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npc_ext.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
function NPC:ForeachHateList(func, cond) cond = cond or function(ent, hate, damage, frenzy) return true end; local lst = self:GetHateList(); for ent in lst.entries do local cv = cond(ent.ent, ent.hate, ent.damage, ent.frenzy); if(cv) then func(ent.ent, ent.hate, ent.damage, ent.frenzy); end end end function NPC:CountHateList(cond) cond = cond or function(ent, hate, damage, frenzy) return true end; local lst = self:GetHateList(); local ret = 0; for ent in lst.entries do local cv = cond(ent.ent, ent.hate, ent.damage, ent.frenzy); if(cv) then ret = ret + 1; end end return ret; end function NPC:RandomRoam(maxx,maxy,maxz,los) maxz = maxz or 15; los = los or 5; if(self:IsEngaged() ~= 1) then local curx = self:GetX(); local cury = self:GetY(); local origx = self:GetSpawnPointX(); local origy = self:GetSpawnPointY(); local origz = self:GetSpawnPointZ(); local guardx = self:GetGuardPointX(); local guardy = self:GetGuardPointY(); if(curx == guardx and cury == guardy) then local randomx = math.random(maxx) + 1; local randomy = math.random(maxy) + 1; local posx = origx + randomx; local posy = origy + randomy; local negx = origx - randomx; local negy = origy - randomy; local newx = math.random(posx,negx); local newy = math.random(posy,negy); local newz = self:FindGroundZ(newx,newy, 5) + 1; if(newz > -999999 and origz > (newz - maxz + 1) and origz < (newz + maxz - 1)) then local loscheck = self:CheckLoSToLoc(newx, newy, newz, los); if(loscheck) then self:MoveTo(newx,newy,newz,-1,true); end end end end end function NPC:CastedSpellFinished(spell_id, target) -- note, we do have a server side function (not exported) called this too ... self:SendBeginCast(spell_id, 0); self:SpellFinished(spell_id, target); end function NPC:GetClientsInProximity(distance) local clients = {} local client_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList() for client in client_list.entries do if client.valid and self:CalculateDistance(client:GetX(), client:GetY(), client:GetZ()) <= distance then clients[#clients+1] = client end end return clients end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022