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general_ext.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
function eq.ChooseRandom(...) local tbl = {...}; return tbl[math.random(#tbl)]; end function eq.SelfCast(spell_id) local init = eq.get_initiator(); local sp = Spell(spell_id); if(init.null or sp.null) then return; end init:SpellFinished(spell_id, init, 10, 0, -1, sp:ResistDiff()); end function eq.ClassType(class) if(class == 8 or class == 15 or class == 3 or class == 4 or class == 5) then return "hybrid"; elseif(class == 1 or class == 7 or class == 16 or class == 9) then return "melee"; elseif(class == 11 or class == 12 or class == 13 or class == 14) then return "caster" elseif(class == 2 or class == 10 or class == 6) then return "priest"; end return "other"; end function eq.ZoneMarquee(color,opacity,fade_in,fade_out,duration,message) --type = color, priority = text opacity, fade_in = 1, fade_out = fade out in MS, duration = duration in MS --SendMarqueeMessage(Integer type, Integer priority, Integer fade_in, Integer fade_out, Integer duration, String msg); --e.self:SendMarqueeMessage(15, 510, 1, 100, 10000, " local now_clients = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); for client in now_clients.entries do if (client.valid) then client:SendMarqueeMessage(color,opacity,fade_in,fade_out,duration,message); end end end -- This is a function to produce a local emote, using similar syntax to zone_emote from lua_general. -- Expected data types - locs: table in { x, y, z } format, color: int, radius: int, message: string. -- Does not return any values. function eq.local_emote(locs, color, radius, message) local player_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); if(player_list ~= nil) then for player in player_list.entries do if(player:CalculateDistance(locs[1], locs[2], locs[3]) <= radius) then player:Message(color, message) end end end end --send a message only to GM toggled characters (useful for debugging/monitoring) function eq.GM_Message(color,text) local client_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); if(client_list ~= nil) then for client in client_list.entries do if client:GetGM() then client:Message(color,text); end end end end --check for players within a specified unit range function eq.PlayerCheck(x,y,z,dist) local client_list = eq.get_entity_list():GetClientList(); if (client_list ~= nil) then for client in client_list.entries do if client:CalculateDistance(x,y,z) <= dist then return true; --client in range end end end return false; end function eq.ExpHelper(level, percent, range) -- helper function to come up with appropriate XP rewards for quests -- level -> level range to use from table -- percent -> percent of exp at the level to give (default = 3) -- range -> range of randomness (default = 1) -- example: ExpHelper(51, 5, 1) will return a random exp value between 4% and 6% (5% average, range of 1%) of experience required to level from 51 to 52 -- defaults percent = percent or 3; range = range or 1; -- hardcoded exp by level table, note this is exp to go from level n to level n+1, not total exp at level local exp = { [1] = 1000, [2] = 7000, [3] = 19000, [4] = 37000, [5] = 61000, [6] = 91000, [7] = 127000, [8] = 169000, [9] = 217000, [10] = 271000, [11] = 331000, [12] = 397000, [13] = 469000, [14] = 547000, [15] = 631000, [16] = 721000, [17] = 817000, [18] = 919000, [19] = 1027000, [20] = 1141000, [21] = 1261000, [22] = 1387000, [23] = 1519000, [24] = 1657000, [25] = 1801000, [26] = 1951000, [27] = 2107000, [28] = 2269000, [29] = 2437000, [30] = 5311000, [31] = 3070100, [32] = 3274700, [33] = 3485900, [34] = 3703700, [35] = 8215600, [36] = 4537200, [37] = 4796400, [38] = 5062800, [39] = 5336400, [40] = 12017200, [41] = 6397296, [42] = 6717104, [43] = 7044704, [44] = 7380096, [45] = 16835800, [46] = 8695400, [47] = 9081792, [48] = 9476608, [49] = 9879808, [50] = 10291392, [51] = 23976496, -- this is the amount of exp for an AA! [52] = 25996304, [53] = 28118096, [54] = 46090704, [55] = 50205888, [56] = 54529312, [57] = 59065696, [58] = 63819904, [59] = 89334624, [60] = 53462976, [61] = 34041088, [62] = 35175680, [63] = 36328960, [64] = 37500672, [65] = 38691072, [66] = 39900160, [67] = 41127680, [68] = 42373888, [69] = 43638720, [70] = 44922048, [71] = 46224128, [72] = 47544704, [73] = 48883840, [74] = 50241792, [75] = 51618048, [76] = 53013120, [77] = 54426752, [78] = 55858816, [79] = 57309696, [80] = 58779136, [81] = 60267136, [82] = 61773696, [83] = 63298816, [84] = 64842752, [85] = 66405120, [86] = 67986048, [87] = 69585792, [88] = 71203840, [89] = 72840704, [90] = 74496000, [91] = 76170240, [92] = 77862656, [93] = 79574016, [94] = 81303552, [95] = 83052032, [96] = 84819200, [97] = 86604800, [98] = 88408832, [99] = 90231552, [100] = 92073216 } -- return random between upper bound and lower bound return (math.random(exp[level] * (percent - range), exp[level] * (percent + range)) * .01) end -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/656199/search-for-an-item-in-a-lua-list function eq.Set (list) local set = {} for _, l in ipairs(list) do set[l] = true end return set end function eq.seconds(duration_str) local w = duration_str:match("(%d+)w") or 0 local d = duration_str:match("(%d+)d") or 0 local h = duration_str:match("(%d+)h") or 0 local m = duration_str:match("(%d+)m") or 0 local s = duration_str:match("(%d+)s") or 0 return s + (m * 60) + (h * 3600) + (d * 86400) + (w * 604800) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022