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#curse_trigger.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
#Inktuta #curse_trigger NPCID 296017 my $count; my $initial; my @curse_callers = qw(296053 296054 296055 296056 296057 296058); my @curse_bearers = qw(296059 296060 296061 296062 296063 296064); sub EVENT_SPAWN { $initial = 0; quest::settimer("win_check",5); quest::settimer("initial_bearers",15); } sub EVENT_SIGNAL { #fail/wipe check - signal 2 means one of the callers lost aggro, for loop to make sure none have aggro, depop all callers and bearers, spawn noqufiel to reset event if ($signal == 2) { my @hate_list; my $hate_list; my $hate_count = 0; for ($count = 0; $count <= 5; $count++) { if ($entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID($curse_callers[$count])) { @hate_list = $entity_list->GetNPCByNPCTypeID($curse_callers[$count])->GetHateList(); $hate_list = @hate_list; if ($hate_list) { $hate_count++; } } } if (!$hate_count) { #no callers have aggro quest::stopalltimers(); for ($count = 0; $count <= 5; $count++) { quest::depopall($curse_callers[$count]); quest::depopall($curse_bearers[$count]); } quest::spawn2(296052,0,0,$x,$y,$z,$h); #Noqufiel quest::depop(); } $hate_count = 0; } } sub EVENT_TIMER { if($timer eq "initial_bearers") { quest::spawn2($curse_bearers[$initial],0,0,42,-912,-126,390); if($initial == 5) { quest::stoptimer("initial_bearers"); quest::settimer("spawn_cursebearer",15); } $initial += 1; } elsif($timer eq "win_check") { #check to see if any of the six cursecallers are up if (!$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(296053) && !$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(296054) && !$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(296055) && !$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(296056) && !$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(296057) && !$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID(296058)) { quest::stoptimer(1); quest::signalwith(296070,296017); #signal zone_status we win for ($count = 0; $count <= 5; $count++) { quest::depopall($curse_bearers[$count]); } quest::depop(); } } elsif ($timer eq "spawn_cursebearer") { #if the cursecaller is still up, and his cursebearer isn't, he needs to summon another one #only spawn one per timer hit my $spawned_one = 0; for ($count = 0; $count <= 5; $count++) { if ($entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID($curse_callers[$count])) { if(!$entity_list->IsMobSpawnedByNpcTypeID($curse_bearers[$count]) && $spawned_one == 0) { quest::spawn2($curse_bearers[$count],0,0,42,-912,-126,390); $spawned_one = 1; } } else { quest::depopall($curse_bearers[$count]); } } $spawned_one = 0; } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022