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Oracle_Jaarl.pl - Quest File
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sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/i have come to worship/i){ quest::say("Very well. You worship quietly then. May Brell Serilis bless you."); } if($text=~/i have come to pay your respects/i){ quest::say("You have. well then! You can pay your respects by bringing me a [present]."); } if($text=~/i have come to pay my respects/i){ quest::say("You have. well then! You can pay your respects by bringing me a [present]."); } if($text=~/what present/i){ quest::say("I like necklaces. I wear necklaces made from every kind of beast. The power of the beast is contained within each necklace. The more necklaces I wear. the greater my power! Bring me a Bear Fang Necklace. a Wolf Fang Necklace and a Panther Fang Necklace. This will show your devotion to the temple. Then perhaps I can do you a [favor]."); } if($text=~/I/i){ quest::say("You have. well then! You can pay your respects by bringing me a [present]."); } if($text=~/I/i){ quest::say("Very well. You worship quietly then. May Brell Serilis bless you."); } if($text=~/I have come to pay respects/i){ quest::say("You have. well then! You can pay your respects by bringing me a [present]."); } } #END of FILE Zone:jaggedpine ID:181124 -- Oracle_Jaarl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022