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a_kromrif_recruiter.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Wage War Upon The Coldain # # items: 30081 sub EVENT_SAY { if (($faction != 6) && ($faction != 7)) { if ($text=~/hail/i) { quest::say("Greetings, little thing. You have entered into the great city of Kael Drakkel, home of the Kromzek as well as a few of my kind, the Kromrif. If you are to walk among my people as a peer you must prove yourself as a friend, not a foe."); } if ($text=~/prove myself/i) { quest::say("Leave this place then and return when you have waged war upon the Coldain. Remove their heads from their bodies and return them to me. I will spread the word of your deeds amongst my people if you do so, $name."); } if ($text=~/coldain/i) { quest::say("The Coldain are the ice dwarves who dwell in the city of Thurgadin. They are a blight upon the land known as Velious, speaking the word of their god, Brell."); } } else { quest::say("I will do nothing to help beings like you!"); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (($faction != 6) && ($faction != 7)) { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 30081 => 1)) { quest::say("Very good, $name. Slay more of the beasts and your name will be known by all of the Kromrif!"); quest::exp(5000); quest::faction(419,10); #kromrif quest::faction(448,10); #kromzek quest::faction(430,-30); #CoV quest::faction(406,-30); #coldain } else { plugin::return_items(\%itemcount); } } } # EOF zone: kael ID: 113059 NPC: a_kromrif_recruiter
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022