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Shmendrik_Lavawalker.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# EPIC CLERIC # items: 28044, 28045 sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { # he will be killed probably by Natasha Whitewater. # eqcastersrealm say that the player can also kill him, not important as long as he dies quest::signalwith(51138,599,2000); # NPC: #Natasha_Whitewater } sub EVENT_SAY { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Hail, good $name!! Be wary near the waters of Lake Rathe! The Riptide goblin king, Lord Bergurgle, has been commanding his minions to murder and rob all who come near it! I am here seeking his death but I am afraid I am no match for all of his subjects. I shall reward you greatly for the death of Lord Bergurgle. I simply ask that you bring me his crown as proof."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { # 28044 : Lord Bergurgle's Crown if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount,28044=>1)) { quest::emote("shoves the crown into a scorch marked leather satchel and cackles uncontrollably as madness twists his features and flames dance in his eyes. 'You, $name, have reduced the Riptides into chaos! Without a king to keep them in control they will ravage the settlements surrounding this lake! After the slaughter I shall return and easily burn the remainder of the villages and fishing shanties to the ground! None shall escape the fires of the Tyrant!!'"); quest::summonitem(28045); # 28045 Oil of Fennin Ro quest::spawn2(51138,0,0,111,3627.3,51,384.8); # NPC: #Natasha_Whitewater #my $entid=quest::unique_spawn(51138,0,0,111,3627.3,51,384.8); # Natasha Whitewater, spawns in the hut nearby (loc to be adjusted) #my $mob=$entity_list->GetMobID($entid); #my $mobnpc=$mob->CastToNPC(); #$mobnpc->AddToHateList($npc,1); # she attacks Shmendrik } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); # return unused items } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { if ($signal == 99) { quest::say("I'll slay you like I slaughtered your fellow missionaries! The Triumvirate can not decide the fate of a follower of the Tyrant!!"); quest::signalwith(51138,199,2000); # NPC: #Natasha_Whitewater } if ($signal == 299) { quest::signalwith(51138,399,2000); # NPC: #Natasha_Whitewater } if ($signal == 499) { $natasha = $entity_list->GetMobByNpcTypeID(51138); if ($natasha) { $getshmend = $natasha->CastToNPC(); $getshmend->AddToHateList($npc, 1); } } } #End of File, Zone:lakerathe NPC:51012 -- Shmendrik_Lavawalker
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022