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#Tatsujiro_the_Serene.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--#Tatsujiro_the_Serene (27110) --Norraths Keepers Merchant -- hidden gm-only faction get and set local FACTIONS = {norrathkeepers=1023, darkreign=1021} local FACTION_LEVELS = {ally=2200, warmly=1000, kindly=600, amiable=300, indifferent=50, dubious=-600, threatenly=-900, scowls=-1000} function faction_con(number) if (number >= 1101) then return "Ally"; end if (number >= 701 and number <= 1100) then return "Warmly"; end if(number >= 401 and number <= 700) then return "Kindly"; end if(number >= 101 and number <=400) then return "Amiable"; end if(number >= 0 and number <= 100) then return "Indifferent"; end if (number >= -100 and number <= -1) then return "Apprehensive"; end if (number >= -700 and number <= -101) then return "Dubious"; end if (number >= -999 and number <= -701) then return "Threatenly"; end if (number <= -1000) then return "Scowls"; end end function adjust_faction(e, faction, desired) local charfaction = e.other:GetModCharacterFactionLevel(faction); local adjustment = 0; adjustment = charfaction - desired; adjustment = adjustment * -1; return adjustment; end function event_say(e) local is_gm = (e.other:Admin() > 80 and e.other:GetGM()); if (is_gm) then if (e.message:findi('hail')) then e.self:Say("I am the Faction Dude I will [" .. eq.say_link("help") .. "] you set [" .. eq.say_link("faction",false,"factions") .. "] [" .. eq.say_link("value",false,"values") .. "]"); e.self:Say("you can also view your [" .. eq.say_link("current") .. "] faction levels."); return; end if (e.message:findi('faction')) then e.self:Say("The current factions I can help with are.") for key, value in pairs(FACTIONS) do e.self:Say(key); end return; end if (e.message:findi('value')) then e.self:Say("The faction values are.") for key, value in pairs(FACTION_LEVELS) do e.self:Say(key); end return; end if (e.message:findi("help")) then e.self:Say("To set a [" .. eq.say_link("faction") .. "] to a [" .. eq.say_link("value") .. "] say \"set
\"") return; end if (e.message:findi("current")) then for key, value in pairs(FACTIONS) do local charfaction = e.other:GetModCharacterFactionLevel(value); e.self:Say(key .." faction is: ".. faction_con(charfaction)); end return; end if (e.message:findi("set")) then local wasGM = false; if (e.other:GetGM()) then e.other:SetGM(false); wasGM = true; end faction, value = e.message:match("set%s*(%a+)%s*(%a+)") e.other:Faction(FACTIONS[faction], adjust_faction(e, FACTIONS[faction], FACTION_LEVELS[value])) local charfaction = e.other:GetModCharacterFactionLevel(FACTIONS[faction]); e.self:Say(faction .." faction is: ".. faction_con(charfaction)); if (wasGM) then e.other:SetGM(true); end return; end end end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022