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goblins.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
local event_started = false local use_raidleader_emote = false local use_taskmaster_emote = false local goblins_arrived = 0 local goblin_count = 0 local warnings = 0 local spawn_locs = { { 720.0, 1469.0, 5.0, 511.0 }, { 759.0, 972.0, 6.0, 511.0 }, { 508.0, 913.0, 5.0, 511.0 }, { 365.0, 896.0, -55.0, 511.0 }, } local function reset_event() eq.depop(237785) -- #Taskmaster_Suttalp eq.depop(237786) -- #Raid_Leader_Sig_Chol -- teleport all clients out of zone on event fail local client_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList() for client in client_list.entries do if client.valid then client:MovePC(30, -5461.0, -848.0, 190.0, 0) -- everfrost end end eq.depop_all(237784) -- #a_Frostfoot_henchman eq.spawn2(237721, 0, 0, 649.0, 1223.0, 4.125, 0.0) -- #a_Frostfoot_scout event_started = false use_raidleader_emote = false use_taskmaster_emote = false goblins_arrived = 0 goblin_count = 0 next_emote = 0 warnings = 0 end function scout_spawn(e) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_melee, 1) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_magic, 1) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro, 1) e.self:SetSpecialAbility(SpecialAbility.immune_aggro_on, 1) e.self:SetRunning(true) -- on live this triggers with an aggro emote at max 75 range (doorway) local x = e.self:GetX() local y = e.self:GetY() eq.set_proximity(x - 75, x + 75, y - 75, y + 75) end function scout_enter(e) if not event_started then e.self:MoveTo(270, 945, -50, 0, true) -- Raid Leader's room (could use a grid for live accuracy) event_started = true end end function scout_waypoint_arrive(e) -- todo: leader quest emotes are incorrectly hardcoded in database for some reason and occur on spawn eq.zone_emote(MT.SayEcho, "A goblin in the distance shouts, 'NOW! Ambush them!'") eq.spawn2(237786, 0, 0, 326.0, 1009.0, -53.625, 84) -- Raid Leader Sig Chol eq.spawn2(237785, 0, 0, 713.0, 970.0, 6.25, 142) -- Taskmaster Suitalp eq.depop() end local function spawn_goblin(from_raidleader) -- an add is spawned by each leader every 10s which paths to scout room local goblin_index = math.random(#spawn_locs) -- leader emote conditions are related to spawning the goblin at x = 365 if goblin_index == #spawn_locs then if from_raidleader then use_raidleader_emote = true else use_taskmaster_emote = true end end -- todo: sometimes rarely spawns a_Frostfoot_spellbreaker instead (not in db) local loc = spawn_locs[goblin_index] local goblin = eq.spawn2(237784, 0, 0, loc[1], loc[2], loc[3], loc[4]) -- #a_Frostfoot_henchman goblin:CastToNPC():ModifyNPCStat("aggro", "350") goblin:CastToNPC():ModifyNPCStat("assist", "350") -- assist aggro range on these is massive if los goblin:CastToNPC():MoveTo(693.75, 1164.125, 5.625, 191.5, true) -- scout room goblin_count = goblin_count + 1 -- at 30 spawned goblins the event is reset and clients are all teleported outside zone if goblin_count == 7 and warnings == 0 then eq.zone_emote(15, "It must be an ambush! An army of ice goblins are pouring forth, rushing in from every direction. Judging by the cacophony of shrill voices echoing in the distance there are many more on the way. Their leaders must be nearby...") warnings = warnings + 1 elseif goblin_count == 13 and warnings == 1 then eq.zone_emote(15, "The goblins continue to mercilessly assail you. Periodically you can make out the voices of the leaders barking orders. Perhaps eliminating the commanders would bring a cease to the onslaught.") warnings = warnings + 1 elseif goblin_count == 19 and warnings == 2 then eq.zone_emote(15, "The goblins are relentless. When one falls, three more appear to take its place. If their attacks persist much longer you will be forced out of the icy caverns.") warnings = warnings + 1 elseif goblin_count == 25 and warnings == 3 then eq.zone_emote(15, "Everywhere you turn is another Frostfoot goblin. Reflections of them flash in distorted patterns on the icy walls. Within moments they will overwhelm you and force you out of their lair.") warnings = warnings + 1 elseif goblin_count == 30 and warnings == 4 then eq.zone_emote(15, "You are overwhelmed by the Frostfoot horde.") reset_event() end end function goblin_waypoint_arrive(e) eq.set_timer("depop", 25000) -- depop if at waypoint for 25s (combat resets this) end function goblin_combat(e) if e.joined then eq.stop_timer("depop") else -- they move back to destination immediately on feign death and restart depop timer at wp -- hack: make sure goblin moves to destination and wp arrive triggers again e.self:CastToNPC():SetGrid(-2) e.self:CastToNPC():ResumeWandering() -- disable AI_walking_timer e.self:CastToNPC():StopWandering() -- remove from temp grid so move works e.self:CastToNPC():MoveTo(693.75, 1164.125, 5.625, 191.5, true) end end function goblin_death(e) goblin_count = math.max(0, goblin_count - 1) end function goblin_timer(e) if e.timer == "depop" then -- the first two goblins to arrive at dest depopped after 50s instead of 25s if goblins_arrived < 2 then goblins_arrived = goblins_arrived + 1 else eq.depop() goblin_count = math.max(0, goblin_count - 1) end end end function leader_spawn(e) eq.set_timer("spawn_add", 10000) -- each leader spawns an add every 10s eq.set_timer("emote", 5000) end function raidleader_death(e) if not eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(237785) then -- #Taskmaster_Suttalp eq.depop_all(237784) -- #a_Frostfoot_henchman end end function taskmaster_death(e) if not eq.get_entity_list():IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(237786) then -- #Raid_Leader_Sig_Chol eq.depop_all(237784) -- #a_Frostfoot_henchman end end function leader_timer(e) local is_raidleader = (e.self:GetNPCTypeID() == 237786) -- #Raid_Leader_Sig_Chol if e.timer == "spawn_add" then spawn_goblin(is_raidleader) elseif e.timer == "emote" then -- emotes are a little convoluted to try to match live behavior (which isn't fully understood) if is_raidleader and use_raidleader_emote then eq.zone_emote(15, "Raid Leader Sig Chol shouts, 'To arms! Fend off the intruders and halt their attempts to proceed any further!'") use_raidleader_emote = false elseif use_taskmaster_emote then eq.zone_emote(15, "Taskmaster Suttalp shouts, 'Don't just stand there! Attack the invaders! Overwhelm them!'") use_taskmaster_emote = false end end end function event_encounter_load(e) eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.spawn, 237721, scout_spawn) -- #a_Frostfoot_scout eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.enter, 237721, scout_enter) -- #a_Frostfoot_scout eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.waypoint_arrive, 237721, scout_waypoint_arrive) -- #a_Frostfoot_scout eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.timer, 237784, goblin_timer) -- #a_Frostfoot_henchman eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.death_complete, 237784, goblin_death) -- #a_Frostfoot_henchman eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.combat, 237784, goblin_combat) -- #a_Frostfoot_henchman eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.waypoint_arrive, 237784, goblin_waypoint_arrive) -- #a_Frostfoot_henchman eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.spawn, 237786, leader_spawn) -- #Raid_Leader_Sig_Chol eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.timer, 237786, leader_timer) -- #Raid_Leader_Sig_Chol eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.death_complete, 237786, raidleader_death) -- #Raid_Leader_Sig_Chol eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.spawn, 237785, leader_spawn) -- #Taskmaster_Suttalp eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.timer, 237785, leader_timer) -- #Taskmaster_Suttalp eq.register_npc_event("goblins", Event.death_complete, 237785, taskmaster_death) -- #Taskmaster_Suttalp end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022