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#Miner_Welnik.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#Welnik's Picks and Ore by druid64 02/02/2012 updated from original code by Swiftsong_Lorekeeper # #Miner_Welnik.pl goes in /quest/lavastorm/ # items: 54435, 71705, 7882, 71706 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/Hail/i) { quest::say("Oh excuse my rudeness $name, but I'm afraid I don't have much time for idle chatter, I must find those [picks]!"); } if($text=~/picks/i) { quest::say("The mining picks! Bibol had me gathering up all the ones that were no longer usable to take to the smith and they are just gone. If I don't get them back in time, he will have my head! I've already wasted far too much [digging] time looking for them."); } if($text=~/digging/i) { quest::say("Dig dig dig, that's what we do. I don't know what is so all-important, but the boss has been in no mood for tricks this time around. I must [find] those picks and dig another six feet!"); } if($text=~/find/i) { quest::say("Yes find them, I must! Oh...Oh what are you doing? Do you think you could [help]? Can you find them for me?"); } if($text=~/help/i) { quest::say("There are four that I am still missing. How does this sound, I will stay here and dig to keep them off my back, and you find the picks and take them to the smith? His name is Numden, has a little shop in Steamfont. I am sure that I could find a way to reward you"); } if($text=~/extra/i) { quest::say("I am a bit of a jeweler on the side. I find it relaxing after working in the mines all day, and it comes in handy when I find the spare gem laying around. There is a special kind of fiery ore that can be found in these mountains. Bring me four pieces of it, and I shall make you a ring. How does that sound?"); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 54435 => 1)){ #bundle of shiny new picks x 1 quest::say("Oh, these are perfect! Please accept this as a reward. Actually, since you have done so much for me, I might be able to give you something [extra]"); quest::ding(); quest::summonitem(71705); # Item: Intricate Tool Belt quest::exp(1000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 7882 => 4)) { #fiery ore x 4 quest::say("That's the stuff. Three for me, one for you! Here is your ring $name. Thank you again for your help!"); quest::ding(); quest::summonitem(71706); # Item: Glowing Magma Ring quest::exp(1000); } plugin::returnUnusedItems(); } sub EVENT_SPAWN { my $x; my $y; my $z; my $h; $x = $npc->GetX(); $y = $npc->GetY(); $z = $npc->GetZ(); $h = $npc->GetHeading(); quest::set_proximity( $x-40,$x+40,$y-40,$y+40,$z-40,$z+40); } sub EVENT_ENTER { quest::say("Oh dear, oh dear. Where have they gone? My boss is going to kill me! "); }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022