skell (warder event failed) depop_event() end end function animal_spawn(e) local loc = animals[e.self:GetNPCTypeID()] e.self:SetRunning(true) e.self:MoveTo(loc[1], loc[2], loc[3], loc[4], true) -- reduce aggro and assist range, they prioritize the corpse e.self:CastToNPC():ModifyNPCStat("aggro", "10") e.self:CastToNPC():ModifyNPCStat("assist", "10") eq.set_timer("process", 5000) end function animal_combat(e) if e.joined then e.self:SetEntityVariable("combat", "1") eq.stop_timer("combat_animation") else e.self:SetEntityVariable("combat", "0") end end -- deaggro condition is a random check every 5s (not sure on exact chance) -- once deaggro, the animal is non-aggroable function animal_timer(e) if e.timer == "process" then local in_combat = (e.self:GetEntityVariable("combat") == "1") if in_combat and math.random(3) == 1 then -- 33%, might need to adjust based on live -- leave combat and move to our bite position by Sharalla's corpse local loc = animals[e.self:GetNPCTypeID()] e.self:WipeHateList() e.self:MoveTo(loc[1], loc[2], loc[3], loc[4], true) e.self:SetEntityVariable("immune", "1") make_attackable(e.self, false) elseif not in_combat then -- first tick after de-aggroing removes immune state local is_immune = (e.self:GetEntityVariable("immune") == "1") if is_immune then e.self:SetEntityVariable("immune", "0") make_attackable(e.self, true) end -- simulate attack on Sharalla's corpse (assume we'd be stopped at destination) if not e.self:IsMoving() then eq.set_timer("combat_animation", 1000) -- live looks like actual combat (fast attacks) end end elseif e.timer == "combat_animation" then local animations = { 6, 8 } -- animDualWield and animHand2Hand (from packets) e.self:DoAnim(animations[math.random(#animations)]) end end function animal_death(e) animals_dead = animals_dead + 1 if animals_dead == 4 then eq.signal(237743, 4) -- Durgin_Skell (warder event success) depop_event() end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event("sharalla", Event.say, 237772, warder_say) -- Sharalla`s_warder eq.register_npc_event("sharalla", Event.signal, 237773, corpse_signal) -- Sharalla`s_corpse eq.register_npc_event("sharalla", Event.timer, 237773, corpse_timer) -- Sharalla`s_corpse for animal_type_id,_ in pairs(animals) do eq.register_npc_event("sharalla", Event.spawn, animal_type_id, animal_spawn) eq.register_npc_event("sharalla", Event.combat, animal_type_id, animal_combat) eq.register_npc_event("sharalla", Event.timer, animal_type_id, animal_timer) eq.register_npc_event("sharalla", Event.death_complete, animal_type_id, animal_death) end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022