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client_ext.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
function Client:Faction(faction_id, faction_value, temp) temp = temp or 0; self:SetFactionLevel2(self:CharacterID(), faction_id, self:GetClass(), self:GetBaseRace(), self:GetDeity(), faction_value, temp); end function Client:GiveCash(copper, silver, gold, platinum) copper = copper or 0; silver = silver or 0; gold = gold or 0; platinum = platinum or 0; if(copper == 0 and silver == 0 and gold == 0 and platinum == 0) then return; end self:AddMoneyToPP(copper, silver, gold, platinum, true); local tmp = "You receive "; local first = true; if(platinum > 0) then tmp = tmp .. tostring(platinum) .. " platinum"; first = false; end if(gold > 0) then if(first) then first = false; else tmp = tmp .. ", "; end tmp = tmp .. tostring(gold) .. " gold"; end if(silver > 0) then if(first) then first = false; else tmp = tmp .. ", "; end tmp = tmp .. tostring(silver) .. " silver"; end if(copper > 0) then if(first) then first = false; else tmp = tmp .. ", "; end tmp = tmp .. tostring(copper) .. " copper"; end tmp = tmp .. " pieces."; self:Message(260, tmp); end function Client:Ding() self:SendSound(); end function Client:GetFaction(npc) return self:GetFactionLevel(self:CharacterID(), npc:GetID(), self:GetRace(), self:GetClass(), self:GetDeity(), npc:GetPrimaryFaction(), npc); end function Client:Class() local class = self:GetClass(); do local c = { [1] = "Warrior", [2] = "Cleric", [3] = "Paladin", [4] = "Ranger", [5] = "Shadow Knight", [6] = "Druid", [7] = "Monk", [8] = "Bard", [9] = "Rogue", [10] = "Shaman", [11] = "Necromancer", [12] = "Wizard", [13] = "Magician", [14] = "Enchanter", [15] = "Beastlord", [16] = "Berserker" } return c[class]; end end function Client:Race() local race = self:GetRace(); do local r = { [1] = "Human", [2] = "Barbarian", [3] = "Erudite", [4] = "Wood Elf", [5] = "High Elf", [6] = "Dark Elf", [7] = "Half Elf", [8] = "Dwarf", [9] = "Troll", [10] = "Ogre", [11] = "Halfling", [12] = "Gnome", [14] = "Werewolf", [74] = "Froglok", [75] = "Elemental", [108] = "Eye of Zomm", [120] = "Wolf Elemental", [128] = "Iksar", [130] = "Vah Shir", [161] = "Iksar Skeleton", [330] = "Froglok", [367] = "Skeleton", [522] = "Drakkin", ['?'] = "Unknown" } return r[race]; end end function Client:HasItem(itemid, trade) -- trade because ahh people sometimes trade = trade or nil if (trade ~= nil) then -- shallow copy local trade_copy = {}; for k, v in pairs(trade) do trade_copy[k] = v; end for i = 1, 4 do local key = "item" .. i; if (trade_copy[key] ~= nil and trade_copy[key].valid) then for a = Slot.AugSocketBegin, Slot.AugSocketEnd, 1 do local thisaugitem = self:GetAugmentIDAt(i,a); if(thisaugitem == itemid) then return true; end end if(trade_copy[key]:GetID() == itemid) then return true; end end end end --possessions for i = Slot.PossessionsBegin, Slot.PossessionsEnd, 1 do local thisitem = self:GetItemIDAt(i); for a = Slot.AugSocketBegin, Slot.AugSocketEnd, 1 do local thisaugitem = self:GetAugmentIDAt(i,a); if(thisaugitem == itemid) then return true; end end if(thisitem == itemid) then return true; end end --general and cursor containers for i = Slot.GeneralBagsBegin, Slot.CursorBagEnd, 1 do local thisitem = self:GetItemIDAt(i); for a = Slot.AugSocketBegin, Slot.AugSocketEnd, 1 do local thisaugitem = self:GetAugmentIDAt(i,a); if(thisaugitem == itemid) then return true; end end if(thisitem == itemid) then return true; end end --bank for i = Slot.BankBegin, Slot.BankEnd, 1 do local thisitem = self:GetItemIDAt(i); for a = Slot.AugSocketBegin, Slot.AugSocketEnd, 1 do local thisaugitem = self:GetAugmentIDAt(i,a); if(thisaugitem == itemid) then return true; end end if(thisitem == itemid) then return true; end end --bank containers for i = Slot.BankBagsBegin, Slot.BankBagsEnd, 1 do local thisitem = self:GetItemIDAt(i); for a = Slot.AugSocketBegin, Slot.AugSocketEnd, 1 do local thisaugitem = self:GetAugmentIDAt(i,a); if(thisaugitem == itemid) then return true; end end if(thisitem == itemid) then return true; end end --shared bank for i = Slot.SharedBankBegin, Slot.SharedBankEnd, 1 do local thisitem = self:GetItemIDAt(i); for a = Slot.AugSocketBegin, Slot.AugSocketEnd, 1 do local thisaugitem = self:GetAugmentIDAt(i,a); if(thisaugitem == itemid) then return true; end end if(thisitem == itemid) then return true; end end --shared bank containers for i = Slot.SharedBankBagsBegin, Slot.SharedBankBagsEnd, 1 do local thisitem = self:GetItemIDAt(i); for a = Slot.AugSocketBegin, Slot.AugSocketEnd, 1 do local thisaugitem = self:GetAugmentIDAt(i,a); if(thisaugitem == itemid) then return true; end end if(thisitem == itemid) then return true; end end --corpse local bodycount = self:GetCorpseCount(); if(bodycount > 0) then for b = 0, bodycount, 1 do local bodyid = self:GetCorpseID(b); for i = Slot.PossessionsBegin, Slot.PossessionsEnd, 1 do local thisitem = self:GetCorpseItemAt(bodyid, i); if(thisitem == itemid) then return true; end end for i = Slot.GeneralBagsBegin, Slot.CursorBagEnd, 1 do local thisitem = self:GetCorpseItemAt(bodyid, i); if(thisitem == itemid) then return true; end end end end return false; end function Client:ForeachHateList(func, cond) cond = cond or function(ent, hate, damage, frenzy) return true end; local lst = self:GetHateList(); for ent in lst.entries do local cv = cond(ent.ent, ent.hate, ent.damage, ent.frenzy); if(cv) then func(ent.ent, ent.hate, ent.damage, ent.frenzy); end end end function Client:CountHateList(cond) cond = cond or function(ent, hate, damage, frenzy) return true end; local lst = self:GetHateList(); local ret = 0; for ent in lst.entries do local cv = cond(ent.ent, ent.hate, ent.damage, ent.frenzy); if(cv) then ret = ret + 1; end end return ret; end function Client:GetGroupMemberCount() -- group member count with support for raid groups local raid = self:GetRaid() local group = self:GetGroup() if group.valid then return group:GroupCount() elseif raid.valid and raid:GetGroup(self) ~= -1 then return raid:GroupCount(raid:GetGroup(self)) end return 0 end function Client:DoesAnyPartyMemberHaveLockout(expedition_name, event_name, max_member_check) max_member_check = max_member_check or 0 if self:GetRaid().valid then return self:GetRaid():DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout(expedition_name, event_name, max_member_check) elseif self:GetGroup().valid then return self:GetGroup():DoesAnyMemberHaveExpeditionLockout(expedition_name, event_name, max_member_check) end return self:HasExpeditionLockout(expedition_name, event_name) end function Client:GetRaidMemberCountInZone() local count = 0 local raid = self:GetRaid() if raid.valid then for i=0,raid:RaidCount() - 1 do if raid:GetMember(i).valid then count = count + 1 end end end return count end function Client:IsClass(...) local class = self:GetClass(); if class == 17 then return true end; for i,v in ipairs(arg) do if class == v then return true; end end return false; end function Client:IsRace(...) local race = self:GetBaseRace(); for i,v in ipairs(arg) do if race == v then return true; end end return false; end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022