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keeper.lua - Quest File
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Quest File
--[[ #Keeper_of_the_Altar (294620) Throw (4185) --40s -- Keeper of the Altar casts its eye upon several enemies and tosses them aggressively away! --throw 3 random hatelist Earthen Shrapnel (4188) --30sec Kneeshatter (4851) --30s Bury (5001): Keeper of the Altar crushes an enemy to the ground in an attempt to bury them! #Altar_Adherent (294615) Altar_Assailant (294622) --]] local num_adhere=0; function KeeperSpawn(e) eq.set_next_hp_event(50); end function KeeperHp(e) if(e.hp_event == 50) then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(4, 1); --turn aoe ramp on eq.zone_emote(13,"Keeper of the Altar is infuriated!"); eq.set_timer("aerampoff", 5 * 1000); eq.set_next_inc_hp_event(52); --to reset on event failure eq.set_next_hp_event(10); elseif(e.hp_event == 10) then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(4, 1); --turn aoe ramp on eq.zone_emote(13,"Keeper of the Altar is infuriated!"); eq.set_timer("aerampoff", 5 * 1000); elseif (e.inc_hp_event == 52) then eq.set_next_hp_event(50); end end function KeeperTimer(e) if e.timer=="assail" then e.self:Emote("quakes violently as Adhere assailants form from the ground to join in battle!"); eq.set_timer("assail",60*1000); eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,680,59,-73,156); -- NPC: Altar_Assailant eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,816,125,-73,248); -- NPC: Altar_Assailant eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,744,46,-73,202); -- NPC: Altar_Assailant eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,746,125,-73,120); -- NPC: Altar_Assailant eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,908,111,-73,300); eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,852,73,-73,292); eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,852,73,-73,292); eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,803,84,-73,0); eq.spawn2(294622,0,0,888,123,-73,410); elseif e.timer=="adhere" then e.self:Emote("slams its fist to the ground which calls forth an adherent to aid it in battle!"); eq.set_timer("adhere",100*1000); if num_adhere==0 then eq.spawn2(294615,0,0,803,84,-73,0); -- NPC: #Altar_Adherent elseif num_adhere==1 then eq.spawn2(294637,0,0,803,84,-73,0); -- NPC: #Altar_Adherent_ elseif num_adhere==2 then eq.spawn2(294638,0,0,803,84,-73,0); -- NPC: #Altar_Adherent__ elseif num_adhere==3 then eq.spawn2(294639,0,0,803,84,-73,0); -- NPC: #Altar_Adherent___ elseif num_adhere==4 then eq.spawn2(294640,0,0,803,84,-73,0); -- NPC: #Altar_Adherent____ end num_adhere=num_adhere+1; eq.debug("Altar Adherent Alive: " .. num_adhere); if num_adhere >=5 then eq.stop_timer("adhere"); end elseif e.timer=="bury" then e.self:Emote("crushes an enemy to the ground in an attempt to bury them!"); eq.set_timer("bury", math.random(10,40) * 1000); e.self:CastedSpellFinished(5001, e.self:GetHateRandom()); -- Spell: Bury elseif e.timer=="shrap" then eq.set_timer("shrap", 30*1000); e.self:CastedSpellFinished(4188, e.self:GetHateRandom()); -- Spell: Earthen Shrapnel elseif e.timer=="throw" then local instance_id = eq.get_zone_instance_id(); e.self:ForeachHateList( function(ent, hate, damage, frenzy) if(ent:IsClient() and e.self:CalculateDistance(ent:GetX(), ent:GetY(), ent:GetZ()) >= 100) then local currclient=ent:CastToClient(); --e.self:Shout("You will not evade me " .. currclient:GetName()) keeper doesnt shout currclient:MovePCInstance(294,instance_id, e.self:GetX() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetY() + math.random(-15,15),e.self:GetZ(),0); -- Zone: ikkinz end end ); eq.set_timer("throw", 40*1000); e.self:Emote("casts its eye upon several enemies and tosses them aggressively away!"); hate_list = e.self:CountHateList(); if (hate_list ~= nil and tonumber(hate_list) == 1) then e.self:CastedSpellFinished(4185, e.self:GetHateTop()); -- Spell: Throw elseif (hate_list ~= nil and tonumber(hate_list) == 2) then e.self:CastedSpellFinished(4185, e.self:GetHateTop()); -- Spell: Throw e.self:CastedSpellFinished(4185, e.self:GetHateRandom()); -- Spell: Throw elseif (hate_list ~= nil and tonumber(hate_list) >= 3) then e.self:CastedSpellFinished(4185, e.self:GetHateTop()); -- Spell: Throw e.self:CastedSpellFinished(4185, e.self:GetHateRandom()); -- Spell: Throw e.self:CastedSpellFinished(4185, e.self:GetHateRandom()); -- Spell: Throw end elseif e.timer=="reset" then eq.depop_all(294615); eq.depop_all(294622); eq.depop_all(294637); eq.depop_all(294638); eq.depop_all(294639); eq.depop_all(294640); e.self:SetHP(e.self:GetMaxHP()); e.self:CastSpell(3791, e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:WipeHateList(); eq.stop_timer("reset"); elseif e.timer=="aerampoff" then eq.stop_timer("aerampoff"); e.self:SetSpecialAbility(4, 0); --turn aoe ramp off eq.zone_emote(13,"Keeper of the Altar is no longer infuriated."); end end function KeeperCombat(e) if e.joined then eq.set_timer("assail", math.random(10,15) * 1000); eq.set_timer("adhere", math.random(45,60) * 1000); eq.set_timer("shrap", math.random(5,10) * 1000); eq.set_timer("throw", math.random(14,20) * 1000); eq.set_timer("bury", math.random(5,20) * 1000); eq.stop_timer("reset"); else eq.stop_timer("assail"); eq.stop_timer("shrap"); eq.stop_timer("bury"); eq.stop_timer("adhere"); eq.stop_timer("throw"); eq.set_timer("reset",180*1000); end end function KeeperDeath(e) eq.spawn2(294621,0,0,680,59,-73,156); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.spawn2(294621,0,0,937,14,-72,400); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.spawn2(294621,0,0,908,111,-73,300); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.spawn2(294621,0,0,685,1,-73,114); -- NPC: a_pile_of_bones eq.signal(294631,8); --set lockout eq.zone_emote(10,"The Keeper of the Altar has been defeated! You have found a way do what even the trusik priests of old had trouble with." .. "You are well on your way to uncovering the secrets that Txevu has holed up inside its walls. Congratulations!"); eq.ZoneMarquee(10,510,1,1,6000,"The Keeper of the Altar has been defeated! Congratulations!"); eq.depop_all(294622); eq.depop_all(294615); eq.depop_all(294637); eq.depop_all(294638); eq.depop_all(294639); eq.depop_all(294640); eq.stop_timer("adhere"); eq.debug("Altar Adherent Alive: " .. num_adhere); end function AssailSpawn(e) eq.set_timer("deactivate", 15 * 1000); end function AssailTimer(e) if (e.timer == "deactivate") then e.self:SetSpecialAbility(24, 1); --turn on immunity e.self:SetSpecialAbility(35, 1); --turn turn on immunity e.self:WipeHateList(); eq.stop_timer("deactivate"); eq.local_emote({e.self:GetX(), e.self:GetY(), e.self:GetZ()}, 0, 100,"The assailant runs out of energy and crumbles to the ground."); e.self:SetAppearance(3); eq.set_timer("depop", 5 * 1000); -- guessing 5 sec until depop at this point elseif (e.timer == "depop") then eq.depop(); elseif(e.timer=="OOBcheck") then eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); if (e.self:GetY() < -70) then e.self:CastSpell(3791,e.self:GetID()); -- Spell: Ocean's Cleansing e.self:GotoBind(); e.self:WipeHateList(); else eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 3 * 1000); end end end function AssailCombat(e) if (e.joined == true) then eq.set_timer("OOBcheck", 3 * 1000); else eq.stop_timer("OOBcheck"); end end function event_encounter_load(e) inst_id = eq.get_zone_instance_id() eq.register_npc_event("keeper", Event.combat, 294622, AssailCombat) eq.register_npc_event("keeper", Event.spawn, 294622, AssailSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("keeper", Event.timer, 294622, AssailTimer) eq.register_npc_event("keeper", Event.timer, 294620, KeeperTimer) eq.register_npc_event("keeper", Event.combat, 294620, KeeperCombat) eq.register_npc_event("keeper", Event.spawn, 294620, KeeperSpawn) eq.register_npc_event("keeper", Event.hp, 294620, KeeperHp) eq.register_npc_event("keeper", Event.death_complete, 294620, KeeperDeath) end
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022