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#Theurgus_Ajeea_Polaja.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 7779, 7361 sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::settimer(1,900); } sub EVENT_TIMER { quest::depop(); } sub EVENT_ITEM{ if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 7779 => 1)){ quest::say("Perfect. We shall begin the summoning and questioning. This enchanted scroll will magically scribe all that transpires within its radius of perception. Take it to Magistrate Phenic after the summoning and questioning are completed."); quest::faction(1504,5); # Faction: Magus Conlegium quest::faction(1502,1); # Faction: Katta Castellum Citizens quest::faction(1503,1); # Faction: Validus Custodus quest::faction(1483,-1); # Faction: Seru quest::faction(1484,-1); # Faction: Hand of Seru quest::faction(1485,-1); # Faction: Eye of Seru quest::faction(1541,-1); # Faction: Hand Legionnaries quest::summonitem(7361); #Enchanted Record of Events quest::spawn2(160458,0,0,-97,-822,11,0); #Autarkic Lord Sfarosh quest::signalwith(160458,1,1000); #Start conversation } } sub EVENT_SIGNAL{ if($signal == 1){ quest::say("How was it that you came to be imprisoned in the mansion of Nathyn Illuminious?"); quest::signalwith(160458,4,5000); # NPC: Autarkic_Lord_Sfarosh } if($signal == 2){ $npc->SetAppearance(3); quest::signalwith(160473,2,100); #Praecantor_Sels_Dawneyes } if($signal == 3){ quest::signalwith(160472,3,100); #Incantator_Jak_Masric quest::depop(); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022