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Brenthalion_Aleslammer.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# items: 17249, 19635, 19634, 19632, 19637, 19633, 19636, 19631, 2396, 28065, 28066, 26077 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/hail/i){ quest::say("Lo dere $name! I be Brenthalion Aleslammer Holy Defender of Brell! I can see that ye found my temple of Brell that I have resided over for many years. I have been appointed by da King Kazon himself to make sure dat all our young paladins get da [training] dey need before dey go out to explore da world. Aye."); } if($text=~/training/i){ quest::say("Ye see $name, learning all the correct fighting tactics along with learning your way around your homeland can be no easy task for a young one new to Kaladim. That is why I have developed a series of training exercises that help me monitor our young ones as they progress through the ranks of the Paladin on their path to true enlightenment! If you are a young [paladin] of Brell I would be happy to explain to you how the exercises work and I would also recommend that you take part in them!"); } if($text=~/paladin/i){ quest::say("Well I would be lyin if`n hearing dose words didn't bring a smile to me face every time that I hear dem. First thing you will need a Magical Mail Assembly Kit that you will use to combine different magical items in that will create an armor material. Once you have created a armor material you can then take it to a forge along with a armor mold to fashion an armor piece. If you are able to collect all the items for them you will have the potential to make a full set of Underfoot Defenders Platemail! If`n ye are [ready to begin] collecting yer items I will be happy to give you your Magical Mail Assembly Kit and git you started!"); } if($text=~/ready to begin/i){ quest::say("Excellent $name! Here is your Magical Mail Assembly Kit. Once you are ready to collect the items for a specific armor piece simply tell me what piece of Underfoot Defenders Platemail that you want to craft. I can provide you with the material recipe and enchanted armor molds for Underfoot Platemail [Helm], [Bracer], [Armguards], [Boots], [Greaves], [Gauntlets], and [Breastplate]."); quest::summonitem(17249); # Item: Magical Mail Assembly Kit } if($text=~/armguards/i){ quest::say("To create yer armguards material you will need to combine 2 Bricks of Crude Bronze, 2 Scarab Legs, and 1 Spiderling Silk in yer assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion yer very own Underfoot Defenders Armguards."); quest::summonitem(19635); # Item: Crude Vambrace Mold } if($text=~/boots/i){ quest::say("To create yer boots material you will need to combine 3 Bricks of Crude Bronze, 1 Aqua Goblin Foot, 2 Ogre Jawbones in yer assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion yer very own Underfoot Defenders Boots."); quest::summonitem(19634); # Item: Crude Boot Mold } if($text=~/bracer/i){ quest::say("To create yer bracer material you will need to combine 1 Brick of Crude Bronze, 1 RunnyEye Warbeads, 1 Shattered Warbeads and 1 Gypsy Wine in yer assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion yer very own Underfoot Defenders Bracer."); quest::summonitem(19632); # Item: Crude Bracer Mold } if($text=~/breastplate/i){ quest::say("To create yer breastplate material you will need to combine 5 Bricks of Crude Bronze, 1 Scarab Carapace, 1 Golden Bandit Tooth, 1 Pristine Forest Drakeling Scale, 1 Skunk Tail and 1 Enraged Goblin Beads in yer assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion yer very own Underfoot Defenders Breastplate. When you have finished completing your armor set I would like you to return to me for I have one [final task] for you to complete. Aye."); quest::summonitem(19637); # Item: Crude Breastplate Mold } if($text=~/final task/i){ quest::say("Da final task is simply dere young $name. I myself likes to collect many trophies as well as beer steins ye see. Well sense my days have been occupied by trainin da newest up and coming lads and lasses I haven't gotten a chance to go prize hunting like I once did. So if`n yer up for da task I would like ye to collect me some [valuable trophies] fer my collection."); } if($text=~/valuable trophies/i){ quest::say("There are 3 signifigant trophies I would love to have fer me trophy room. If ye can collect and bring me 1 Enraged Goblin Beads, 1 Green Goblin Head and 1 Aqua Goblin Head I will surely reward ye with a blade worthy of the finest defenders Brell has to offer. Aye."); } if($text=~/gauntlets/i){ quest::say("To create yer gauntlets material you will need to combine 3 Bricks of Crude Bronze, 1 Margyls Tongue, 1 Insignia of Greenblood, and 2 Rock Spiderling Legs in yer assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion yer very own Underfoot Defenders Gauntlets."); quest::summonitem(19633); # Item: Crude Gauntlets Mold } if($text=~/greaves/i){ quest::say("To create yer greaves material you will need to combine 4 Bricks of Crude Bronze, 1 Basilisk Tongue, 1 Orc Skull , and 1 Scarab Eye in yer assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion yer very own Underfoot Defenders Greaves."); quest::summonitem(19636); # Item: Crude Greaves Mold } if($text=~/helm/i){ quest::say("To create yer helm material you will need to combine 2 Bricks of Crude Bronze, 1 Aviak Eye, 1 Goblin Skull and 1 Ration in yer assembly kit. Once you have created the proper material take it to a forge along with this mold to fashion yer very own Underfoot Defenders Helm."); quest::summonitem(19631); # Item: Crude Helm Mold } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if(plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 2396 => 1, 28065 => 1, 28066 =>1)){ quest::say("This text needs to be collected from live."); quest::summonitem(26077); # Item: Underfoot Defenders Claymore } plugin::try_tome_handins(\%itemcount, $class, 'Paladin'); plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } #EOF
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022