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#a_bloodgill_mimic.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
-- items: 52941 function event_say(e) if(e.message:findi("hail")) then e.self:Say("Can't you feel him? I hear the wind blow across the lake and I think he must still be . . . "); elseif(e.message:findi("who is he")) then e.self:Say("He who fell from the sky. I have sought [evidence] of him for my [master]."); elseif(e.message:findi("master")) then e.self:Say("You know my master. Are we not the same?"); elseif(e.message:findi("Aida")) then e.self:Say("Aida was once my partner, but it has been years since I have seen her. It does worry me so. "); elseif(e.message:findi("where is she")) then e.self:Say("I last saw her heading into an airless place. So confident, she was"); end end function event_trade(e) local item_lib = require("items"); if(item_lib.check_turn_in(e.trade, {item1 = 52941})) then -- Garudon's Statue e.self:Say("I thank you. How terrible it must be to still remain after such time. You must possess some measure of power to return this to me. I believe Aida could benefit from the help of one such as yourself."); eq.set_global("EnchPre","1",5,"F"); end item_lib.return_items(e.self, e.other, e.trade) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022