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Vrex_Xalkak-s_Marauder.pl - Quest File
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Quest File
my $archkill; sub EVENT_SPAWN { quest::settimer(2,75); if(!defined($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill})) { $archkill = int(rand(4)) + 1; quest::setglobal($instanceid.marakill,$archkill,3,"H6"); } else { $archkill = $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}; } } sub EVENT_AGGRO { quest::settimer(1,1); } sub EVENT_TIMER { if(($timer == 1) && ($x > 720 || $x < 500 || $y < -300 || $y > -120)) { $npc->GMMove(531,-157,-49,252); } if($timer == 2) { quest::ze(15,"The creature shudders as if somehow changing."); if(defined($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}) && $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill} == 1) { quest::setglobal($instanceid.marakill,2,3,"H6"); $archkill = $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}; } if(defined($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}) && $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill} == 2) { quest::setglobal($instanceid.marakill,3,3,"H6"); $archkill = $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}; } if(defined($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}) && $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill} == 3) { quest::setglobal($instanceid.marakill,4,3,"H6"); $archkill = $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}; } if(defined($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}) && $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill} == 4) { quest::setglobal($instanceid.marakill,1,3,"H6"); $archkill = $qglobals{$instanceid.marakill}; } } } sub EVENT_DEATH_COMPLETE { if((($class eq "Enchanter") || ($class eq "Magician") || ($class eq "Necromancer") || ($class eq "Wizard")) && ($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill} == 1)) { quest::spawn2(294595,0,0,480,-592,-50,128); # NPC: #Vrex_Xalkak_Nixki quest::delglobal($instanceid.marakill); quest::ze(15,"The marauder's remains crash to the ground. It is no more."); } elsif((($class eq "Bard") || ($class eq "Beastlord") || ($class eq "Paladin") || ($class eq "Ranger") || ($class eq "Shadowknight")) && ($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill} == 2)) { quest::spawn2(294595,0,0,480,-592,-50,128); # NPC: #Vrex_Xalkak_Nixki quest::delglobal($instanceid.marakill); quest::ze(15,"The marauder's remains crash to the ground. It is no more."); } elsif((($class eq "Berserker") || ($class eq "Monk") || ($class eq "Rogue") || ($class eq "Warrior")) && ($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill} == 3)) { quest::spawn2(294595,0,0,480,-592,-50,128); # NPC: #Vrex_Xalkak_Nixki quest::delglobal($instanceid.marakill); quest::ze(15,"The marauder's remains crash to the ground. It is no more."); } elsif((($class eq "Cleric") || ($class eq "Druid") || ($class eq "Shaman")) && ($qglobals{$instanceid.marakill} == 4)) { quest::spawn2(294595,0,0,480,-592,-50,128); # NPC: #Vrex_Xalkak_Nixki quest::delglobal($instanceid.marakill); quest::ze(15,"The marauder's remains crash to the ground. It is no more."); } else { quest::ze(15,"Your energy didn't match that required to kill the stone worker."); quest::spawn2(294594,0,0,$x,$y,$z,$h); # NPC: Vrex_Xalkak`s_Marauder if($archkill == 1) { quest::ze(15,"The creature will perish under the strength of intelligent magic"); } if($archkill == 2) { quest::ze(15,"The creature appears weak to the combined effort of might and magic!"); } if($archkill == 3) { quest::ze(15,"The creature appears weak to the combined effort of strength and cunning!"); } if($archkill == 4) { quest::ze(15,"The creature cannot stand up to the power of healers"); } quest::ze(15,"It reforms instantly!"); } }
Source: 17 Jan 2022
Quest Source: 28 May 2022