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Trantor_Everhot.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#BeginFile: Trantor_Everhot.pl #Quest for North Kaladim - Trantor Everhot: Tumpy Tonics # items: 12114, 12111 my $ItemCount; #Tumpy Tonic Counter sub EVENT_SPAWN { $ItemCount = 0; } sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Yes, yes!! I am a very busy man. I've got blueprints to work on, [dwarven wire] to perfect and formulae to calculate. In between those tasks, I have to find time to head down to Irontoe's and down a few Tumpy Tonics."); } if($text=~/dwarven wire/i) { quest::say("Oh!! Interested in my dwarven wire, are you? Many are. I have no problem letting you use a spool, but I have to warn you that I have not perfected the strength of it yet. I will make you a trade. A couple of [Tumpy Tonics] for a spool."); } if($text=~/tumpy tonics/i) { quest::say("Aaah!! I love Tumpy Tonics. They were created by Tumpy Irontoe. He was once a member of the famed Irontoe Brigade. Since they disbanded and left for parts unknown he decided to stay in Kaladim and open Irontoe's, the finest well in Faydwer."); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12114 => 2)) { #Tumpy Tonic (Only 2) quest::say("Thank you, that hit the spot!! Here is the spool, as promised."); #Real text still needed quest::summonitem(12111); #Dwarven Wire quest::exp(1000); quest::faction(312,5); #Storm Guard quest::faction(274,5); #Kazon Stormhammer quest::faction(293,5); #Miners Guild 249 quest::faction(290,5); #Merchants of Kaladim quest::faction(232,-5); #Craknek Warriors if($ItemCount == 1) { quest::say('Hey!! Only one?!!'); } } elsif(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 12114 => 1)) { #Tumpy Tonic (Only 1) if($ItemCount == 0) { quest::say('Hey!! Only one?!!'); $ItemCount = 1; } else { quest::say("Thank you, that hit the spot!! Here is the spool, as promised."); #Real text still needed quest::summonitem(12111); #Dwarven Wire quest::exp(1000); quest::faction(312,5); #Storm Guard quest::faction(274,5); #Kazon Stormhammer quest::faction(293,5); #Miners Guild 249 quest::faction(290,5); #Merchants of Kaladim quest::faction(232,-5); #Craknek Warriors $ItemCount = 0; } } plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #END of FILE Zone:kaladimb ID:67033 -- Trantor_Everhot.pl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022