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Ervonis_Leaflow.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
# Germand's Problem # Created by Gonner # items: 55558, 55522, 55536 sub EVENT_SAY { if($text=~/lost/i && $germand == 1){ quest::say("I was washing its fine blade down by the river when those darned potameids attacked me. I ran but left my axe behind out of pure fear. If you could [find] it, I would be grateful and won't even charge you for some wood."); } if($text=~/find/i && $germand == 1){ quest::say("Great. I would start by checking near the river. Be careful though, those potameids are dangerous!"); } } sub EVENT_ITEM { if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 55558 => 1)) { # Note to Ervonis quest::say("Germand needs some more lumber? Well I would be happy to chop some for you, but unfortunately I [lost] my axe. It was my favorite axe so I will not be chopping any more wood until I get it back."); quest::setglobal("germand",1,5,"F"); quest::exp(1000); } if (plugin::check_handin(\%itemcount, 55522 => 1 && $germand == 1)) { # Ervonis's Axe quest::say("I cannot tell you how thankful I am. Just a moment and I will get you some wood.' Ervonis chops some wood for you and ties it into a neat bundle. 'It is a bit heavy, but I think you can handle it. Thanks again!"); quest::exp(2000); quest::summonitem(55536); # Bundle of Wood } } #END of FILE zone:jaggedpine ID:181151 -- Ervonis_Leaflow.pl
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022